SST works until red maps where DPS drops and you get killed as a result.Go SSF, you cunts. I'm enjoying the brutality of lowered expectations, in terms of achievement.
Shield Crush/Shield Charge/SST are all magnificent, especially in unison. Shield Charge with Faster Attacks + Fortify into a pack, then SST if trash mobs or Shield Crush if rare/boss mobs. I'm worried about higher level mapping bosses and - obviously - endgame content, but holy shit is the gameplay rapid.
I think this shield rework might be the future of many melee strike skills, because the standard skill damage scaling from weapon thing isn't working to make melee an even remotely desirable experience.
Meanwhile, some dude in trade league made a 1-link autobomber using Crest of Desire that shits on content, LOL.
SST works until red maps where DPS drops and you get killed as a result.
kektesting out builds
It's a different kind of building. In trade, you are a PoB warrior, looking up good rare mods and uniques, and then buying them.what?...
in ssf your league starter pool is limited to completely gear independent builds, while in trade it's fine to include uniques or specific affixes in your build
afterwards you're limited to whatever you dropped, while in trade you're limited by currency
I think theres no SSF way, that's just a tightrope.Both are enjoyable in different ways. The SSF way
Minions have 15% increased maximum Life
Regenerate 2% of Life per second if a Minion has Died Recently
Minions Recover 4% of Life on Minion Death
I found "energy from within" and a jinxed juju but crap since.So I've been making a killing off Heist? Not only is the chaos drop rate insane, but I just opened a shop thread and in an hour all of my Kikazaru rings sold for 3c, as well as other cheap rings like Thief's Torment and Praxis. And I can do 4 minute Heist runs:/
True, but if you are using Replica Rumi's the capped block chance tends to make up for it and Kaom's Roots also gives you stun immunity and leaves you unaffected by chill and freeze (unless you have action speed boosting buffs, like Tailwind, but these are also ruined by the petrification status from Replica Rumi's Concoction) in addition to the large boost to health it gives. Downside is it has no movespeed, no sockets (which is usually not a huge deal), and Blind is worthless. If you want to avoid using Kaom's Roots, you need to either play a Juggernaut or equip Garb of the Ephemeral, but Garb of the Ephemeral has onerous stat requirements and its special ability works best when everyone in your party is equipping Garb of the Ephemeral and has Supreme Grandstanding (otherwise you only get 1 Divine Charge per second, which blows), at which point Voidfletcher quivers might also be a good idea. You could just use Animate Guardian with a Garb of the Ephemeral but then you're screwed by Replica Rumi's petrification the moment your Guardian dies or leaves range of you. If you just want to equip it without caring much about Divinity, you can just use Supreme Ostentation and ignore all attribute requirements....did the Replica Rumi's and Kaom's Roots with the new orb by Absinthe 's recommendation it works as intended, thanks for the heads up.
FYI , unwavering stance trashes the evade chance if you have that from jade flask or blinding it's useless then .
will half of the monsters be gone too?