No update this week?
Update Schedule
Hey, everyone. Brandon here. With production moving into the finalization phase for Eternity, the team and I are hunkering down to finish up the game over the next few months. Going forward, we will be spacing out our backer updates a bit more from now until the project ships. They’ll come a bit less predictably, but you can still expect updates as we have big announcements or special news for you. This will really help us focus as much of our efforts into putting out the best game we possibly can for everyone.
"We're too busy crunching to give you an update every other week" isn't laziness.Thx, it seems that they are getting lazy.
you're right. it's ineptitude."We're too busy crunching to give you an update every other week" isn't laziness.Thx, it seems that they are getting lazy.
This is needlessly edgy. The cumulative hours spent on making updates now would be better spent working on the damn thing're right. it's ineptitude.
Hanging out @uk_ie today with @Obsidian's @badler07 & @jesawyer showing #PillarsofEternity to media.
So I'm seeing three games today in the city: Uemeu, Pillars of Eternity and Shadowgate. It's actually a busy summer day.
✓ Pillars of Eternity press tour on schedule
You'll see these August 14-15. Taking the time to make videos of these now would take away time that could be spent delivering that beta on time in proper condition.I want to see animations, GUI and creation of characters. With only month until beta, it shouldn't be so hard.
Propably not. The PoE beta will be way more confined and smaller than W2 and D:OS, practicaly a demo. Charging money for that would lead to needless backlash.They'll make a video for the beta, no doubt.
I have an Q&A interview hopefully coming next week to tide people here over anyway.
The big question here is, do you guys think that they are in fact going to offer Steam Early Access
in case of Arcanum it isn't. if you were forced to eat a bucket of shit but had no definitive time frame to do that I trust you would eat it at a rate of one tea spoon a yearTaking two years to playthrough Arcanum is pretty lazy.
Almost the same thing, case of Arcanum it isn't. if you were forced to eat a bucket of shit but had no definitive time frame to do that I trust you would eat it at a rate of one tea spoon a yearTaking two years to playthrough Arcanum is pretty lazy.