They rightly SHOULD be foaming. Instead of playing as a ROMMIE, they're stuck as Emo Vulcans.
It gets worst.
Apparently Cryptic continue to show they cannot into design and I am reading about players having access to their Zen Ship ships of the faction they allied with, now not only this kills the Romulan faction identity since I have a whole fleet of T1-T5 ships I dont use but also this severally kills Zen Shop sales because if you own a Defiant, why the hell are you going to buy a Mogai? Both are escorts, both can cloak and likely the Defiant will be better ... hell why indeed if are in are in a T3 Shipyard Fleet and can get the Fleet Defiant as if they are doing this, they arent making a Fleet Mogai so ... whats the incentive?
Worst with the KDF as you get access to the best Battlecruisers in the game, at Tier 2 and, of course, Elite Disruptors.
One thing is using the Starbase for shopping with them having their own list, another is this being nothing but adding Romulans and Remans to the Fed and KDF race choices along with Romulan ships because allowing Romulans access to the entire list of playable ships in the game will kill the identity of the faction because its very clear to anyone looking at the ships in ESD that not many care, they will use what they have or what is best available.
A lot of what I am reading sounds bullshit, Queues were brought up but fact is this ISNT going to help KDF queues because if I am a invested Fed player with T5 ships it doesnt take a rocket scientist to realize I am allying myself with Fed because its were all my stuff is, not with KDF because I have no stuff there (or just less stuff) and I am guessing this is more about they dont having any Fleet Action ready for the Romulans and so allowing then to "play" their allied faction Fleet Actions ... that makes things worst because Feds have MORE Fleet Actions avaible, again ... not rocket science.
And of course later you cannot unring the bell, if they want to untie the Romulans to push then into the Fleet grind by giving them Starbases they will resist HARD and how are they going to take away their cross ships?
The way I am reading this sounds the Romulan Faction is DOA.