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Path of Exile is a MAJESTIC incline

Lyric Suite

Converting to Islam
Mar 23, 2006
Contemplaying doing a Ruthless run, not sure about SSF. I basically "solo self funded" myself on my first run years ago just because i'm aversed to trading or interacting with others in general so i'm not sure what's the point of having a mode for something that you can just do on your own volition, especially since you can back out of it at any point.
I do SSF merely to say "fuck trading" to any dev who checks player statistics.

Not that being in a league would matter if i chose to SSF but i'm thinking more about breaking the flow of the run IF they chose not to carry over those new features from the league.
The current league mechanics are crap, they also only become relevant very late in the run (maybe with the exception of making some very early starter items for self-found league starters).

Do they get carried over to standard though? It seems like it's up to them if they do and there's no way of knowing until the league ends.

To be honest, i'm not even sure if i should care i'm just thinking it would be kinda of obnoxious to pursue those mechanics only to see them suddenly get removed the moment my character gets dropped into standard.


Jan 3, 2020
(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
Contemplaying doing a Ruthless run, not sure about SSF. I basically "solo self funded" myself on my first run years ago just because i'm aversed to trading or interacting with others in general so i'm not sure what's the point of having a mode for something that you can just do on your own volition, especially since you can back out of it at any point.
I do SSF merely to say "fuck trading" to any dev who checks player statistics.

Not that being in a league would matter if i chose to SSF but i'm thinking more about breaking the flow of the run IF they chose not to carry over those new features from the league.
The current league mechanics are crap, they also only become relevant very late in the run (maybe with the exception of making some very early starter items for self-found league starters).

Do they get carried over to standard though? It seems like it's up to them if they do and there's no way of knowing until the league ends.

To be honest, i'm not even sure if i should care i'm just thinking it would be kinda of obnoxious to pursue those mechanics only to see them suddenly get removed the moment my character gets dropped into standard.
Yeah, league mechanics may get axed when the league ends.

League duration is 3-4 months, so it might end in july or august (crucible started early april). Haven't seen an anouncement yet, so I'd guess an early august date is somewhat more likely.

Don't wait for poe 2, unless you can wait quite a while. Optimists say it releases this year, but I'd expect 2024 at the earliest. MAYBE we get a closed beta in 2023, and an open one in 2024. Full release in 2025. Note that this is all guesswork.


the determinator
Jan 15, 2015
Don't wait for poe 2, unless you can wait quite a while. Optimists say it releases this year, but I'd expect 2024 at the earliest. MAYBE we get a closed beta in 2023, and an open one in 2024. Full release in 2025. Note that this is all guesswork.
diablo4 releases so we get poe2 teaser. called it!
Expect to play poe 2 when they tease diablo5


Aug 5, 2009
Project: Eternity Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 Pathfinder: Kingmaker
So chroming for socket colours will still be a thing, but at least it is now on the gem itself and not (so much?) on the gear piece itself. Makes me less excited for the new Gem System overall, but I still want it over what we have now. It would be less of an issue, if there was actual competition between the colours for support gems. As it stands right now, most Skill Gems only have 5-6 viable Support Gem options total. Ideally I would want it to be 6+ viable of each colour, but that's a lot to ask and I also know for a fact that there are players out there who "enjoy" the entire feel of "socket pressure".
I'm mainly looking forward to not being so constrained on total sockets. Lightning warp may finally become a viable movement skill!


Mar 16, 2015
So chroming for socket colours will still be a thing, but at least it is now on the gem itself and not (so much?) on the gear piece itself. Makes me less excited for the new Gem System overall, but I still want it over what we have now. It would be less of an issue, if there was actual competition between the colours for support gems. As it stands right now, most Skill Gems only have 5-6 viable Support Gem options total. Ideally I would want it to be 6+ viable of each colour, but that's a lot to ask and I also know for a fact that there are players out there who "enjoy" the entire feel of "socket pressure".
I'm mainly looking forward to not being so constrained on total sockets. Lightning warp may finally become a viable movement skill!
Not just that one. So many utility or support skills will become viable now. And we might want to finally use mana for that instead of auras that were more worth that one slot it took.

Lyric Suite

Converting to Islam
Mar 23, 2006
Shit i was experiencing terrible sporadic stuttering but by chance i found a reddit post suggesting to change networking mode to "predictive" which got rid of it. Glad i found this before spending five hours fiddling with the graphic settings but i wonder what this does to the gameplay. Fucking hell after 10 years the network code in this game is still shit lmao.

I also had to set shadows to "high" instead of "ultra" which trippled my frame rate.

BTW, does SSF or R (or both) affect the global chat? Just gouging how frequent chat traffic is in this game. So far nobody is talking.

[EDIT] Wait they are starting to talk now derp.
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Aug 5, 2009
Project: Eternity Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 Pathfinder: Kingmaker
So chroming for socket colours will still be a thing, but at least it is now on the gem itself and not (so much?) on the gear piece itself. Makes me less excited for the new Gem System overall, but I still want it over what we have now. It would be less of an issue, if there was actual competition between the colours for support gems. As it stands right now, most Skill Gems only have 5-6 viable Support Gem options total. Ideally I would want it to be 6+ viable of each colour, but that's a lot to ask and I also know for a fact that there are players out there who "enjoy" the entire feel of "socket pressure".
I'm mainly looking forward to not being so constrained on total sockets. Lightning warp may finally become a viable movement skill!
Not just that one. So many utility or support skills will become viable now. And we might want to finally use mana for that instead of auras that were more worth that one slot it took.
I really doubt you can stack enough cast/attack speed to need to drop auras from your build because you don't have enough mana.


Nov 23, 2015
Insert Title Here
So chroming for socket colours will still be a thing, but at least it is now on the gem itself and not (so much?) on the gear piece itself. Makes me less excited for the new Gem System overall, but I still want it over what we have now. It would be less of an issue, if there was actual competition between the colours for support gems. As it stands right now, most Skill Gems only have 5-6 viable Support Gem options total. Ideally I would want it to be 6+ viable of each colour, but that's a lot to ask and I also know for a fact that there are players out there who "enjoy" the entire feel of "socket pressure".
I'm mainly looking forward to not being so constrained on total sockets. Lightning warp may finally become a viable movement skill!
I wouldn't get my hopes up too much on this. I'm expecting the new Gem System to be a sneaky way to gimp the availability of 6-Links in the current game. Fusings might get removed completely and your only way of acquiring a Lightning Warp Gem with more than 3 Links is going to be off the ground or from other players.

Lyric Suite

Converting to Islam
Mar 23, 2006
Kjaska lmao what did i say now?

So was talking to the chat and they explained how the act system works now. So instead of the typical normal, hell, nightmare or whatever cycle you get just consecutive acts with some new quests, bosses and story. Is that correct? Its... not a bad system i guess. At least they tried to get out of that obnoxious loop.

Found a quick step gem from the zombie boss in the tutorial. I though movement stuff was banished from Ruthless but apparently it's in there, just with a cool down.


Jan 3, 2020
(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
Yes, that's correct. They recycle the environments of earlier acts, under the pretense that your character revisits those after some time has passed. Some areas changed alot, some only a bit. A few areas are actually new.

Note that there's still one noticeable artifact of the difficulty stages: your resistance stats get lowered in two discrete steps (with some half-assed story explanation).

Lyric Suite

Converting to Islam
Mar 23, 2006
It's still better than nothing i guess. Having to replay the game exactly three times has always been annoying.


Mar 16, 2015
So chroming for socket colours will still be a thing, but at least it is now on the gem itself and not (so much?) on the gear piece itself. Makes me less excited for the new Gem System overall, but I still want it over what we have now. It would be less of an issue, if there was actual competition between the colours for support gems. As it stands right now, most Skill Gems only have 5-6 viable Support Gem options total. Ideally I would want it to be 6+ viable of each colour, but that's a lot to ask and I also know for a fact that there are players out there who "enjoy" the entire feel of "socket pressure".
I'm mainly looking forward to not being so constrained on total sockets. Lightning warp may finally become a viable movement skill!
Not just that one. So many utility or support skills will become viable now. And we might want to finally use mana for that instead of auras that were more worth that one slot it took.
I really doubt you can stack enough cast/attack speed to need to drop auras from your build because you don't have enough mana.
Well not all aura but we can turn off one and use 6l triggers, curses or others now
Shit i was experiencing terrible sporadic stuttering but by chance i found a reddit post suggesting to change networking mode to "predictive" which got rid of it. Glad i found this before spending five hours fiddling with the graphic settings but i wonder what this does to the gameplay. Fucking hell after 10 years the network code in this game is still shit lmao.

I also had to set shadows to "high" instead of "ultra" which trippled my frame rate.

BTW, does SSF or R (or both) affect the global chat? Just gouging how frequent chat traffic is in this game. So far nobody is talking.

[EDIT] Wait they are starting to talk now derp.
You should not use predictive, it causes rubberbanding if your internet is not good enough.
Game has very good network code, issues are always player side.


Nov 23, 2015
Insert Title Here

- The character depicted is a Maraketh. I see 3 possible explanations for this: a) a completely new class (possible); b) we get a D4 style character creator for all classes now (unlikely); c) the new story will feature sequences where we control a different character temporarily (likely);

- The character has much more reaction calls, something that has been already shown as a design trajectory during the infamous "ARMOUR PIERCING BOLTS" sequence (I love Dredd and I'm gonna turn that shit up)

- The character performs some kind of small dodge roll. Dark Souls influence has been affecting the game for a long time now, so it wouldn't surprise me if we get that as a baseline. It could also be a move exclusive to this temporary Maraketh character.

- With the new Gem System, it would be much more viable to run more than one element of spells on a character. Using Cold AoE Spells for some CC (which some builds are already utilizing via Vortex on LMB) makes sense.

The Logo animation is dope af.


Nov 22, 2015


Someone tell Grinding Gear Games that the cat walked over the keyboard when titling that, please.

They should have called it NotDiablo instead

Short memory? Diablo 2's successor, is what they were trying to be originally.

After 10 years, maybe I can finally get to play this game again. I hope they'll keep this pacing and not cater to the pic related pinheads who had their brain folds eroded by the extreme deluge of loot explosion dopamine. Maybe this "ARPG" will actually have combat in the game again and not just a couple of map deleting buttons to avoid getting one shot off screen.



Nov 23, 2015
Insert Title Here
I hope they'll keep this pacing and not cater to the pic related pinheads who had their brain folds eroded by the extreme deluge of loot explosion dopamine. Maybe this "ARPG" will actually have combat in the game again and not just a couple of map deleting buttons to avoid getting one shot off screen.
Nigga, you have no idea what you're talking about. Just because there are videos on the internet of Empyrian showcasing builds that are worth 3+ Mirrors, doesn't mean that that is how you have to play or that in fact how most people experience the game. Fire up Ruthless and get your shit pushed in, then come back and talk about "muh map deleting skills".


Jan 3, 2020
(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
Probably first check what it really is. Maybe shitty latency? You can get a graph of that by pressing F1 in game.

Also worth it to check whether you are on the right server, not somewhere across the globe.

Probably best to deactivate vpn, if you use one.


Jan 3, 2020
(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
Probably best to deactivate vpn, if you use one.
In my case it was the other way around - activating VPN was the solution to lag spikes.

I bet Lyric Spam has a shitty SSD or installed PoE on an HDD even.
Interesting about that VPN... not really intuitive for me.

Regarding HDD, I doubt changing to predictive net would help in that case.


Nov 5, 2007
Reminder that the last time PoE got a big expansion they were adding act 5 to the game, and instead of adding 1 new act they added 6.
Kjaska lmao what did i say now?
He's a retarded shill, just ignore him.

Predictive mode feels better if you have high (but stable) ping, on lockstep all your actions are delayed by your ping.
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Nov 22, 2015
I hope they'll keep this pacing and not cater to the pic related pinheads who had their brain folds eroded by the extreme deluge of loot explosion dopamine. Maybe this "ARPG" will actually have combat in the game again and not just a couple of map deleting buttons to avoid getting one shot off screen.
Nigga, you have no idea what you're talking about. Just because there are videos on the internet of Empyrian showcasing builds that are worth 3+ Mirrors, doesn't mean that that is how you have to play or that in fact how most people experience the game. Fire up Ruthless and get your shit pushed in, then come back and talk about "muh map deleting skills".
So you agree that ruthless is a good example to follow?

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