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Incline Official codex Star Trek Online topic :salute:


Aug 9, 2020
You seriously want PvP in a game were you would get instantly vaporized by people who spent 1000+ dorrar on one ship wherever you go? Sure, sounds like a lot of Norfleet approved NoFun, but... I'll pass.
that's precisely the problem the existing PvP has now.

but in the days of chaining BOFFs they would just end up sounding like Leeta
They only spoke during specific quest dialogue. It'd be a bark when they spoke any written dialogue it helped differentiate when a BOFF spoke in quest dialogue. It wasn't anything special but I feel like when you look at how quiet the original content is still you can see why they needed it.
I mean we're just talking that STO was and still is a complete missed opportunity to do something really amazing with the IP it is such wasted potential.
Jan 14, 2018
Codex Year of the Donut
Because the new standard is playing as J'Ula, who is the best character ever and players love her!
that is not how you spell Kuumaarke, my star waifu

pvp should be low priority for a star trek game btw, if anything they need far more missions with less combat in them


Jun 3, 2005
Or, at least, more missions with less fatal endings for combats. Why do our enemies all seem to want to fight us to the death with a fervor rivalling the most bloodthirsty Klingon? Hell, even Klingons don't, or at least didn't, used to kill so many people.

Remember back in the previous version of the Klingon tutorial where you could PUNCH the Ferrengi, as opposed to simply straight up murdering him in cold blood? That's an example of how you can put violence in the game and yet NOT SIMPLY MURDER EVERYONE. It was a distinctly Klingon approach to the situation without having to outright murder. Instead, they just took that out completely and left us to simply murder some guy for screaming too loudly. Punching him out was at least amusing.


Oct 30, 2009
Codex 2012 MCA
So they put bug boat into zen store... tempted to exchange dil yo zen and buy it, but I wouldn't be surprised if they'll release legendary version sooner or later.


Mar 1, 2014
Copium Den
help I forgot how to play this game
Nuzzink has changed. Press spacebar until everything is dead.

It's probably even funnier when the Derpa Rectum event reruns:
Log in with your old existing one who will already have completed the new tasks, claim all the new rewards on every pylon, log out. Profit. :obviously:


Aug 3, 2019
London, UK
Strap Yourselves In
After re-watching TNG recently, I had a hankering to play this again. I played it not long after release and quite enjoyed it but other things took my attention, then I played it again solidly for a few months several years ago and got some of the reps up to a decent level, then I lost interest again roundabout the time they ditched exploration.

My god it's complicated now! There are a ridiculous number of systems larded on top of systems, rep on top of rep, everything's all over the place and scattered around in terms of the UI, there are a bazillion things that I think only people who've stuck with it all the way through have a handle on. It's like some ancient mansion with roofs at all angles, corridors leading nowhere, extensions on top of extensions. It's a wonder it even works at all. There's an absolute shit-ton of content in terms of missions, task forces, spaceships, etc. - but again, in trying to include everything in the rickety canon, from TOS to the recent abominations plus the temporal stuff, it's a completely incoherent jumble at that level too. And the amount of technobabble for all the things is absolutely off the charts.

But I tell you, if anyone out there wants sheer incline in terms of a whole bunch of fiddly, fussy systems to get their teeth into, this is the game for you.

It still seems to be somewhat active too - I guess there are still enough people into Star Trek to keep it going. Even the Fleet I was in years ago is still active.

The best part is still the age of sail type space combat. Maneuvering for a broadside never gets old :) On the downside though, I always hated the "planets feel like giant beachballs" effect in solar systems (one of the few downsides with Stellar Tactics too). Plus chicken overlords and their beloved lockboxes - yuck.

Say what you want about Cryptic, they're the only developers to my knowledge who've successfully managed to make an s-f game that combines 3-d fully developed ground combat with 3-d fully developed space combat - the compleat s-f dream. I suppose that's the dream the SC people are chasing too.


Jun 3, 2005
Don't worry, all of it can be solved by simply strategically going AFK. In fact, that's basically the only thing you can do, as everything you'd need to do anything is walled behind lootboxes and the lootbox resale market. At best, you can make pretty lights and pretend to be helping, but that will actually reduce your performance over just going AFK.

It looks complicated, but ultimately, the complexity is an illusion, and your decision is much like that of a cat: Deciding where you are going to go to sleep today. In fact, cats are very good at playing STO. I should know, I've outsourced much of the game to the cat. I bet the cat is better at the game than you are, too.


Aug 3, 2019
London, UK
Strap Yourselves In
everything you'd need to do anything is walled behind lootboxes and the lootbox resale market.

I don't doubt that's true for the high end, but I've been checking out reddit posts and vids from 2020/2021 and it seems that there are enough decent bits and pieces from the more recent mission lines, plus a few older items, that you can make f2p budget builds that, while obviously not top tier, do actually contribute a fair amount of whack - but that's for space magic builds, which is what I've been looking into (since my main was Sci - although it seems that careers are completely irrelevant now).


Jun 3, 2005
The thing is the high end makes the low end comically irrelevant. When someone is doing 10x more than you, anything you're doing is just noise and amounts to nothing at all. In fact, trying actually makes your results worse than if you had just done nothing and let autolaunch work its magic.


Oct 30, 2009
Codex 2012 MCA

So...how long do you think till they raise the cap, kill the DilEx and destroy their own game?


Jun 3, 2005
Raising the cap won't kill it, but if nothing is done and it STAYS overcap, it's ALREADY dead.


May 19, 2005
all this in dumb layman's terms?
Well ... there is no more a blacklog of Zen offers meaning now every Zen buy order is only completed when there are enough Zen for sale and its their turn in the queue.
So lets say you want to buy 1,000 Zen ... thats 500,000 Dil and you have to wait in queue until the order is completed that depends on Dil buy orders as there is no longer a Zen sale backlog to complete then.

This was caused by the rather aggressive Zen Store sales (we just had the Kelvin Bundle in Mudds followed by the Genesis Pack along with the return of the Wormhole Bundle and now a freaking Promo sale) that drove demand for Zen without having any demand for Dil, the Phoenix Box was abandoned and without anything to buy with Dil with a lot to buy with Zen, this pushed things entirely towards the Zen store.

The exchange is dead because the only currency that have a actual value is Zen, Dil became worthless due to Cryptic "Zen shortcuts" were its only remaining value is re-eng modules as they havent put a Zen cost on that.


Mar 1, 2014
Copium Den
all this in dumb layman's terms?
Cryptic neglected to put in a new fleethold as the usual massive dil sink. Now the exchange concept imploded and regardless what they do, in the end everyone will loose.
If they had bothered to put all past event rewards in fenix boxes, which IS their intended current dil sink, they might have delayed it more. But nope, they rather witheld those in favor of making quick money through overpriced Mudd bundles.
On the other hand they handed out so many experimental ship upgrades for free, people don't even need to buy the boxes for those. Sheet, even I as a filthy casual have 5 unsused.

Tldr: Cryptic ran a shortsighted plan to make quick money, now it bites them in the ass, because everyone would have to pay real moneyz for it. What they surpringly won't do.

And Norfleet will make less benjamins, turning him into a bitter old fun-hating ogre. Well done Crypt- no wait....:hahano:

Lyric Suite

Converting to Islam
Mar 23, 2006
I remember loading this up recently. I made a Romulan, logged into the game and saw the Romulan storyline and setting is now tied to Discovery muh refugees bullshit instead of the bad ass imperialist bastards of TNG. So i uninstalled the game.

All i wanted to do is blast some Federation scum with disruptor fire instead my first quest was to go check someone's vignard. I mean i can't even.


Jun 3, 2005
Craptic believes people prefer to be the "good guys", which means that every storyline added has to cast them as the good guys of the story. There is no room for a mindset where you play the plot as the baddies, which tends to irk people who actually wanted to be the baddies of the show.
Jan 14, 2018
Codex Year of the Donut
When I played everyone I talked to hated discovery and the new discovery-based content. I assume it was CBS telling them to make it.


May 19, 2005
I remember loading this up recently. I made a Romulan, logged into the game and saw the Romulan storyline and setting is now tied to Discovery muh refugees bullshit instead of the bad ass imperialist bastards of TNG. So i uninstalled the game.

Well, no ... that predates Discovery by a long time as way back to 2013 (more like 2012 considering it was the first expansion) and they havent touched the Romulan tutorial. Its just ... interesting how Picard (not Discovery) ended up playing very similar storybeats. Its not really a surprise Picard had Romulus blown up considering Kutzman role in the Kelvin Universe so he canonized the events leading to the 2008 movie, where Cryptic I believe had to use the same elements by contract when they started working on STO? Anyway Romulans in the game always been a former-Greater Power since from the start the Hobus Supernova and the destruction of Romulus been part of the game.

Anyway I dont like it because they made Romulans characters being a knock-off rebel alliance and blame everything on the Tal Shiar boogeyman, I remember way back before Romulans that Haakev death was even set to simply to him just dying without making any kind of death speech and stressing that out and then with Romulans they turned around to change it to exactly that, he makes a big speech about the "my masters are far greater that you can imagine" being a complete flat two dimensional character that is utterly non interesting and believe it or not, the writing got worst with the latest storyline (Klingon Civil War) being complete shit. Also they been threatening to include Picard content but since that show was much about nothing and what it did, it wrapped itself they had a hard time to include anything besides changing Seven to the Picard version in about exactly one mission that they added in 2019 and even that is more of a Discovery mission that a Picard one and since whats left is not enough to make anything really I suspect they are waiting for season 2 to give then something to work with.

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