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Path of Exile is a MAJESTIC incline


Nov 23, 2015
Insert Title Here

Lots of good info for SSF and trade cucks alike. He even has sections on various base types, but there is also some general rules sprinkled throughout the video.

I've switched to Tornado Shot now and it's outperforming both Ice Shot and Lightning Arrow, even with their Vaal versions and despite my gear still being garbage. Can't wait to start scaling crit and see the damage fly. I went full retard into Blight passives on my Atlas Tree for now until I get 4 Golden Oils: 1 Vengeant Cascade for my shit amulet now and 1 Vengeant Cascade for the Esh amulet later. I'm even forgoing all the other good early crafting nodes like Essence and Rog. Double+ from one annoint just looks completely busted.


Dec 29, 2010
Looks like they have hard counter on high tier expedition farming for minion builds with these soul eater runic rares. If you don't get those fast it won't go down. So you need to spend on build (there are very few ways). I wouldn't progress fast because if you cant do the 83 logbook you can't spend and selling that is crazy. Or need to buy the high 70s logbook (that will dry up).


the determinator
Jan 15, 2015
aynyone tried RF pathfinder? Running master surgeon and not getting into left side of the tree at all sounds fun to me. However waiting until 2nd labirynth is not and fire mastery/recovery nodes are nowhere near.
Trickster with spellbreaker might make more sense considering that I can start running it around lvl 20 by rushing masteries


Jul 4, 2018
fire mastery/recovery nodes are nowhere near.
I think that's the biggest problem. Recovery aside there's almost no way to scale fire/elemental damage in that side of the tree unless you want to path all the way up to witch.


the determinator
Jan 15, 2015
fire mastery/recovery nodes are nowhere near.
I think that's the biggest problem. Recovery aside there's almost no way to scale fire/elemental damage in that side of the tree unless you want to path all the way up to witch.
nah, you need to view RF as sort of 'free' boost and pick some spell skill instead, preferably physical/chaos, like blade vortex? hmmm...


Dec 29, 2010
Not a single "endless darkness" from 3 beachhead map & not feeling like farming annul orbs will just buy VF, 12 div chase item now ouch. I remember divining a 10c one into perfect a few leagues ago.


Mar 16, 2015
aynyone tried RF pathfinder? Running master surgeon and not getting into left side of the tree at all sounds fun to me. However waiting until 2nd labirynth is not and fire mastery/recovery nodes are nowhere near.
Trickster with spellbreaker might make more sense considering that I can start running it around lvl 20 by rushing masteries
I was thinking of but you do not have any offensive nodes except magic flasks give 30% increased effectiveness and your Sulphur Flask will give you a bit more damage... Master Surgeon and better Ruby Flasks let you go into RF earlier but I think damage will suck for red maps.


Mar 16, 2015
fire mastery/recovery nodes are nowhere near.
I think that's the biggest problem. Recovery aside there's almost no way to scale fire/elemental damage in that side of the tree unless you want to path all the way up to witch.
You can go through middle, grab the big life circle and exit between Marauder and Templar and you can go for fire nodes in many directions.


Jul 4, 2018
You can go through middle, grab the big life circle and exit between Marauder and Templar and you can go for fire nodes in many directions.
He said he didn't want to path left.

nah, you need to view RF as sort of 'free' boost and pick some spell skill instead, preferably physical/chaos, like blade vortex? hmmm...
I guess, but wouldn't you want to pick a fire spell so you can scale them both at the same time?


Nov 23, 2015
Insert Title Here
aynyone tried RF pathfinder? Running master surgeon and not getting into left side of the tree at all sounds fun to me. However waiting until 2nd labirynth is not and fire mastery/recovery nodes are nowhere near.
You could try Replenishing Remedies and the appropriate Mastery + 2 life, a ruby and a bismuth flask.


Mar 16, 2015
You can go through middle, grab the big life circle and exit between Marauder and Templar and you can go for fire nodes in many directions.
He said he didn't want to path left.

nah, you need to view RF as sort of 'free' boost and pick some spell skill instead, preferably physical/chaos, like blade vortex? hmmm...
I guess, but wouldn't you want to pick a fire spell so you can scale them both at the same time?
In that case only cluster jewels are left but those need serious investment and trading.


RPG Codex Ghost
Oct 19, 2009
League is progressing very well. Just poured all my money into crafting an OK (kind of shit but OK) chest with mana reservation and bought a jewel so I could make the swap out of Purity of Elements:


The swap skyrocketed my damage but also kind of fucked my Chaos resistance which is now uncapped even with the Amethyst flask I'm running. Also had to scrounge a bit of ele resist on the tree so I have a single floating 5% node :lol:

I'm quite happy with my rings and Legacy, and my amulet, helmet and weapon can all stay for the moment, but I need to work on glove and shield replacements, so I guess I'll try to make those replacements fix the Chaos issue.

I must admit that playing Softcore has somewhat melted my brain. It's very, very fun to finally dig into a ton of the bosses and mechanics I missed out on during the leagues I skipped and later didn't engage with because I wasn't comfortable doing them on Hardcore yet. I'm essentially playing 5-6 leagues for the first time. Expedition especially has been incredibly fun, though I've now specced out of it after running a billion of them. It's also easily the most monetarily rewarding mechanic I've ever engaged with - I made stacks and stacks and stacks of currency off it. I haven't really had any great drops except for an Einhar's Harvest map and a single divine, so the fact that I'm decked out in 6+ divine gear has mostly been the result of expeditions gradual rewards. I would do 8-10 expeditions, then run ~2 logbooks and after that a tour of the vendors. This process would leave me with half an inventory's worth of raw currency - including 30-50 in raw chaos - just in vendor mechanic alone, not even counting drops. Pretty sick.

The new Breach otoh honestly seems outright bugged - despite pouring points into it the breaches feel very underwhelming.

All in all, the league has made me consider making the swap to Jaedar's dark side and playing Softcore SSF. While it is nice to be able to focus on all content I would normally avoid on HC - and not have to autistically read every mod of every single map you run or chest you open - Softcore does lack that sense of deserved progression which I love about HC. Maybe SSF can bring some of that.

I wish there was a semi-HC mode where you were allowed like 5 deaths. That would be ideal for me.
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Jun 26, 2016
I play SSF because the trading system in this game is dogshit (even the trading website is more of an afterthought than a core feature). I don't play hardcore because I hate playing the campaign. Hell, I'd consider HC if the campaign ended at act 5 but no, GGG is so proud of recoloring all the acts that you have to play them twice.


Nov 23, 2015
Insert Title Here
I wish there was a semi-HC mode where you were allowed like 5 deaths. That would be ideal for me.
I've been thinking about something like that as well lately. What I'm thinking is: play SC SSF -> pretend you're on HC -> count your /deaths -> if you hit 5 deaths you migrate that character to trade and he's out of your league. Then you can put more house rules on top of that like: you can't play the same build twice or how many items you get to keep from that character or do deaths from disconnects/link skills count etc etc. Should be fun to try out for at least one league. And if it's sufficiently fun you could even make a faggy private league and invite a couple of faggots to play that shit together. Have a smol healthy economy going. Should be worth a try.
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RPG Codex Ghost
Oct 19, 2009
I play SSF because the trading system in this game is dogshit

While I agree, Awakened PoE Trade made a massive difference for me. Trading has been pretty painless for me this league *except* for the fact that it's down constantly


the determinator
Jan 15, 2015
so... would poison RF pathfinder with curses make sense? Something like doom/hexblast to get actual poison ticks and charge plague bearer eventually. THis is for ssf. I know that poison itself wont scale from RF in here. Can always spec out of poison if it doesnt work for me


Nov 23, 2015
Insert Title Here
Trading has been pretty painless for me this league *except* for the fact that it's down constantly
It's all those niggers who coded their own inefficient spider in order to live search for 100+ items with the Crucible Trees they want that is raping the API.

so... would poison RF pathfinder with curses make sense? Something like doom/hexblast to get actual poison ticks and charge plague bearer eventually. THis is for ssf. I know that poison itself wont scale from RF in here. Can always spec out of poison if it doesnt work for me
Impending Doom Pathfinder is a very real and strong build. You can technically play it without Vixen's, but it won't feel good. Steelmage is playing it in SSF:



Aug 5, 2009
Project: Eternity Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 Pathfinder: Kingmaker
I wish there was a semi-HC mode where you were allowed like 5 deaths. That would be ideal for me.
I've been thinking about something like that as well lately. What I'm thinking is: play SC SSF -> pretend you're on HC -> count your /deaths -> if you hit 5 deaths you migrate that character to trade and he's out of your league. Then you can put more house rules on top of that like: you can't play the same build twice or how many items you get to keep from that character or do deaths from disconnects/link skills count etc etc. Should be fun to try out for at least one league. And if it's sufficiently fun you could even make a faggy private league and invite a couple of faggots to play that shit together. Have a smol healthy economy going. Should be worth a try.
I've also considered something like this, except instead of 5 deaths it would be something like: 1 death for every 2 acts completed, and an additional death for each endgame milestone (eg kill catarina = 1 extra death).

But in the end I hate trading, and the way trading impacts the way I play the game enough that I'd rather SSF, and SSF+'soft' HC would be too much for me.
It's all those niggers who coded their own inefficient spider in order to live search for 100+ items with the Crucible Trees they want that is raping the API.
It's GGG's fault for not providing a workable search api themselves.


Jan 6, 2012
Hardcore is better because it punishes fragile zoom builds and keeps the economy from getting disrupted because of tricked out farming builds that will die on occasion. But the game has been increasingly oriented to softcore play with all the one-shotting mechanics, and a lot of rarer uniques are not really available in the HC economy.

Meanwhile, budget The Annihilating Light builds are fun. You can get one with a crappy roll for just 2 chaos tops.

Baron Dupek

Jul 23, 2013

Got the set, got scammed once (dropped Magnate, send to the tab for later pricing but forgot about it... then much later someone paid 10c for item that was 80c) but that's my fault playing on autopilot, then shortly after dropped Badge of Brotherhood, sold it and made some cheap vendor recipes.
Crucible monsters weren't that bad.
Surviving campaing by not dying of boredom - that the challenge...
You can take long break to enjoy most games... but there's no break long enough for normal humans to enjoy (or make it bearable) campaign. Period.


Nov 23, 2015
Insert Title Here
I've also considered something like this, except instead of 5 deaths it would be something like: 1 death for every 2 acts completed, and an additional death for each endgame milestone (eg kill catarina = 1 extra death).
That's a nice way to reward progression with the added constraint. Love the idea.

It's GGG's fault for not providing a workable search api themselves.
That's like saying it's "the parents fault for not sufficiently educating their children" when the children get hooked on meth by some drug dealer that goes to their school. Yes, technically good parenting can prevent the children from associating with shady people, but who is the more evil and responsible person in that scenario? If you're given access to an API, it's your fucking responsibility not to rape it as a dev. Trade cucks have it easier than everybody, yet they are always the ones that cry the most. GGG doesn't owe shit to them.


Nov 23, 2015
Insert Title Here
But the game has been increasingly oriented to softcore play with all the one-shotting mechanics, and a lot of rarer uniques are not really available in the HC economy.
That is not the current sentiment in the community. If anything, most people believe that the game is oriented around HC SSF Ruthless. Since you're one of the oldfags who was recommending using Chaos Orbs to roll jewelry for profit earlier in the thread, I'll go out on a limb and say that you've failed to adapt to the higher monster damage by utilizing Spell Suppression and whatever the fuck the right side of the tree does for survival.

You can take long break to enjoy most games... but there's no break long enough for normal humans to enjoy (or make it bearable) campaign. Period.
They literally working day and night on PoE2 in order to improve the campaign experience. Even to the detriment of the live game. The announcement for this League featured hype for PoE2 prominently. It's fucking coming, you retard. Can you shut the fuck up about it already?


Mar 16, 2015
I play SSF because the trading system in this game is dogshit

While I agree, Awakened PoE Trade made a massive difference for me. Trading has been pretty painless for me this league *except* for the fact that it's down constantly
Not for me anymore, it does not work with Win7 anymore so I am back to no or little selling. All my riches are drops or chaos orb recipe.. and drops are weak. I need 2.5 div to buy unique helm for my build but I do not feel like playing 50+ hours to get 3 divine drops.. in 20+ h I played now I got 0..

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