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Path of Exile is a MAJESTIC incline


Nov 5, 2007
The Gain Adrenaline for 1 second when you switch stance Mastery seems too strong. Will you change it?

Yes. The stats for that Mastery are now:

Remove Damaging Ailments when you Change Stance
Stance Skills have +6 seconds to Cooldown
This is the perfect example of the GGG having no clue what they are doing in regards to balancing.
From "Best passive skill in the game" to a completely useless trap pick. They even changed it from offensive bonus to defensive bonus.

Perma onslought is still in however, although that is a specific node, and paying 10% mana reservation for perma onslought is maybe not amazing.
It's also a perfect example of GGG having no ability to learn from past mistakes.
This was basically March of the Legion again "We're gonna balance this thing by making it fucking annoying to use YEAAAAAAHHH".


Dec 29, 2010
Nuking reservation efficiency is yuuuuuuuge incline because they did all that stuff at the expense of mana stacking and amount of reservation made no difference whatsoever, ridiculous. These determination + banner builds were so complacent all these streamers dont ever bother with conflicting MTX for example buying invisible buff MTX for defiance banner so it looked all wrong and out of place plus conflicting with wings,lol.


Nov 23, 2015
Insert Title Here
TBH I'm surprised so many of you guys care about the stance dance change.

- it's only relevant during leveling
- is a sweaty tech that involves either macro-ing the LMB for turbo or manually spamming the LMB instead of just holding it down
- it isn't available for half the classes until Library in Act 3
- is the embodiment of the autistic "zoom zoom" so many of you condemn constantly

I had very mixed feelings about it. Perma Adrenaline during leveling sounds nice, but after testing all of the technical solutions for keeping that up, none of them felt comfy. It's like leveling with Stormblast Mine instead of Spark (before 3.21) - yeah, it deals more damage but is it worth the effort?

Perma onslought is still in however, although that is a specific node, and paying 10% mana reservation for perma onslought is maybe not amazing.
Just take Hatchet Master. It has been the go-to for a while now.


Aug 5, 2009
Project: Eternity Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 Pathfinder: Kingmaker
- is a sweaty tech that involves either macro-ing the LMB for turbo or manually spamming the LMB instead of just holding it down
Or just make ahk press a button every 1.40 +-50 ms.
- it's only relevant during leveling
How is +100% inc damage, +25% atk speed and +10% phys dam red only relevant during leveling?
Just take Hatchet Master. It has been the go-to for a while now.
Doesn't work on bosses though, but yeah.

TBH I'm surprised so many of you guys care about the stance dance change.
I think most people care more in the sense of mocking GGG for their foolishness, rather than being upset or relieved it got changed.


Nov 23, 2015
Insert Title Here

A very comprehensive look at all the available options of obtaining your first 6-link. tl;dw: farm Chains That Bind in Cells T10 for deterministic results or try your luck in Heist for non-deterministic results.

Lily updated her Blade Fall + Blade Blast build for the Pathfinder Ascendancy and showcases the damage with the upcoming nerfs to the tree in the first 30 seconds of the video.

Or just make ahk press a button every 1.40 +-50 ms.
Just go test that method in game and see how it feels and if you actually would want to play like that. Had GGG left it in for launch, people would have played with the AHK, hate the inconvenience and demand the mastery be removed or changed for next league.

How is +100% inc damage, +25% atk speed and +10% phys dam red only relevant during leveling?
There are much better ways of obtaining Adrenaline in end-game.

Doesn't work on bosses though, but yeah.
Onslaught is used for the movement speed primarily, not for the damage. See Ruthless, where Onslaught doesn't have the movement speed component in the buff and nobody is using it there. You want Onslaught while running through the zone, where you'll be killing just enough to sustain the uptime on the buff.

I think most people care more in the sense of mocking GGG for their foolishness, rather than being upset or relieved it got changed.
Yes, I also think that this thread is full of retarded haters who talk out of their ass while still playing the game which they hate like the captive audience they are.


Aug 5, 2009
Project: Eternity Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 Pathfinder: Kingmaker
Just go test that method in game and see how it feels and if you actually would want to play like that. Had GGG left it in for launch, people would have played with the AHK, hate the inconvenience and demand the mastery be removed or changed for next league.
Yeah, I've done AHK reliant builds before (and of course every build is greatly enhanced by having a single button for utility flasks), it feels a bit jank.

For the new gems:
I don't really understand snipe, it looks kinda shit if the triggered gems need to be in the same link. Maybe as a way to get lots of poison stacks? Seems rubbish for hits though.
Manaforged arrows has crazy mana cost, and .5s cd is quite high. I'm tempted.
Prismatic burst has a pretty high cooldown, and I am unsure how easy it will be to scale without tanking the damage of the trigger attack.

Vaal gems are hard to argue against, rejuv totem seems like it can go into any build.


Nov 23, 2015
Insert Title Here
Prismatic burst has a pretty high cooldown, and I am unsure how easy it will be to scale without tanking the damage of the trigger attack.
The cooldown is lower than of that Fire Burst build Uber Dan did, back when it became viable. You also don't care about scaling the attack damage, you'll abuse this for ignite scaling and proliferation.

Momentum has a nice idea, but the implementation is way too restrictive to be useful for anybody. Even the people who actually want to whack on a rare monster during leveling won't just stand in place for 5 attacks. They'll side step in between, like the game teaches you to do on Hillock. It should grant the Swiftness buff regardless of you reaching the 5 stacks or not. Alternatively it needs a lower cap of like 2-3 or it should count the amount of attacks performed instead of amount of "uses".


RPG Codex Ghost
Oct 19, 2009
ggg proving they dunno how physics work



Aug 5, 2009
Project: Eternity Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 Pathfinder: Kingmaker
After trying and failing to theorycraft some fun and good raider/pathfinder builds, I think I have found a potentially cool build:
Righteous fire + fireball + prismatic burst inquisitor.

Idea being to mostly rely on primatic burst (triggered by static strike) + RF for clear, and then fanaticism fireball spam to help single target. Likely won't be an amazing build, but I think it's cool. Might try adding avatar of fire in there, but it doesn't feel like a great addition.
You're an RF player, how does it synergize with ES? Is it worthwhile to go armor/es gear or pointless?


RPG Codex Ghost
Oct 19, 2009
You're an RF player, how does it synergize with ES? Is it worthwhile to go armor/es gear or pointless?

Not only is it worthwhile, it's basically mandatory on Inquisitor.

Also, while I love to talk RF, my own experience is that if I can't CTRL+F it here, I probably didn't word my search correctly:


• Goes Righteous Fire at Second Lab (usually 55)
• Gearing at the start is very easy but going block based can be complex
• Coloring gear is much easier than jugg because we are hybrid with arm/es
• Higher boss damage due to multipliers via ascendancy but you need to keep the conc ground up on bosses
• Feels extremely tanky till late yellows/early reds then you need to convert to block + Recovery (Can be complex for newer players)
• Has an easier time leveling but still has the Dex problem like jugg
• Has to keep up Pious Path on a 4 second window. It's not a big deal if you like using your movement skill
• Inquisitor has built in 50% Curse Resistance
• can not match Juggs Physical damage reduction but can still facetank due to going block
• Benefits more from cluster jewels due to aura stacking
• Very streamlined, not tanky enough to drop shield, not a very Impactful 4th ascendancy.

It really is awesome for most things RF.

I play Jugga now but I did play Inquisitor RF during my first run, very fun. And while Jugga has a lot of upside, the colors really are an annoying part of starting that build and the tankyness is kind of a lie at first because the comparably lower damage means things have more chances to hit you during early mapping (or Act 10 Kitava, which is significantly slower on Jugga).


RPG Codex Ghost
Oct 19, 2009
Not only is it worthwhile, it's basically mandatory on Inquisitor.
k. Have to figure out how to get enough regen for it then. Or do you just use it for extra damage?

Use what?

Btw don't forget you can go Gravicius enchant for beefy hybrid chest

As for regen, it is not a problem with Inquisitor's conc ground and mastery nodes. Just look at Pohx' faq if you're in doubt


Nov 8, 2016
I will not eat the bugs. I will not live in a pod. I will not use 2FA.
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Aug 5, 2009
Project: Eternity Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 Pathfinder: Kingmaker
Use what?
ES my dude :M

As for regen, it is not a problem with Inquisitor's conc ground and mastery nodes.
Yeah, I didn't read it carefully enough, but persisting effect of conc ground and es regen makes it entirely doable to have positive es regen permanently.

This build might still be shit though, but it's probably going to be entertaining shit. The RF will basically just be for more spell damage, the actual dps will likely never even reach 50k. But that's good enough for a spell that's only half of my clearing setup.

Looks like instead you can automate flasks and forget they even exist now?
ahk has been around for a long time, or are you talking about an actual in game thing? The autoflask currency kinda sucks compared to manual flasking.


Love fool
Feb 7, 2013
Smyrna - Scalanouva
Divinity: Original Sin 2
Doing some research, turns out there's now a new kind of flask orb I've never seen and some bench crafts that automate them. My question is, if I don't go full autismo sleuth and just read up on how all this works exactly, will I be able to find these orbs and the necessary crafting recipe just by playing or are they hidden behind some 69-step process?

I really play casual and drop most builds before 90 and was able to automate my flasks often easly. Just need a little bit luck with the mod rolling.


Nov 8, 2016
I will not eat the bugs. I will not live in a pod. I will not use 2FA.
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RPG Codex Ghost
Oct 19, 2009
The autoflask currency kinda sucks compared to manual flasking.

you must be fucking high

i never leave home without it

ahk has been around for a long time, or are you talking about an actual in game thing? The autoflask currency kinda sucks compared to manual flasking.
The ingame thing. There's a thing that makes your flasks use themselves at full charges and a way to gain infinite charges as long as you're getting hit. And since I only play melee, this is just perfect. Hate the flask piano.

It's one of the first things I spend currency on when I have my basic setup a little while into maps

Doing some research, turns out there's now a new kind of flask orb I've never seen and some bench crafts that automate them. My question is, if I don't go full autismo sleuth and just read up on how all this works exactly, will I be able to find these orbs and the necessary crafting recipe just by playing or are they hidden behind some 69-step process?

I really play casual and drop most builds before 90 and was able to automate my flasks often easly. Just need a little bit luck with the mod rolling.

You don't need much luck actually. The only randomized modifiers are alt-spammable so that's not terribly expensive - the actual enkindle enchants can be crafted at the bench, so that's 100% deterministic.

Baron Dupek

Jul 23, 2013

once again first few challenges for a armor set
Sure it looks like garbage compared to $$$ MTX, but it still better than hobo fashion in Wraeclast

Doryani's Machinarium on the list again
Essence and Heist boss? And Oshabi?? ugh...
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Dec 29, 2010
Alt spammed flask can be sold easily if you get good tier1s and pay for those other flasks you need. Good game mechanic overall.


Mar 16, 2015
I cba to spend hours looking for builds and studying PoB more than the game so I will just wing it this time. Probably going critical Blade Vortex elemental Pathfinder using life flasks to upkeep life recovery. Going to use Life Tap so I can reserve all mana for auras and shit.
When I run into a wall I will try to switch to poison version of it :D
Hopefully with Unleash Blade Vortex does not need constant spamming like in olden times. I was thinking this or RF but RF has no damage nodes on pathfinder and with Blade Vortex you can get extra 25% chaos from physical and if I convert all physical to elemental (probably cold, although I do not know where I will get 60% conversion) I can get also free 20% elemental pen from same node of Pathfinder. And using Diamond flask gives me additional +150% increased critical chance bonus on top of 100% that flask normally gives.

Also I plan to use that shit that stops life regen over 50% but gives you 50% resistance to damage, apparently you can still heal over 50% with potions which is going to be my main life regen anyways. This should basically give my 50% more effective life.

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