Elite Fleet Shields are the way to go. T4 Space brings us...the Fleet Failaxy. No one really wants this. T4 Fagricator brings us, well, not a hell of a lot, except a slight discount on Embassy provisions. I don't forsee this expense being bankbreaking anytime soon, especially since to meet the increased mineral demands I've started converting my doffships into Dil mules as they can be concurrently farmed without much additional time cost, and their dil is only suitable for Fleet Contrib, which produces surplus fleet credits unsuitable for anything except more fleet contrib. As I expand on this, we should be seeing a roughly 50% increase in net dil flow from here. WE REQUIRE MORE MINERALS!5) Decide which Fed Starbase proper category should be raised to T4. Some people have expressed interest in just owning a Destroyer, Elite Space Shields have been mentioned, and there's a distant (very distant) chance to move towards Elite Space Weapons.
There are no specifically known plasma-resists in PvE. In fact, those weapons destroy PvE. PvP, plasma resist is endemic due to widespread use of STF shields, but this issue becomes less of an issue as people move towards Elite Fleet Shields, which render all weapons equally useless. Also, Plasma Cannot Be Half-assed. If you want to use plasma, you have to go with LOTS OF PLASMA. BURN! BURN EVERYTHING!I tested the full Romulan weapon set. Very unimpressive on part of the beam, and it does suffer from the fact that plasma types in space are among the weakest of weapons due to resistances against them being everywhere both PvE and PvP.
Alas, they are not really things acquirable in bulk: Just stuff that gets added to the table to round off trades.EDIT: Also, Norfleet has found out that CXP boosters also boost the CXP returned to you if you cancel the turn-in assignment. This could be of use to us, if Norfleet could barter for them in bulk somehow.
Achtung, comrades! Time for a new glorious Five-Year Plan of gloriousness!
Okay, so even during holidays, we've managed to start picking up speed with our projects. The KDF Starbase is finally moving towards T2, and has a good chance of hitting T3 soon
I concur with this priority: The Embassy has no direct impact on any penny-pinching baseside, and will provide a return on investment faster...there doesn't appear to be as pressing a reason to rush anywhere with the base. The Elite Shields are being nerfed to death soon anyway, as complaints have brought the matter to official dev attention.However, my efforts are largely focused on the Embassy, and I'll be saving up my Mark income for the T2 upgrade for it.
But what happens is that it adds XP to the relevant category. This causes that category to level up sooner, which means you must now pay the new-tier level expenses.
Not quite: Diplo costs will only hop to T3 after diplo is upgraded....BUT, upgrading the embassy doesn't quite do "nothing". It gives Diplo XP (and recruitment, but we already are T3 for that). This means that it accelerates the point at which we begin paying T3 costs to get the same XP. If you buy the upgrade while Diplo is still T2, you are buying T2 XP. If you wait until T3 to finish that project, you are buying T3 XP, which costs more.Diplo costs will hop to T3 only after Diplo is upgraded. Upgrading the Embassy itself does nothing, so we should do it while we work on the Diplo XP. It's the fastest method.
That's true of Communications Array. It is NOT true of things like the Transwarp and other "side" projects. THOSE can be skipped and returned to later when their returns are worth comparatively more as a result.Oh we actually need to build the damn thing if we want Science projects to be available, Cryptic developers are certainly not the sharpest around but they are also not that blunt to not realize people would never upgrade anything and just run T1 projects until they were at T5 to cut costs, the moment you hit the tier XP you need to run the upgrade project in order for that category projects to even be available for normal XP projects to show up.
Fair 'nuff. I bet it's going to be a disappointment, though.And no, we're going to get the KDF Tailor purely to show off our massive e-dongs.
It probably is, but it's still a question of honor.Fair 'nuff. I bet it's going to be a disappointment, though.And no, we're going to get the KDF Tailor purely to show off our massive e-dongs.
I think you're conflating issues here: T4 shipyard is bleh on the Fedside. The T4 Neggy isn't actually bad, since it has none of the deficiencies of the Fed Failaxy and makes a decent Engi Cruiser. T3 has Fleet Varanus. The Fleet Version of the only freaking Science Ship in the game. Being that I happen to have a Varanus, I wouldn't mind being able to upgrade it.Dip II can wait since I dont think there is anything we actually want from it and since Embassy III requires everything at T3 its really not much a priority until the push for T3, as for the KDF I kinda disagree as T3 seems to be useful tier as T4 is as meh as Fed, the only thing on the T4 Shipyard is the Fleet Negh'Var and the Hoh'Sus and we already have access to the Fleet Vor'cha and considering the no-discount until T5 Shipyard its not as there is actual hurry for T4 shipyard.