Great job Sir! :brofist:
I hope that PE will UI in the spirit of BG2. Screen shot looks pretty much awesome. There is some strange perspective here and there, but I assume that it’s just a matter of screenshot. … Villian's of the story remark that the projection used in this particular screenshot is probably not the best one for gameplay is valid. But it’s hard to believe the such experienced cRPG development team does not know that, so we are safe to assume the final projection is similar to the ones in classic IE games. Anyway after aVENGER has used the screenshot as a background in his BG2 collage I do not feel the strangeness anymore.
And this already looks gorgeous, but just imagine this screen alive with some effects – probably water falling down the waterfall and shining in the stream, maybe light reflexes changing behind the gate, sounds of the serene forest mixing with some disturbing, soul-shearing biamhac moans coming through the gate from the depths of the cursed elven ruins of Eír Glanfath. I’m gawking at aVENGER’s collage while listening the samples of PE soundtracks from and... well...
I must admit that despite being 30+ years old I was really late into cRPGs, BG2 was my frist game in the genre, of course after I started to dig cRPGs via BG2 I also played older games. But as with many other things in life the very first experience of some life’s aspect defines yours understanding of this aspect and sets the standard for comparisons, so it is with cRPGs and BG2 for me. Of course one may argue if BG2 is the pinnacle of the genre or not, but one may not deny it’s a good game. So PE is like a time machine to the time of my youths. At first (even with all the right people involved in the project) after reading “Project Eternity will take the central hero, memorable companions and the epic exploration of Baldur’s Gate, add in the fun, intense combat and dungeon diving of Icewind Dale, and tie it all together with the emotional writing and mature thematic exploration of Planescape: Torment” statement I was skeptical. It was promising so much, that it was hard to believe like in the universal cure for every disease or elixir of eternal life ;-) So I started just with basic pledge. But when I read the interview, browsed the official forum, studied the ideas described in kickstarter updates, seen the stretch goals… I lost my soul. Already upgraded my pledge, added expansion pack and hint book addons, now I’m OMG me wants Campaign Almanac. Even when I’m conscious that the revealing additional add-ons and stretch goals with time is well-planned marketing strategy, I’m still hyped more and more. And how one can say NO to the new stretch goal like strongholds with what seems to be additional layer of gameplay with full control on the keep development and even some influence on the local surroundings? Or not to get excited with having equivalents of both Baldur's Gate and Athkatla in one game? I’m usually reasonable when it comes to giving my euros when buying games and resistant to “limited collector’s edition” or “exclusive behind the scenes/artbooks/additional stories/hintbooks” milking, but not in this case. I don’t think I have payed more jewgold for a game edition ever. It’s really

mode now!
I see that the update #20 double the daily rate of pledges! Great! 3 million goal seems to be reachable easily, but I doubt it's enough get 2nd big city

But at least it seems that realistic assumption is that current 6 levels of mega dungeon (57,5K reached!) + 1 from facebook likes + 1 more at 60K backers = 8 levels! If it's 8 levels of Watcher's Keep/Durlag's Tower dungeon crawling = multiple sessions of
