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Path of Exile is a MAJESTIC incline


RPG Codex Ghost
Oct 19, 2009
also because Grunker 's shilling worked



Oct 21, 2022
I guess I'll also roll an RF partially because I can't find any build that seems interesting but also because Grunker 's shilling worked. I'll go Inquisitor however, mostly for thematic reasons.
Every build I make turns into a totem build.

Lightning mage? Slap it in a totem. Necromancer? Got slapped around by warden until I put raging spirits with infernal legion support in a totem. I have a lightning mage that just casts normally but she sucks compared to my templar. Would be easier to turn her into a totem user. I had a lvl 24 ranger from years ago when I tried this game briefly and she had a ballista totem of some sort too. My totem templar even had a righteous fire totem at some point. :smug:

I'd put totems in totems if I could.


RPG Codex Ghost
Oct 19, 2009
My most successful build ever was a basic flameblast totem inquisitor way back in the day.

It's also the most bored I've ever been playing Path of Exile.

Baron Dupek

Jul 23, 2013
another league - another peak

fire trap ele - heard it was pretty popular but tbh never heard about it for some reasons...

whose build is this?
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Dec 13, 2016
another league - another peak

blizzard releases diablo related thing -> next poe league breaks new records by insane metrics, tale as old as time
Also holy shit, the crucible functionality actually works for everyone in a party and not the usual map owner only shit, was not expecting this in the slightest.


Nov 23, 2015
Insert Title Here
Got to Act 6. Did the League Mechanic in every zone, when possible. It could be a great way to do character progression before Maps. Picking up relevant weapons and checking them for their tree is fun. Until you see the same set of 4-5 passives 10 times in a row. The passives themselves are also not very exciting (so far). Putting downsides on them was a mistake IMO. IIRC the stated reason was to have a more interesting choice when picking upgrades, but the way the downsides are implemented right now it does the opposite: you instantly decide NOT to pick that passive. So far the COPIUM people were huffing about the passives trees on the weapons giving back the power that was taken away from the character tree has not materialized for me. I hope it improves dramatically in maps or red maps. Also the charging takes too long. You also have to full charge in order to unlock the first passive and see what kind of potential the weapon has. You can charge only half per zone, but then you're in the situation where you're doing a chore during leveling and you're literally getting nothing. The monsters from the Crucible should drop relevant weapons with a visible tree IMO. At full charge monsters get ridiculous also. The situation returns where some rare is stronger than the act boss. It was stated that the full charge is intended to make people pay for their greed, but you're literally just want to unlock the first passive. It's like fancy ID scroll. At half charge (i.e. take two zones to identify a weapon's tree) the mobs are a cake walk. This goes against the philosophy of giving people access to content they can't beat. IMO it's fine to make a League mechanic difficult, but currently the reward is nowhere near adequate.

I rolled a Lightning Arrow Deadeye, but I found Vaal Ice Shot in Act 2 and have been running that instead. The Vaal portion unfortunately isn't and doesn't really solve any problem. The fact that the "bois" don't shoot unless you shoot, means you need to have good single target damage already in order to melt whatever is charging at you during the duration of the skill. At which point you no longer need a Vaal skill to buff your single target. Vaal Lightning Arrow sounds mechanically superior, can't wait to swap to it.

I'm maybe biased negatively on the League mechanic right now, because my character doesn't feel very good.


Aug 5, 2009
Project: Eternity Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 Pathfinder: Kingmaker
I'm maybe biased negatively on the League mechanic right now, because my character doesn't feel very good.
I think it seems as mediocre as I predicted. The thing that annoys me most right now is that there seems to be a shitty delay to the channeling, where the ui runs a few seconds behind in showing how much you've actually channeled.

Negative perks is classic GGG design: you will feel the weight of your choices.

I can also tell this is likely to be a struggle league for me, I even died to brutus. Fucking melee.


RPG Codex Ghost
Oct 19, 2009
I'm maybe biased negatively on the League mechanic right now, because my character doesn't feel very good.

I can also tell this is likely to be a struggle league for me, I even died to brutus

I died to mud flats rhoas on my mule :lol:

Used to having one or two armor pieces when I reach mud flats due to Marauder. On witch I had nothing, so three rhoas charged me and one-shot me :-D Good thing I'm playing Softcore for the first time in forever lol


Jun 26, 2016
Finished act 1 and I swear I got more jewelery in my two ruthless runs last league. Also felt more squishy (died to the water shitters in the caves), did they buff monster damage or am I imagining things?


Jul 4, 2018
Putting downsides on them was a mistake IMO.
It can completely brick your item since there's no way to know what you're picking on your first node. And the downsides are sometimes so bad it feels like I'm back in Scourge league.


Mar 16, 2015
League mechanic is very unexciting.. it also does not help I decided to level up as Poison Concoction Pathfinder so I don't have a weapon in my slot and only get to "upgrade" the shield.
My plan is to switch to BV at some higher level when I have more points for nodes I need for that to work (spells chance to poison ones that are far away from ranger start)


Nov 23, 2015
Insert Title Here
Made it to maps. League mechanic was draining all will to live from me. Had to take breaks every act just so I could recharge some happy with my gf. I explained to her Crucible's design and she agreed with me that it was very flawed. She also commented that the game looks interesting and she would want to try it out one day. I told her to wait until PoE 2 campaign becomes available. PoE is so much better if you don't make it the main focus of your life.

In the second half of the campaign you have to start charging only a third of the bar or else it's anal rape time for you. And even then a "lucky" rare can still pop in and it's over. One big aids is also: if you don't have a 6-socket 2-handed item in your weapon swap, you don't get to ID an item from the inventory. The League mechanic UI simply will show you your main hand weapon and your two weapons in the weapon swap. I hope they change this. Being able to ID items from your inventory felt so much more intuitive during campaign.

I've watched Mathil do his thing and go full glass cannon agains the white tier map League mechanic monsters and even he struggled on his char. He also chuckled when he obliterated a giga-juiced Metamorph in the same map. That's the one positive about the League mechanic so far: when you go up against regular content, it feels like taking off training weights. Putting damage reduction on the mobs is a mistake IMO. Like you literally get 100% delirium reduction on demand with this League mechanic.

I've hit Vaal Lightning Arrow on my 2nd attempt with a Vaal Orb and swapped immediately to it. It's much more useful for tough situations, but it's not amazing. One big drawback of the skill is that it locks you in place until you've "barraged" the arrows out. I found one application for Manaforged Arrows support by linking it with Frenzy and Culling Strike. Very comfy.


Aug 5, 2009
Project: Eternity Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 Pathfinder: Kingmaker
One big aids is also: if you don't have a 6-socket 2-handed item in your weapon swap, you don't get to ID an item from the inventory. The League mechanic UI simply will show you your main hand weapon and your two weapons in the weapon swap. I hope they change this. Being able to ID items from your inventory felt so much more intuitive during campaign.
There's just something really fucking iffy about cruciblign from inventory, it doesn't work reliably for me at all.


RPG Codex Ghost
Oct 19, 2009
My summary of the league mechanic:

Chris Wilson said:
hey man i got an idea

Rory said:
yeah boss? i'm all ears

Chris Wilson said:
how about... A WORSE SCOURGE?

Rory said:
you're a goddamn genius, boss

I like the trees conceptually, I like that it's a pretty basic system (for a PoE-one), I hate the way you actually play around it. This league proves that GGG will never learn. Any steady player who played this mechanic just a single time in a beta test could tell them:

1. You're gonna have problems with annoying inventory management
2. You're gonna have issues with rewards since the downsides are gonna cripple most trees and ubertanky monsters not dropping loot means that players will rightfully skip the mechanic

And yeah, those issues seem familiar; they're the two main plagues of recent leagues.

At least it's fixable. I don't think the mechanic is inherently flawed at all like Sanctum was, just poorly executed.

The UI is also weirdly trash and unresponsive. The amount of times I've over- or undercharged the bar compared to what I was trying to do is really weird. Such a simple feature, how is it fucked up?

Still, I'm having lots of fun because the base game is just getting so good. Found an early poets pen which kicked my gearing off (fortunately, because it's not like this league drops a lot of currency), so now I'm working on flasks and uber lab.
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RPG Codex Ghost
Oct 19, 2009
The weirdest part is that those insane monsters don't drop loot. Like, what's the reasoning behind that decision? I'd honestly like to overhear that discussion. It's not like those monsters dropping loot would make this mechanic anywhere near as currency-strong as most others.


Aug 5, 2009
Project: Eternity Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 Pathfinder: Kingmaker
The weirdest part is that those insane monsters don't drop loot. Like, what's the reasoning behind that decision? I'd honestly like to overhear that discussion. It's not like those monsters dropping loot would make this mechanic anywhere near as currency-strong as most others.
You are already getting loot in the form of the trees. Don't be a greedy double dipper!

Honestly the worst part of the mechanic is how many of the weapon skills are negatives. A really strong effect paired with an effect that completely invalidates the good one for 90% of builds.

And the risk/reward ratio is completely lopsided, but that's been every league mechanic for a long time.


Sep 11, 2016
We are now forced to get currency rewards in cringe vault every ten maps or we have permanent button on screen reminding us to do so.

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