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Path of Exile is a MAJESTIC incline


Dec 29, 2010
Sure but that requires trading early, also it is a terrible item beyond converting physical to cold.
Should be 1 alc anytime. If you drop/respec chaos anyway it's good enough. Minion cold conversion is MUCH worse.
Before respec you can try some Cadiro etc timeless for +80% inc cold dmg once I had one one with 3, these are try before buy now bc PoB and dirt cheap. Assuming you dont grind away on SSF. Note if you have ES and want to proc Cadiro 's you need instant life flask. And hybrid flask can be better because you gain twice flask charge from ascendancy both for life and mana part. Maybe it's not bad idea to sustain rampage with worms by then. Can be for free with offhand Sinvicta' s.
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Oct 12, 2010
Codex 2016 - The Age of Grimoire Grab the Codex by the pussy RPG Wokedex Strap Yourselves In Codex Year of the Donut Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag. Pathfinder: Wrath I helped put crap in Monomyth
I'll probably league start as an explosive arrow ballista elementalist and then switch to something more expensive down the line.


Oct 12, 2010
Codex 2016 - The Age of Grimoire Grab the Codex by the pussy RPG Wokedex Strap Yourselves In Codex Year of the Donut Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag. Pathfinder: Wrath I helped put crap in Monomyth
explosive arrow ballista elementalist

I'm a male with an academic education and The Wire is my favorite show too

My girlfriend is partial to Orange is the New Black and she does yoga

I once tried to explain a POE build I was playing to someone with little knowledge of the game. Even with purposeful simplification, the eyes glazed five seconds in.


Nov 8, 2016
I will not eat the bugs. I will not live in a pod. I will not use 2FA.
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RPG Codex Ghost
Oct 19, 2009
explosive arrow ballista elementalist

I'm a male with an academic education and The Wire is my favorite show too

My girlfriend is partial to Orange is the New Black and she does yoga

I once tried to explain a POE build I was playing to someone with little knowledge of the game. Even with purposeful simplification, the eyes glazed five seconds in.

I was trying to call you a basic bitch ;)


Oct 12, 2010
Codex 2016 - The Age of Grimoire Grab the Codex by the pussy RPG Wokedex Strap Yourselves In Codex Year of the Donut Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag. Pathfinder: Wrath I helped put crap in Monomyth
I was trying to call you a basic bitch ;)

I thought you were mocking all the jargon and terminology we seem to pick up, oops.

Yeah, EA isn't anything too fancy but it works well as a league starter.

Other option was a cold vortex build, but I think EA will be cheaper to gear.


RPG Codex Ghost
Oct 19, 2009
explosive arrow ballista elementalist

I'm a male with an academic education and The Wire is my favorite show too

My girlfriend is partial to Orange is the New Black and she does yoga

I once tried to explain a POE build I was playing to someone with little knowledge of the game. Even with purposeful simplification, the eyes glazed five seconds in.

I was trying to call you a basic bitch ;)
Pot, meet kettle

Yes, part of the joke was that I was a basic bitch too :-D


Jun 26, 2016
I have a home made occultist build that's ok for mapping but dogshit for bossing. Does anyone know what the best 4-link skill is for single target? Preferably something I can plop on the boss while using my main skill. I do chaos/poison damage if that helps.


Aug 5, 2009
Project: Eternity Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 Pathfinder: Kingmaker
And this is for the tryhard bitches!

We have come so far. Although the ai in use here is not doing pretty bad.

I have a home made occultist build that's ok for mapping but dogshit for bossing. Does anyone know what the best 4-link skill is for single target? Preferably something I can plop on the boss while using my main skill. I do chaos/poison damage if that helps.
You didn't even say what your main skill is, or if you are attack or spell based :M

Make sure you have a wither totem set up, if you don't already.


Jun 26, 2016

I have a home made occultist build that's ok for mapping but dogshit for bossing. Does anyone know what the best 4-link skill is for single target? Preferably something I can plop on the boss while using my main skill. I do chaos/poison damage if that helps.
You didn't even say what your main skill is, or if you are attack or spell based :M

Make sure you have a wither totem set up, if you don't already.
I'm using viper strike and convert all damage to chaos. I'm basically just using it to proc profane bloom (despair + blasphemy) with a single hit (two handed sword) so no attack speed on the passive tree, pretty much only increased chaos damage and melee/physical. I use withering touch on a chaos golem and withering step myself. I use those two silly totems for more melee damage and attack speed. Also plague bearer. I tried this on standard and red map bosses take forever, but I don't have lvl 20 gems or any proper gear really. I should add that I will play on SSF so relying on gear is not an option.


Dec 29, 2010

I have a home made occultist build that's ok for mapping but dogshit for bossing. Does anyone know what the best 4-link skill is for single target? Preferably something I can plop on the boss while using my main skill. I do chaos/poison damage if that helps.
You didn't even say what your main skill is, or if you are attack or spell based :M

Make sure you have a wither totem set up, if you don't already.
I'm using viper strike and convert all damage to chaos. I'm basically just using it to proc profane bloom (despair + blasphemy) with a single hit (two handed sword) so no attack speed on the passive tree, pretty much only increased chaos damage and melee/physical. I use withering touch on a chaos golem and withering step myself. I use those two silly totems for more melee damage and attack speed. Also plague bearer. I tried this on standard and red map bosses take forever, but I don't have lvl 20 gems or any proper gear really. I should add that I will play on SSF so relying on gear is not an option.
More curse, punishment is pretty good. Curse effect passive is good too I have 4 curses on my scion occultist minion build. Maybe drop blasphemy for boss and do the curse effect mastery +20% after half time. That will add up quite a bit with other passives. Assasins mark is crazy single target curse, but you need crit stuff ( tree has it for minions now and minion base items can roll crit wouldn't do this on SSF though).
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Mar 16, 2015


Mar 16, 2015
I cba to spend hours looking for builds and studying PoB more than the game so I will just wing it this time. Probably going critical Blade Vortex elemental Pathfinder using life flasks to upkeep life recovery. Going to use Life Tap so I can reserve all mana for auras and shit.
When I run into a wall I will try to switch to poison version of it :D
Hopefully with Unleash Blade Vortex does not need constant spamming like in olden times. I was thinking this or RF but RF has no damage nodes on pathfinder and with Blade Vortex you can get extra 25% chaos from physical and if I convert all physical to elemental (probably cold, although I do not know where I will get 60% conversion) I can get also free 20% elemental pen from same node of Pathfinder. And using Diamond flask gives me additional +150% increased critical chance bonus on top of 100% that flask normally gives.

Also I plan to use that shit that stops life regen over 50% but gives you 50% resistance to damage, apparently you can still heal over 50% with potions which is going to be my main life regen anyways. This should basically give my 50% more effective life.
Let me quote myself to say this plan died as soon as I tried to put something in PoB :D
But mostly because the new node does not work as I assumed. I assumed that once you spend 3 flask charges of the appropriate flask you get the buff for the duration of that flask but no.. it actually takes 3 changes from equipped flask each time you cast any spell, skill or whatever... so to get some lets be honest not that great bonuses you need to lose couple of flask slots and even than you will probably be out of flask charges anyway in boss battles or when packs are not close together.
Fuck that.
I switched to poison BV.


Aug 5, 2009
Project: Eternity Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 Pathfinder: Kingmaker
I know but I assumed after all these years they came to their senses and let everyone get access from the start. It is not like Aspirant is more powerful than the rest.
Scion is weaker (or at least harder to build) at the start than the rest in the beginning, which is why it needs to be unlocked.


Jul 4, 2018
I guess I'll also roll an RF partially because I can't find any build that seems interesting but also because Grunker 's shilling worked. I'll go Inquisitor however, mostly for thematic reasons.
Man the prices on cosmetics in this game are insane. 20 bucks for a cloak?
Yup, the catch is that they make their supporter packs seem really good in terms of value and than screw you over pretty much everywhere else. And if you don't buy some cosmetics you're going to look like a hobo.
On the flip-side as long as you get a few stash tabs (currency, map and premium mostly) there's nothing else that requires money in this game.

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