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Path of Exile is a MAJESTIC incline


Jan 25, 2021
Strap Yourselves In Codex Year of the Donut Codex+ Now Streaming!
The Crucible mechanics look very interesting, I would not be surprised if they even manage to make the jump to the Standard League - which seems to happen far less frequently with League content in the last years. Rest of the changes also seem decent, I am curious how it will play. Still a bit butthurt about the half-arsed move to Divine Orbs as the standard currency, though.


RPG Codex Ghost
Oct 19, 2009

CptLance explains how to use the new Masteries to enable RF leveling from lvl16 onward.

is it just me or is it getting hot in here :shredder:

EDIT: not a new mastery though is it? Seem to recall that mastery being in the game since the mastery addition.

Also, why they remove wand recipe :cry:


Aug 5, 2009
Project: Eternity Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 Pathfinder: Kingmaker
EDIT: not a new mastery though is it? Seem to recall that mastery being in the game since the mastery addition.
Both the +1 regen per fire res and +50 flat regen masteries are now.

Maybe it's time I do an RF build? The fact that you had to spec into it at high level, and the seemingly low damage always put me off before.


Nov 23, 2015
Insert Title Here
decent fire mastery is far away for shadow too...
You could try using Soul Thief and Blood Drinker for sustain until you get your Trickster Ascendancy. You'll have to keep moving constantly and seeking out enemies in order to stay alive. Doesn't sound comfy to me, which is what playing RF is supposed to be all about.

is it just me or is it getting hot in here :shredder:
My bad! I forgot to tag the post "Not Safe For Grunker" :smug:

Speaking of which - here is another league start RF guide from the official GGG Snitch himself and the creator of Nimis:

His version is less about comfy and more about having a strong league start.


RPG Codex Ghost
Oct 19, 2009
EDIT: not a new mastery though is it? Seem to recall that mastery being in the game since the mastery addition.
Both the +1 regen per fire res and +50 flat regen masteries are now.

Maybe it's time I do an RF build? The fact that you had to spec into it at high level, and the seemingly low damage always put me off before.

I started playing it three leagues ago. The masteries already cut down on the time-to-switch ALOT back then, in fact, that's why I decided to finally try it. It's kind of a myth that RF has a long delay now. You can switch pretty early, even you don't go for omega-early level 16 swap.

You don't feel the low damage until red maps and the bosses that start there. However if that's the content you're talking about then yes. Basically RF is amazing for the better part of the game but requires good gear late if you want to keep up with the damage numbers, especially if you go Jugga. If you go Inquisitor, the average player probably won't feel the purpotedly "low damage" except maybe in the tail end of their league playthrough. OTOH, Pohx' RF resource is just about the most complete and userfriendly build resource in all of PoE, which makes it alot easier to get an overview of what your build needs to progress depending on your current stage.

I'm not sure you'd enjoy RF though. You seem to enjoy novelty builds and builds where main skills are active if I recall, and RF is kind of the opposite. It's the ultimate "switch off brain build" where you just turn on RF and shield charge. On bosses you spam Fire Trap (which I don't enjoy, so I use Scorching Ray, which is more fun but far less optimal). Most modern builds even curse by Frost Blink-application and of course you automate at least 4 flasks - probably all 5. So basically most of the build barring boss-damage is completely automated and ease of use while having ultimate QoL-tankiness like MASSIVE regen for mindlessly running through lab with immortality - even on stuff like Inquisitor.

That's why I love the build - it made me fall in love with Shield Charging which I used to hate. But it's definitely not for everyone.

EDIT: Kjaska what's your ID? Imma add yo ass on friday
Last edited:


Aug 5, 2009
Project: Eternity Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 Pathfinder: Kingmaker
I'm not sure you'd enjoy RF though. You seem to enjoy novelty builds and builds where main skills are active if I recall, and RF is kind of the opposite.
I do like builds that have a lot going on. Some of the most fun builds I've played:
Ele hit quillrain (it was shit, but 15 attacks/s and 150%+ ms is smooth as all hell)
poison blade vortex (plagueberer doesn't scale well past yellow, but it's very fun)
Anything with spellslinger (corpse explosion, reap, whatever. Having essentially 3+ active skills is great, even when they are on autocast)

I'd really like to play another raider tri-elementalist at some point, and an inquisitor that takes instruments of zeal and virtue. Or just another poison build. But I've yet to manage to theorycraft any that are both interesting and good enough.

I feel like there should be a fun RF build somewhere, since you can abuse stuff like cast when damage taken, and it gives +20% MOAR damage, but that too I have never managed to theorycraft.

My theorycrafting is not helped by how ridonk complicated the game has gotten. I saw the video Kjaska posted which was apparantly "2 days into HCSSF", and I haven't got a clue how to even get the items he talked about as being easy.

Once gem details get posted and PoB updates I'll prob try to make a dual-claw poison (viper strike + venom gyre?) and/or dual-claw tri-elementalist.


Nov 23, 2015
Insert Title Here
plagueberer doesn't scale well past yellow, but it's very fun
That's Pfizer levels of misinformation. Plague Bearer is what allows you to do red maps early on poison builds. Were you using Magna Eclipsis? Were you running it on Shadow or Occultist.
I saw the video Kjaska posted which was apparantly "2 days into HCSSF", and I haven't got a clue how to even get the items he talked about as being easy.
To be fair, this is Jungroan and arrogance comes easy to him. It's easy for him to get that kind of gear in 2 days, but if you use Pohx's ressource, you'll see how to get most of that gear eventually.

now I'm torn between Vaal Lightning Arrow and Vaal Ice Shot start :shredder:


I have many names
Nov 1, 2008
Drug addicted, mentally ill gays HQ
PC RPG Website of the Year, 2015
Crafting expansions :killit:
In a crafting heavy game...

He is right though. The more crafting you have the less you care about gear loot.

Last Epoch shows us that this is utterly incorrect if you do crafting properly. It‘s an idea as old as RPGs: make your crafting complimentary to your itemization instead of parallel to it. It’s not rocket science.

In Last Epoch, you can't craft your item in the traditional sense. Rather, any item you would put on you would also craft. So you have a system where loot is a two-step proces: first, you get excited for the item drop that you need, then you need to sculpt it by crafting. One proces doesn't exclude the other - you need both the drop and the crafting.
If the drop is good enough you don't need crafting at all. In fact, very often crafting is counter-productive b/c optimizing an item usually involves Runes of Removal RNGing away the affixes you wanted to keep.

Put the real edge LE has over PoE: You can actually see shit.


Aug 5, 2009
Project: Eternity Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 Pathfinder: Kingmaker
That's Pfizer levels of misinformation. Plague Bearer is what allows you to do red maps early on poison builds. Were you using Magna Eclipsis? Were you running it on Shadow or Occultist.
As I recall it maxes out at 1 million stored damage (ie 120k base dps), so in early maps and leveling you can kill most things just by popping it and watching, but 1 million damage is kind of peanuts later in the game.


Nov 23, 2015
Insert Title Here
That's Pfizer levels of misinformation. Plague Bearer is what allows you to do red maps early on poison builds. Were you using Magna Eclipsis? Were you running it on Shadow or Occultist.
As I recall it maxes out at 1 million stored damage (ie 120k base dps), so in early maps and leveling you can kill most things just by popping it and watching, but 1 million damage is kind of peanuts later in the game.
I just did a quick t15 run on my BV Occultist in SSF Standard without adjusting my tree. It was still smooth as butter. The max storage was 1,4mil and you have to remember that you're pumping that damage via Withering Step and blasphemy'd Despair. If you don't have a Magna Eclipsis, just use the Honourhome unique helmet.


Aug 5, 2009
Project: Eternity Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 Pathfinder: Kingmaker
That's Pfizer levels of misinformation. Plague Bearer is what allows you to do red maps early on poison builds. Were you using Magna Eclipsis? Were you running it on Shadow or Occultist.
As I recall it maxes out at 1 million stored damage (ie 120k base dps), so in early maps and leveling you can kill most things just by popping it and watching, but 1 million damage is kind of peanuts later in the game.
I just did a quick t15 run on my BV Occultist in SSF Standard without adjusting my tree. It was still smooth as butter. The max storage was 1,4mil and you have to remember that you're pumping that damage via Withering Step and blasphemy'd Despair. If you don't have a Magna Eclipsis, just use the Honourhome unique helmet.
For the build as a whole I believe you, but I recall plaguebearer basically soloing bosses, essence mobs, etc during campaign, and somewhere around yellow maps it kinda lost the ability to reliably solo strong rares. But it was also ssf leaguestarter, so you probably can push it further, it just lost a lot of power relative to bv. I was also assassin(as was custom at the time), which scales the poison better than the plague.

I wonder how good pathfinder is relative to assassin for poison. Master toxicist and nature's reprisal seem pretty strong (although building wither stacks with hits seems like a bad strategy), but the rest of the tree feels a bit meh. I'm also not sure how to get good claws for poison early on in ssf, pray for lucky essences in white maps?


Nov 23, 2015
Insert Title Here
But it was also ssf leaguestarter, so you probably can push it further, it just lost a lot of power relative to bv. I was also assassin(as was custom at the time), which scales the poison better than the plague.
Yes, compared to Occultist the Assassin has a weak Plague Bearer, but his single target poison dps is significantly better and you don't have to rely on the Plague Bearer for that. Nowadays Assassin is trash, so you're better off just going Pathfinder.


Mar 16, 2015
I think I might try this league for a few days until 12th when Wartales comes out.
Probably pathfinder, new nodes seem to make you almost immortal while using life potions so I might try that. Also I like the lucky suppression mastery because without trading it is always irritating to bring suppression to 100% and I like to play SSF as much as possible.
Not sure what attack to use, maybe some bow build that is not that poison one that everyone plays. It needs way too much clicking for me to enjoy that. I will not reach red maps anyways by 12th. I will probably not even reach yellow maps with the way I play and don't care to rush anything.
Maybe I should try Ruthless and just try to finish campaign in that time..


Oct 5, 2017
just gonna play Trickster Cold Dot again, see how it goes
hopefully have fun with new Abyss uniques later

Baron Dupek

Jul 23, 2013
Simplified projectile returning. Previously some effects that caused projectiles to return specified they only did so at the end of their flight, others only from a final target, and a few from either case. Now all effects that cause projectiles to return do so in any case that they can.
never used Hydrosphere for "final target" before, guess it's not necessary anymore for Nemis/Vengeant Cascade enjoyers...

Baron Dupek

Jul 23, 2013
The Gain Adrenaline for 1 second when you switch stance Mastery seems too strong. Will you change it?

Yes. The stats for that Mastery are now:

Remove Damaging Ailments when you Change Stance
Stance Skills have +6 seconds to Cooldown


Aug 5, 2009
Project: Eternity Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 Pathfinder: Kingmaker
The Gain Adrenaline for 1 second when you switch stance Mastery seems too strong. Will you change it?

Yes. The stats for that Mastery are now:

Remove Damaging Ailments when you Change Stance
Stance Skills have +6 seconds to Cooldown
This is the perfect example of the GGG having no clue what they are doing in regards to balancing.
From "Best passive skill in the game" to a completely useless trap pick. They even changed it from offensive bonus to defensive bonus.

Perma onslought is still in however, although that is a specific node, and paying 10% mana reservation for perma onslought is maybe not amazing.


Oct 12, 2010
Codex 2016 - The Age of Grimoire Grab the Codex by the pussy RPG Wokedex Strap Yourselves In Codex Year of the Donut Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag. Pathfinder: Wrath I helped put crap in Monomyth
It was inevitable as soon as half the community started recommending its use.

It was a pretty no-brainer option. Socket blood & sand, bind to lmb and just constantly stance dance for big bonuses.

Not sure what GGG was thinking in the first place with the original mastery, though they've made it nearly useless in response.

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