Holy shit. I just realized. You apparently get -10% to all resistances with each act completed, right?
Well, I just searched the term resistances in the Atlas skill tree, and there is almost fucking nothing for resistances in the whole tree. This huge fucking tree, and there's no resistances.
Probably 75% of the nodes that even come up under that keyword search are either penetration of resistances or resistances for minions.
What the fuck?
They really just want you to eat elemental damage in this game.
Weirdly enough, even the resistance nodes in the tree are all fire resist, including one that scales armor linearly to fire resist. What about cold resist and lightning resist? Why?
What is the point of having this gigantic skill tree, and I can't pick a basic mitigation stat? There are nodes everywhere for armor +%. I can easily trivialize physical damage, but I'm forced to eat elemental damage out the ass.
They've shifted the resistances to runes. E.g. there's +10% resitances runes you can slot into your gear. I donno how many max slots you can get on each gear, I have seen 2 as max so far. If we assume you get all gear with at least 2 slots, you can get potential of +100% resistance spread around different elements.
A few things about this.
First, there's a fire resistance node in the Atlas tree that makes fire resist scale linearly with armor.
First, why?
Second, why not for lightning or cold?
There are a million +% armor nodes, again making this a trivial defensive to stack. Which means if you take the fire resist armor scaling node, fire resist scales linearly with armor. But only fire resist for some reason.
Cool that there are runes and rings. Yet why can I not build my character this way in a galaxy constellation sized passive skill tree?
Gear is annoying for a few reasons. RNG and gear upgrades. Effectively I have to micromanage and macromanage resistance to get it up to the hard cap.
Every guide I read on defensives insists that you "must" stack to 75℅ to all resists for endgame build. Having this be dependent on RNG, unlike any other stat in the game, requires you to carefully optimize resistance percentages based on either RNG or slot allocation. Every time you get a new piece of gear that serves as an upgrade, you have to recalibrate for hard cap. No more, no less. Which also makes charms questionable since they're proc based and have charges.
Just simply noxious gameplay design.
What is the point of having this gigantic skill tree, and I can't pick a basic mitigation stat? There are nodes everywhere for armor +%. I can easily trivialize physical damage, but I'm forced to eat elemental damage out the ass.
You can easily trivialize physical damage from trivial mobs. Big hits go through you like butter.
Bosses already have trivial physical damage with 59% AR.
I literally stand there and tank it and keep clicking most of the time during physical damage, and either active block or roll out of the highly telegraphed boss mechanics. Which is what they are, by the way. Platformer action game mechanics. Oops big fire wave, dodge. Uh ohhhh, run out of the green circles wheeeee.
My patch impressions after reading:
- I'm very skeptical of the the dodge changes, probably trivialize some encounters that were (much welcomed) spikes in difficulty that had me pay more attention, such as getting ambushed by adorned beetles. I hope at least the terracotta army trap in Keth still works. :D
- Checkpoint changes sound good to me. The lower move speed is intended to avoid zoom zoom gameplay. Slow backtracking has little to do with zoom zoom, it's a side-effect of the cure.
- Rare monster changes may be okay, since they also added more modifiers.
- All other drop related changes: Eh, I'm mostly worried this is going the wrong direction, but by itself the changes are fine for now. I hope at least the second part of the "unlucky" unique boss drop fix doesn't affect mini-bosses, as some of those are extremely farm-able already.
The dodge changes are retarded.
If I'm allowing myself to be cornered by mobs I shouldnt be able to push them out of the way with this gay ass get out of jail button. Active block or break out by killing a hole.
What's next, letting me roll out of the bone cage?
The only dodge change that should be implemented is deleting it from the fucking game. What a mistake this shit is.
As great of a game as Dark Souls was, this Dodge roll cancer is going to infect every single ARPG. Imagine dodge rolling in a fucking Diablo game. Diablo 3 was already turning into action gamer shit with all the World of Warcraftesque danger circle spam. Its not even a reflex or timing check like DS because you can roll infinitely to create spacing, traverse distances or do it proactively, and there is no stamina resource to manage. Just bad game design and its getting worse with the first patch.