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Path of Exile is a MAJESTIC incline


I have many names
Nov 1, 2008
Drug addicted, mentally ill gays HQ
PC RPG Website of the Year, 2015
But the game has been increasingly oriented to softcore play with all the one-shotting mechanics, and a lot of rarer uniques are not really available in the HC economy.
That is not the current sentiment in the community. If anything, most people believe that the game is oriented around HC SSF Ruthless.
I can't bring myself to play Lootless without movement abilities. Just no.

Lootless is a failure from every angle you look at it. It has no place in this game or any h&s for that matter.

Therefore, I have never seen this 'sentiment of the community' and if it should exist in some corner of The Beast i want no part of it.


Jan 6, 2012
Your "use case" is unnecessarily limited and consists of sitting on alchs you don't really use.
I see you've never actually tried to progress your Atlas at League start in any serious fashion. You're not sitting on any Alchs. You have none at League start (when the profitability of your method could potentially be justifiable). You use them all on maps and then you start using your Binding Orbs when you run out. A much better use of your resources and time. Even for your retarded activity it would be better since you would get into high tier maps earlier -> level faster -> get access to ilvl83-86 jewelry faster as a result.
And after that you sit on them.

Seriously, son, did you think I was discussing 300+ alch reroll crafting in the context of a league starter? Use your head.

I can't bring myself to play Lootless without movement abilities. Just no.
Up to you. Ruthless is just a type of PoE hard mode for people who want that sort of thing. Ruthless gives everyone a Quickstep (support with Second Wind) movement ability though, and blink attack abilities (like Ambush, Chain Hook, Consecrated Path, and Flicker Strike) work also. Temporal Rift also still works. You can also just zoom with good old extreme movement speed stacking. Achieving over +200% movement speed is still rather feasible, esp. if you are playing Berserker or Raider.

Lootless is a failure from every angle you look at it. It has no place in this game or any h&s for that matter.
Not really. There are players who intentionally go for more hardmode challenges. And it isn't lootless, really. It's just drastically reduced loot, but you can work with that, especially in a trade league. There are also plenty of perfectly decent item independent builds, and if you can't be fucked to make your own no doubt the SSF community has loads of ideas.

Therefore, I have never seen this 'sentiment of the community' and if it should exist in some corner of The Beast I want no part of it.
Ruthless is fully optional. And there is a part of the community that wants better difficulty modes, especially among hardcore players. My main complaint about difficulty isn't that the game is too hard somehow but that many one-shotting mechanics do not adequately visually distinguish between what are absolute (ie. you're fucked no matter what) and non-absolute (ie. a sufficiently defensively optimized character should be able to survive this) oneshots, and I think absolute oneshotting should be minimized. The general problem is that when you create certain death mechanics, you are rewarding softcore playstyles by devaluing builds that focus on survivability. And loot that is excessively reliant on RNG to be procured in a usable fashion creates a depth of itemization that is really only available in softcore.
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Nov 23, 2015
Insert Title Here
Kripp compares Ruthless to baseline PoE from the days of the Beta. Very comfy vid:

Interesting build about abusing Vengeant Cascade with Volcanic Fissure Totems and Strength stacking. Skip to 0:50s for the build:

I'm blasting through t16s on my shitty Deadeye. Vengeant Cascade is online and it's a lot of fun. Blighted Maps were a mistake. Fishing for annoints on Amulets to use the extractor on in regular Blight encounters in low maps gave me way more Golden Oils. Now I can finally take care of my actual gear. I'm specced into Essences and Expedition for crafting and Exarch Influence for Unmaking Orbs, so I can respecc my Atlas later on. I found this cute base for my intermediate bow:

fractured bow.png

Also, Kirac is mah nigga:

Kirac stacc.png

And after that you sit on them.

Seriously, son, did you think I was discussing 300+ alch reroll crafting in the context of a league starter? Use your head.
Wrong. You convert the Alchs into Chaos/Divines in order to buy actual good items or you stop picking them up entirely. You have no clue. You're an old fart who has fallen behind in times and all of your methods are inefficient. If they weren't, you wouldn't have to rely on "cheap builds". I'm not your son.


Jan 6, 2012
And after that you sit on them.

Seriously, son, did you think I was discussing 300+ alch reroll crafting in the context of a league starter? Use your head.
Wrong. You convert the Alchs into Chaos/Divines in order to buy actual good items or you stop picking them up entirely.
Right, you sit on them and trade them (or you ditch them altogether, lmfao). You don't actually use them.

You have no clue. You're an old fart who has fallen behind in times and all of your methods are inefficient.
Remember how earlier on I pointed out that you're too much of a trendchaser to remember it is possible to actually use alchs? You just confirmed I'm right. You're too obsessed with whatever is the hip, current method of doing shit to acknowledge there are other ways to get shit done. Also, the amount of rerolls that were to be had on that are very efficient.

I'm sure you like to imagine that your exchange rates are very efficient (after all, it's only over 1600 alchs for a single divine in softcore crucible) but there are decent odds that it's not. The fact that you would skip picking up alchs confirms that you know your method isn't delivering good value.

If they weren't, you wouldn't have to rely on "cheap builds".
Kid, just how far is your head up your own ass that you think the only appeal of budget builds is being too poor to afford better? I know I called you a trendchaser before, but you really have no concept of the appeal of devising builds using overlooked uniques/etc, do you?

I'm not your son.
No shit, Sherlock.


Nov 23, 2015
Insert Title Here
Remember how earlier on I pointed out that you're too much of a trendchaser to remember it is possible to actually use alchs? You just confirmed I'm right. You're too obsessed with whatever is the hip, current method of doing shit to acknowledge there are other ways to get shit done. Also, the amount of rerolls that were to be had on that are very efficient.
I showed you the viable use cases for Alchs earlier. Your use case isn't. The "trend hip thing" has been going on for literal years, you fossil. You don't even understand the concept of efficiency. In the time it takes you to eek out your tiny profit even a mediocre player could run some maps and made more by doing that. You're too retarded to even argue with.

The fact that you would skip picking up alchs confirms that you know your method isn't delivering good value.
It confirms that I have more efficient things to do in the game (like playing it or doing actual high level crafting), you retarded nigger.

but you really have no concept of the appeal of devising builds using overlooked uniques/etc, do you?
I have. I actually linked to a build that combines a bunch of "overlooked" uniques. I simply inferred that you can't afford anythign beyond budget builds, because you're such a retarded fossil that you're still manually alching rings.


Jan 6, 2012
Don't exaggerate. You only showed one use case, after which your brilliant plan was to stop using them. Also, the word you're looking for is "eke", not "eek". As for efficiency, if you can set up a decent macro, blasting through chain scour+alch rerolling goes pretty fast. If you're smashing literal chaos at something, it's pretty fucking effortless to reroll a ton of times quickly. But I understand if mouse clicking is too difficult and time-consuming for you. My condolences to you and your need for PoE time efficiency. :lol:
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Dec 29, 2010
Geared a 10 div cwdt, was a waste of time. 1div build with 20c echoforge AW + 3curse is waaaay better, ailment, stun immune with occultist, explode with inpulsa on AG etc. Voidforge AW is easily better than a 20 div cwdt. Ruthless support + spirit offering = nice shock.
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Jan 6, 2012
Right now Voltaxic Rift is the king of shocks afaict. You can push max shock effect a little higher with Shock Nova too.


Jan 6, 2012
So, it turns out that Trickster Shadow can also use 2x Replica Rumi's Concoction (with the Enkindling Orb property for increased flask duration) without Kaom's Roots, which makes it a better pick than Juggernaut for most evasion builds. Juggernaut still tops for hybrid armor+evasion though, considering how Unbreakable + The Brass Dome gives monstrous amounts of armor with ease. Looks like Trickster is also decent for Flicker Strike and Frenzy builds.
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Nov 23, 2015
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Had a bunch of missed play time due to gf visiting, but this league seems to have a healthy activity overall and I saw even some old timers return after years of hiatus. They would keep writing me IRL about their in-game exploits and it would stoke my desire to play while I was stoking somebody else's desire, if you catch my drift.

Respecced on of my Rangers into the Totem Explode build (which everyone talks about, except this thread). It's absolutely cracked and a joy to play due to the tanky-ness. Some Ubers still present a challenge, but that's more due to my unimpressive mechanical skill and also a severe lack of practice on the fights (and also SSF gear).

Went from lvl99 to 100 completely in Heist Contracts. The entire time I kept thinking: "I should be hating this, this is Heist" but I didn't. It was actually pretty chill and a nice vacation from the busy map gameplay. The one thing that was interesting in Contracts is that the gem xp/h is substantially higher than in maps it seems. Provided you actually kill the rares in there.

Found a Mirror (my 2nd in under 10k hours!) and transferred it over to trade to try out the Emperor's Vigilance SST build. I can't afford the entire build yet and it's not functional in it's current state, but now I have a better use for all those expensive Divination Cards that I find in SSF and I also don't have to go through the hell of clicking 20k Chance Orbs.



Nov 23, 2015
Insert Title Here
So chroming for socket colours will still be a thing, but at least it is now on the gem itself and not (so much?) on the gear piece itself. Makes me less excited for the new Gem System overall, but I still want it over what we have now. It would be less of an issue, if there was actual competition between the colours for support gems. As it stands right now, most Skill Gems only have 5-6 viable Support Gem options total. Ideally I would want it to be 6+ viable of each colour, but that's a lot to ask and I also know for a fact that there are players out there who "enjoy" the entire feel of "socket pressure".


Nov 23, 2015
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It's definitely gonna be a nerf to Vorici t4, if they don't change his craft to gem bases instead of armour bases.

Lyric Suite

Converting to Islam
Mar 23, 2006
Contemplaying doing a Ruthless run, not sure about SSF. I basically "solo self funded" myself on my first run years ago just because i'm aversed to trading or interacting with others in general so i'm not sure what's the point of having a mode for something that you can just do on your own volition, especially since you can back out of it at any point.

I'm also not sure if i should start it now or wait for the next league since i missed a couple months on this one. Not that being in a league would matter if i chose to SSF but i'm thinking more about breaking the flow of the run IF they chose not to carry over those new features from the league.

I gotta a severe case of burn out from Elden Ring so i need to throw myself at something completely different to reset it before the DLC hits.


Jan 3, 2020
(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
Contemplaying doing a Ruthless run, not sure about SSF. I basically "solo self funded" myself on my first run years ago just because i'm aversed to trading or interacting with others in general so i'm not sure what's the point of having a mode for something that you can just do on your own volition, especially since you can back out of it at any point.
I do SSF merely to say "fuck trading" to any dev who checks player statistics.

Not that being in a league would matter if i chose to SSF but i'm thinking more about breaking the flow of the run IF they chose not to carry over those new features from the league.
The current league mechanics are crap, they also only become relevant very late in the run (maybe with the exception of making some very early starter items for self-found league starters).

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