i just hope that the "hall of heroes" doesn't actually get called that, and eventually gets a non-shitty name.
It's called the Adventurer's Hall, not "Hall of Heroes".
RPS: Old-school RPGs weren’t perfect. Animations weren’t great, controls were clunky, menus required a billion clicks, numbers were everywhere, etc. How much are you modernizing the old-school template vs reproducing it?
RPS: Old-school RPGs weren’t perfect. Animations weren’t great, controls were clunky, menus required a billion clicks, numbers were everywhere, etc. How much are you modernizing the old-school template vs reproducing it?
For fuck's sake it's a drow called Aloth. That must have taken all of 5 seconds to come up with.
Avellone: Yes, we want to examine the dialogue mechanics, and one thing we’re going to do is low-intelligence options – either based on Intelligence or a trait – and have the sequences play out differently according to the player’s intellect. As a narrative designer, I enjoy writing interactions like that, and I had a blast with the stupid options in F2 in Vault City and New Reno.
For fuck's sake it's a drow called Aloth. That must have taken all of 5 seconds to come up with.
But would a party actually follow someone so dumb?
what is MHD?
Low INT dialogue confirmed? Nice. But would a party actually follow someone so dumb? Or maybe they feel sorry for Him/Her.
Nice to see MHD confirmed as well. <3
what is MHD?
Codexian Lore Check Failure
This is the MHD
Try to guess what the letters stand for.
RockPaperShotgun said:Why do you stand in the way of progress, you fucking philistines? Were you sleeping under a rock or something? We want movies, not your stupid video games. FUCK, NUMBERS MAKE ME ANGRY!
To be honest, I think the reason people will follow you, is because of the "Event" that happens in the early part of the game. You are NOT the Chosen One™, you are now a Victim of Circumstance. Which is fine. And will most likely make sense.
To be honest, I think the reason people will follow you, is because of the "Event" that happens in the early part of the game. You are NOT the Chosen One™, you are now a Victim of Circumstance. Which is fine. And will most likely make sense.
Victim of circumstance = = Chosen by stars of luck. (spell check is not working for me x-( )
I would really like to play the game where you HAVE to take initiative to choose a side. FNV was one game that did this really well.
Amen to that.To be honest, I think the reason people will follow you, is because of the "Event" that happens in the early part of the game. You are NOT the Chosen One™, you are now a Victim of Circumstance. Which is fine. And will most likely make sense.
Victim of circumstance = = Chosen by stars of luck. (spell check is not working for me x-( )
I would really like to play the game where you HAVE to take initiative to choose a side. FNV was one game that did this really well.
Their explicit mentioning of Factions in this game leads me to believe we will more than likely be siding with one or more. And the consequences there of, hopefully.