Every update is the same ugly shit where if you have seen one planet you have seen them all.
Every update is the same ugly shit where if you have seen one planet you have seen them all.
Every update is the same ugly shit where if you have seen one planet you have seen them all.
That is exactly it. Con Murray keeps plastering some weak attempts at gameplay and depth over the barebones hideous corroded skeleton of the game he lied about in 2016, year after year, and it's always the same ugly, buggy, Quake 2 textures piece of shit it has always been, but there's just more shit in it.
This is the rando universe one right?
this game sounds great, wishlisted
I do wonder what kind of scam they have going in the background that they have the money to STILL be working on the same game
I do wonder what kind of scam they have going in the background that they have the money to STILL be working on the same game
They've been on Steam's top 10 best selling games, every month for the past 2 years
With every new update they increase their sales significantly and their player count since Internet Historian's video has become quite stable (not to mention their reputation restored)
I think Sean gets the exception because there’s a difference between handing your in geography homework unfinished because trying to map the galaxy was a bit ambitious to get done for Friday, and just forgetting about it until Thursday evening and hoping the teacher will let you hand it in next week instead
I was never disappointed. Many people weren't. If you didn't buy into the hype you got pretty much exactly what you were expecting at a fundamental level. This whole "redemption" narrative kinda grates because it validates Gamers having unrealistic expectations and naiveté when it comes to marketing.
I wouldn't really call it a redemption arc because it implies Sean did anything wrong. I think Sean and Hello Games did their best with what they had and thanks to Sony's fucked marketing approach and gamers being little entitled shits resulted in NMS getting a beating it didn't deserve.
I've some seriously mad respect for Hello Games. No other developer would've given the abject failure that No Man's Sky was at launch a second thought. Anyone else would've taken the money and disappeared to some random island in the south Pacific. But Hello Games dug in and got to work. They fixed every problem, and delivered on every promise. And then they just kept going... Giving us even more content than they ever promised and continue to do so. It's crazy, and I wish more devs would do the same.
"Just about servicable" They worked their asses off and added wayyyy more than promised. They deserve their W.
You gotta give hello games credit, they essentially made this game a Phoenix in it it dead and resurrected into a beautiful thing, and shows that the triple A game companies are capable of great things! And just look at how free these updates came! I'm proud of hello games!
Not as Free. And probably no lancers.How is this title compared to Freelancer?
How is this title compared to Freelancer?