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Path of Exile is a MAJESTIC incline


Jan 6, 2012
But the game has been increasingly oriented to softcore play with all the one-shotting mechanics, and a lot of rarer uniques are not really available in the HC economy.
That is not the current sentiment in the community. If anything, most people believe that the game is oriented around HC SSF Ruthless. Since you're one of the oldfags who was recommending using Chaos Orbs to roll jewelry for profit earlier in the thread, I'll go out on a limb and say that you've failed to adapt to the higher monster damage by utilizing Spell Suppression and whatever the fuck the right side of the tree does for survival.
Different perspectives from different communities, I guess. And chaos spamming is still an effective if oldschool method of getting good properties on loot, especially when the exchange rates skew heavily towards getting massive amounts of chaos orbs. Of course, nowadays the exchange rate of exalts to chaos has collapsed, so crafting with exalts has become much more practical than it was when we last had this discussion. Also, newfag, spell suppression stacking is pretty obvious for hardcore players.

chaos orb recipe

no fucking wonder you hate your life when you play poe

you couldn't pay me real money to do that shit
I could vaguely see someone doing that as a league starter when they are absolutely fucking poor and need chaos, but those recipes were only popular back when PoE was in beta and chaos orbs actually meant something. Right now the exchange rates are absolutely fucked for every variant of that recipe. Even the exalted shard version isn't worth doing with trash base types. And Ruthless mode doesn't even support the recipe.
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Jan 6, 2012
Chaos orbs are the most wastable crafting currency there is, short of alching white drops (tbh you can trade your chaos for a better amount of rerolls in scouring+alch). As long as you can sell decent rolls for more than the cost of a new base item and chaos, you can keep this crafting up pretty well and eventually roll your way into something fairly good. But back when we last had this discussion 1 exalt could pay for over 300 rerolls. Nowadays actually using exalts is looking a whole lot more practical.
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Mar 16, 2015
chaos orb recipe

no fucking wonder you hate your life when you play poe

you couldn't pay me real money to do that shit
No, I hate my life because you need to invest 30+ hours before you can start having even little fun and then another 50+ to start having a lot of fun. It is just not a sane way to spend time when I can play games or watch series/movies that are fun from hour 1.


Jan 6, 2012
short of alching white drops
Imagine using Alchemy Orbs on anything besides Maps on League start (when random rares still hold some value). You truly are from a bygone era.
Imagine being such a trendchaser you forget that alchs are actually usable.

But back when we last had this discussion 1 exalt could pay for over 300 rerolls
Exalts never went above 150c on HC trade during any League.
You broke 300 by not directly using chaos but trading those chaos for alchs+scouring, which raised your amount of rerolls much higher while providing the same effect.

No, I hate my life because you need to invest 30+ hours before you can start having even little fun and then another 50+ to start having a lot of fun. It is just not a sane way to spend time when I can play games or watch series/movies that are fun from hour 1.
I don't think you follow. You are playing the game in an incredibly inefficient way. The frustrations you experience with time wasted are a natural consequence of that.
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Nov 23, 2015
Insert Title Here
Imagine being such a trendchaser you forget that alchs are actually usable.
My case is a use case, you retard.
You broke 300 by not directly using chaos but trading those chaos for alchs+scouring
This was correct only once. In Sentinel League past day 16. Converting your Exalts into Chaos into Alchemy and Scours to then proceed and individually click on rings until you get "something decent" and list them individually again only to make those small trades in the future. Peak autism.

Where do you even get the bases from? Do you have like a "mapping day" every couple of weeks, where you actually play the game and pick up white bases? Or is there some underground jew market on HC where you can buy that stuff without having to leave your hideout?


Jan 6, 2012
Your "use case" is unnecessarily limited and consists of sitting on alchs you don't really use.

Also, picking up perfect roll implicits/etc for future crafting is not that bad, tbh.


Mar 16, 2015
No, I hate my life because you need to invest 30+ hours before you can start having even little fun and then another 50+ to start having a lot of fun. It is just not a sane way to spend time when I can play games or watch series/movies that are fun from hour 1.
I don't think you follow. You are playing the game in an incredibly inefficient way. The frustrations you experience with time wasted are a natural consequence of that.
I do not care. I do not want to trade, and if the game is designed around trade it is a bad game. This is only aRPG where I am forced to trade to have fun. Fuck that shit.
It is a badly designed game and it has been that for years now.


Nov 23, 2015
Insert Title Here
Your "use case" is unnecessarily limited and consists of sitting on alchs you don't really use.
I see you've never actually tried to progress your Atlas at League start in any serious fashion. You're not sitting on any Alchs. You have none at League start (when the profitability of your method could potentially be justifiable). You use them all on maps and then you start using your Binding Orbs when you run out. A much better use of your resources and time. Even for your retarded activity it would be better since you would get into high tier maps earlier -> level faster -> get access to ilvl83-86 jewelry faster as a result.


RPG Codex Ghost
Oct 19, 2009
chaos orb recipe

no fucking wonder you hate your life when you play poe

you couldn't pay me real money to do that shit
No, I hate my life because you need to invest 30+ hours before you can start having even little fun and then another 50+ to start having a lot of fun. It is just not a sane way to spend time when I can play games or watch series/movies that are fun from hour 1.

You hate your life because you insist on sticking to playing this game in the most retarded way possible. Chaos recipe in 2023. My brain


May 21, 2011
Game is not designed around trade, it's designed around playing A LOT. Trade allows you to play less and the leads tried their best to make it cumbersome to use.

It's their "vision" and at least doesn't seem motivated by greed.


RPG Codex Ghost
Oct 19, 2009
Game is not designed around trade, it's designed around playing A LOT. Trade allows you to play less and the leads tried their best to make it cumbersome to use.

It's their "vision" and at least doesn't seem motivated by greed.

Too few ways to target farm uniques for this to be even remotely true.

The main thing that’s kept me out of SSF these years is that if you want just a single, high end unique for your build - even if you can craft everything else with what you find randomly - you’re close to SoL in PoE. It can be done - but it'll be a fairly grueling proces.
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Sep 11, 2016
Laziest league yet, at least Kalandra looked like some effort was put in and you could laugh at archnem mods designed by imbeciles, looked passives up on trade and interesting ones seem tied to garbage unique items, so if you want to engage with core new mechanic and not channel hundreds of encounters that don't drop loot you'll have to find passive tree first then build character around it oh and craft the item, good luck with that I did like 3 of them before I noped.


May 21, 2011
Is this a slightly out of season april fools joke?
More play time = more chances for you to buy MTX.
Have you ever looked at PoE leagues stats?

Too few ways to target farm uniques for this to be even remotely true.
Yes part of their vision, they keep deterministic farming/crafting to a minimum.

PoE makes most sense when you have a small group of people that play a lot and trade between them. That's probably closest to their vision.


Jul 4, 2018
I used to do chaos recipe too when I started playing but now it's not worth it (wasn't really worth it back then too, but at that time 20c was a fortune to me). If your goal is to just get raw chaos (or just currency in general) you're better off running Heist or the myriads of other ways rather than clogging your inventory and wasting your time with that garbage. Hell, just putting searing exarch in your map can guarantee you quite a few chaos for free from time to time.


Mar 16, 2015
I used to do chaos recipe too when I started playing but now it's not worth it (wasn't really worth it back then too, but at that time 20c was a fortune to me). If your goal is to just get raw chaos (or just currency in general) you're better off running Heist or the myriads of other ways rather than clogging your inventory and wasting your time with that garbage. Hell, just putting searing exarch in your map can guarantee you quite a few chaos for free from time to time.
I spent one whole league running a lot of Heist and I got rich from that. But that was before they went all retarded with Archnemesis mods.
I also tried doing Heist this league but it is mind numingly boring. I rather run maps and do chaos recipe lol and wait for some divs to drops or some random stupid drops that I can sell for anything of worth.
But that again goes into play 30+ hours to start having some fun which is where I am now. I got my 5L unique, got some items I need and got my resistances and shit so I can now run yellow maps without dying often and do decent damage (while ignoring the completely pointless, unbalanced and stupid league mechanic).
But looking at what I now need to really get this build working and fun and not just OK I need 50+ hours more as I need 4+ div to buy items. And after 80 fucking hours I can finally play my build and have fun LOL.

This is what I am talking all the time that this shitty game does not let you have fun until you reach I do not know what. And it is even worse in SSF as you can only play unique less builds or hope to get lucky.

Most fun I ever had was when I got a doctor drop early in one of the leagues few years ago (when Shaper was still end boss). I bought a lot of good gear for a fun build that then I brought to lvl 94 and did end game with it. I actually had fun for 20-30h playing it without needing to first pay 50 hour tax to farm for that shit like normally. That doctor drop is still the most expensive drop I ever got and I have been playing this shit game since closed beta.
I even bought some shitty MTX for $ that league because RNG gods let me have fun early.

Over the years this game started requiring more and more grinding to reach end game and bosses and I have been playing it less and less. For unknown reason I still start new leagues but quit faster each time.
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Dec 29, 2010

Tentacle guy's altar just got me 9 div on a t15 map (first drop this league ), also crafted a 6 div cluster with 30 prismatic fossil and 2 rejects were worth 200c sold instantly.

Nowadays an adequate early league build is something you can farm expedition with.
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Jul 4, 2018
Over the years this game started requiring more and more grinding to reach end game and bosses and I have been playing it less and less.
Depends on what you consider end-game. You can reach red maps on a lot of okay-ish builds without much investment, especially if you don't mind using some portals.
Personally, I dropped 2 raw divines this league and 2 or 3 from Heist and Ritual but outside of that I don't think I've gotten anything that's above 50c. Still, I beat Uber Elder and Maven today and I am practically breezing through red maps.
In general, I do agree with your sentiment in regards to the grind but I think the improvements they've done to the atlas passive tree alleviates that a lot.
That being said, I praise GGG and I get shit like crucible where if I want to reroll the mods on my scepter I have to pray to RNGsus or go through 4-5 hoops and still pray to RNGsus.

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