I know what the problem is. It's that goddamned entitlement mentality that's run rampant over the last 20 years. The very notion that the game just might not be their cup of tea simply does not compute with them. Rather than say "Ah, well, probably not something I'll be interested in" and move on, they want to mold it to their idiotic ideas. The reason why they're so obtuse when you try to reason with them is because no one told them their ideas were idiotic early and often enough. Instead, like minded dumbfucks circled the wagons and created an echo chamber of "That's a great idea!" and now, anything that strays from the path of their ideal is rationalized away in a muck of relativity and an arrogant false sense of superiority.
They need to be nuked from orbit. It's the only way to be sure.
They need to be nuked from orbit. It's the only way to be sure.