Romances/Love/Sex/Frienships i hope they are in the game.
Personaly remebering my life a good chunk of my motivation to do **** was to get leid!
Even now with my girldfried still a lot of my motivation is keep geting leid with her. I love her and i want to make her hapy, i want her to be wel, etc.
And every time i have done something i didnt want to do outside work was because a Friend wanted me to do it. Romance or friendship is part of life, in story driven games with motivations, love, sex and friendship is a grate way to motivate the character to do stuff.
A love story withing the game is a good way to make the pc do stuff.
The stakes in the world are done from your bonds in the wolrd, if you dont have bonds you dont care about the world. And that feels wrong. A Story driven with i dont want to die like in NWN2 its not realy that compeling.
For example you find a companion that lost everithing they had in the world and wants to die in combat, so its a crazy companion later he becames your friend and then he decides helping you is a motivation to keep on living, and then he decides that he deoes not want to die in battle at lest not untill he helps you. Then during the curse of the game he finds more reasons to keep living, etc.
I want a deep story in the game, not just the plot but the motivation of each character, their story, all need to be deep and real.
If you dont want that you are in luck with the Hall of companions or what ever is called. Create your own companions with no story a la IWD.