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Path of Exile is a MAJESTIC incline

Baron Dupek

Jul 23, 2013


so far - meh
got plenty of +1 spells items tho


RPG Codex Ghost
Oct 19, 2009
Think I've set a new PR this league. I'm into red maps now with Trial Atlas Tree nodes set, I've found a single trial :love:

Considering joining that global channel to find them now lol

EDIT: pretty much it nails it with just this tweet:

When Crucible feels best, it kind of gets that "building your own artifact"-thing going. But 99% of the time it's just a glorified chance orb.
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Mar 16, 2015
Think I've set a new PR this league. I'm into red maps now with Trial Atlas Tree nodes set, I've found a single trial :love:

Considering joining that global channel to find them now lol

EDIT: pretty much it nails it with just this tweet:

When Crucible feels best, it kind of gets that "building your own artifact"-thing going. But 99% of the time it's just a glorified chance orb.

You only need one to get last Ascendancy points, or better to say you only need one token to go do it (unless you die, then you will need more tokens)
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RPG Codex Ghost
Oct 19, 2009
Think I've set a new PR this league. I'm into red maps now with Trial Atlas Tree nodes set, I've found a single trial :love:

Considering joining that global channel to find them now lol

EDIT: pretty much it nails it with just this tweet:

When Crucible feels best, it kind of gets that "building your own artifact"-thing going. But 99% of the time it's just a glorified chance orb.

You only need one to get last Ascendancy points, or better to say you only need one token do go do it (unless you die, then you will need more tokens)

I'm trying to make money from Gifts and later from max lab. RF clear them very easily so they're one of the best options early on for the build. Gifts sell for 30c and it takes 2-3 minutes to run through a Trial, you can literally ignore the traps on RF.


Nov 5, 2007
My summary of the league mechanic:

Chris Wilson said:
hey man i got an idea

Rory said:
yeah boss? i'm all ears

Chris Wilson said:
how about... A WORSE SCOURGE?

Rory said:
you're a goddamn genius, boss
It's straight up not worse than Scourge simply because you can unspec the unwanted passive on your item, so it's not bricked.
On the other hand, it doesn't have the very useful currencies that Scourge had though. Or any, for that matter.


RPG Codex Ghost
Oct 19, 2009
To elaborate, the build requires no uniques and all its basic gear is easily craftable. Even advanced stuff for the late late mapping where you lack a little damage is most easily craftable. Even ubergear like Whispers of Doom anoint and that sort of shit is ultimately within reach of an SSF craft.

The only thing that is hard to target is Legacy of Fury - but keep in mind that those boots are more QoL clearing oriented than necessarily damage-oriented. The Scorch certainly helps on bosses, but the booms for map clear is the reason we run them. I say this because they're basically the only item on the build you might have trouble finding yourself. The build uses one other unique, Immortal Flesh, but any good leather belt can easily sub for it. It doesn't have a unique effect for the build like Legacy does - it just makes you even more thanky than a good leather belt and costs very little in trade.

The Jugg-version of the build is innately tanky. You could probably wear all blue gear and easily cap your resists and outshine all other caster builds in the ability to tank direct phys and elemental hits, which is where a lot of the appeal of the build comes from - it's so easy to get all that stuff squared. On top of that you can just run an amethyst flask until your gear is good enough to chaos cap - and with enkindling enchant, that means you don't even have to press a button to run around with fully capped resists, including chaos, very early in maps. You're ailment immune by level 28 and the Body Armour ascendancy from Jugg is just stupid. It's one of the places I deviate from Pohx - I take that node before the damage node (but I play HC normally, which is probably why - in fact I'd recommend anyone playing HC taking body armor node third, as you won't really understand why Pohx calls the build stupidly tanky until you have that node. Well, besides for the insane regen, which of course you get very early).

I'm very experienced with the build at this point, so feel free to ask here if there's something you want elaborated.


Nov 23, 2015
Insert Title Here
There's just something really fucking iffy about cruciblign from inventory, it doesn't work reliably for me at all.
I retract my previous statement. You can always cook straight from your inventory, provided the item is identified. It has nothing to do with what you're carrying inside your weapon swap.

Any steady player who played this mechanic just a single time in a beta test could tell them
I think the issue lies right here. Their testers are some HCSSF RUTHLESS spergs for whom this shit is actually fun.
The UI is also weirdly trash and unresponsive. The amount of times I've over- or undercharged the bar compared to what I was trying to do is really weird. Such a simple feature, how is it fucked up?
From what I can tell, the progress bar isn't the thing that you're actually charging. What you're charging are the monsters and when one of the big ones spawns, that's when the bar jumps ahead. That's why there is almost no progress in the beginning as well, since you spend the first second or so just "painting the pretty lines".

And the risk/reward ratio is completely lopsided, but that's been every league mechanic for a long time.
Have to disagree there. Sanctum was very safe currency generation after you got some good relics going. On the initial reception people thought it was unrewarding, that's true. But that was due to most people just sucking at it.

I've been slowly progressing in white maps. Build is starting to come together, but I'm missing a lot of currency. Lack of Sanctum hurts my soul. I've started to pick up "chancing" bases for weapons and shields that I wanna try my luck at getting the "sells for an additional unique" passive, but I'll be skipping Crucible for now, just because it takes so fucking long to do each encounter. Improvements are coming almost certainly. Even the most level headed streamers like Mathil are criticizing it.


Mar 16, 2015
Ruthless would be fun if the minute to minute gameplay of PoE was actually fun and engaging. But since only fun in PoE is building your character, a mode that prevents that radically just does not work.


Aug 5, 2009
Project: Eternity Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 Pathfinder: Kingmaker
From what I can tell, the progress bar isn't the thing that you're actually charging. What you're charging are the monsters and when one of the big ones spawns, that's when the bar jumps ahead. That's why there is almost no progress in the beginning as well, since you spend the first second or so just "painting the pretty lines".
Yeah, I think this is correct. You can have more control over your bar (although it's still impossible to know how delirious the encounter will be) by channeling for like 1s at a time, and waiting for the bar to catch up. The encounter doesn't start until you leave the circle.


Dec 29, 2010
Haha yeah it's kinda SCOURGE all over again, my first succesful scourging was a death rush ring and went for good sum, and now again sold one for 1 div xd
expedition atlas was worth it, made 45 exotic coins on my own 2x 70's boss logbooks and still have one left to do,there must be some divs at Tujen but will farm expedition for my own ward gear.
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Oct 12, 2010
Codex 2016 - The Age of Grimoire Grab the Codex by the pussy RPG Wokedex Strap Yourselves In Codex Year of the Donut Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag. Pathfinder: Wrath I helped put crap in Monomyth
Haha yeah it's kinda SCOURGE all over again, my first succesful scourging was a death rush ring and went for good sum, and now again sold one for 1 div xd

Scourge with less rewards.

That said, I got Master Fletcher (fire an extra arrow) on my bow from the crucible tree and none of the nodes had significant downsides.

Someone on the POE forums commented that, rewards wise, it feels like a past league mechanic made core, and that IMO is a pretty perfect description. It doesn't feel rewarding enough to be the focus of the league.


Sep 11, 2016
Finished act 1 and I swear I got more jewelery in my two ruthless runs last league. Also felt more squishy (died to the water shitters in the caves), did they buff monster damage or am I imagining things?

I wasn't too sure since I was playing somethin I wasn't used to but some other people have noticed this as well, hard to say but harsher mods seem more frequent than last league,
They can't help themselves.


Love fool
Feb 7, 2013
Smyrna - Scalanouva
Divinity: Original Sin 2
After a few near death experiences I decided to shelf league mechanic till I get my build on a reasonable state. That shit is not rewarding enough for that hassle in HC.

And RIP to my elementalist reaper build, I hardly new ye. Tried to play while sleepy which ended in a single mistake. Still nice to see bullshit numbers though.


Nov 23, 2015
Insert Title Here
Crucible League Changes:
  • Crucible monsters now have much less damage reduction, except when channeled to maximum difficulty.
  • Crucible monsters now have less life at all levels, most notably in Part 2 of the campaign, and in low-tier Maps. In addition, Crucible Bosses have had their life further reduced by roughly 20%.
  • Increased the amount of Crucible Passive Skill Tree experience gained from encounters, particularly for encounters that are not fully-channelled. This should result in smoother progression on the experience bar while channelling.
  • Increased the drop rate of Igneous Geodes. Lower-tier Crucible monsters are now more likely to drop these. Note Geodes have a higher chance to drop in high-tier Maps, and their drop chance is affected by item quantity.
  • Added a "Crucible Item" filter to the Miscellaneous filters section on the Path of Exile: Trade website.

Other Fixes:
  • You can now dismiss the unclaimed Kirac's Vault rewards notification with right-click. The notification will reappear when you earn a new reward, or when you next login.
  • Fixed a bug where explosives in the Olroth, Origin of the Fall encounter were not destroying crystals.
  • Fixed an instance crash.
  • Fixed a client crash.
Haven't tested it in-game yet, but this is a move in the right direction. Too bad full charge is still the retarded 90% damage reduction or whatever it is, but you'll be able to overcome it with gear eventually.


Aug 5, 2009
Project: Eternity Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 Pathfinder: Kingmaker
Made it to maps, and as was foretold, my build kind of fell apart.
RF felt really good in act 7 when I first started using it (the dps wasn't amazing, but the fact that you don't need to cast anything meant the clear speed was still pretty nice), but in maps it doesn't feel good at all. Not too surprising, since I haven't focused that hard on scaling it, and my gear is dogshite (don't even have 4k total hp+es).

Static strike to trigger burst is probably good in theory, but in practice melee feels horribad to play without major AS investment (hf standing still for 0,8s while your dude pretends he's a dark souls boss doing a slam attack). I did try changing to cyclone, which was better (got through a whole t1 map without dying!!1) but still felt bad. Not sure if I'm seeing things but it feels like the burst is not reliably triggering on the cyclone starting, might be deceptive aoe range on cyclone or something.

Potentially the build could be salvaged (drop burst, focus on firestorm? Suck it up and grind some better gear?), but I don't think it's gonna be good either way. And the league mechanic is looking pretty shit (hf playing 2-3 maps to reveal the first node, which has 50% chance to be negative, and 40% chance to be irrelevant). So I'm considering just GTFOing this league.


Mar 16, 2015
Made it to maps, and as was foretold, my build kind of fell apart.
RF felt really good in act 7 when I first started using it (the dps wasn't amazing, but the fact that you don't need to cast anything meant the clear speed was still pretty nice), but in maps it doesn't feel good at all. Not too surprising, since I haven't focused that hard on scaling it, and my gear is dogshite (don't even have 4k total hp+es).

Static strike to trigger burst is probably good in theory, but in practice melee feels horribad to play without major AS investment (hf standing still for 0,8s while your dude pretends he's a dark souls boss doing a slam attack). I did try changing to cyclone, which was better (got through a whole t1 map without dying!!1) but still felt bad. Not sure if I'm seeing things but it feels like the burst is not reliably triggering on the cyclone starting, might be deceptive aoe range on cyclone or something.

Potentially the build could be salvaged (drop burst, focus on firestorm? Suck it up and grind some better gear?), but I don't think it's gonna be good either way. And the league mechanic is looking pretty shit (hf playing 2-3 maps to reveal the first node, which has 50% chance to be negative, and 40% chance to be irrelevant). So I'm considering just GTFOing this league.
I agree, league mechanic sucks. It is completely useless for me, even worse it is dangerous because if rares spawn they easily kill you even at low maps...
This is basically standard with start from zero and active trade. If you are not planning to trade, there is little point in playing it.
Playing it just reminded me why I started looking at other aRPGs to play.

Luckily Wartales is starting tomorrow so I can play a real game after I put 20+ hours into this league already and didn't have a lot fun for it. Always chasing that "fun" that is about to come if I just get a right drop. Fuck that shit. That is for losers and no lifers like Kjaska


Dec 29, 2010
I'm at 95 exotic coins, got 3 div so far from Tujen, spent ~25 coins, got endless vaal, horizon and craft orbs. I even color linked a corrupted +2 minion gem +1max endurance charge unique boots I got for 75c now the animate guardian feels safe AF (got some 50c on it will spend still xd) not to mention 5 end charge immortal call yeahhhhh. Not bought a single map for atlas completion, just some farm for later.
Oh Kirac gave Cortex and Tujen too so I can't even use former for now. Like this a lot so far will buy some more invisible buff MTX (my fav xd).
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Nov 23, 2015
Insert Title Here
hf playing 2-3 maps to reveal the first node
I'm revealing 1 item per map in T10s without issues now and my gear is nowhere near optimal. I'm still on Precise Technique, no Vengeant Cascade, my bow has 1 Essence roll, 1 t3 ele mod and 1 crafted ele mod.


RPG Codex Ghost
Oct 19, 2009
Yeah I'm one-popping Crucible mobs currently on near-full charge. As soon as your gear gets good it changes. Still not doing it because fuck this mechanic.


Jul 4, 2018
t16 can still be rippy if you go near full charge but it's way more manageable now.
Static strike to trigger burst is probably good in theory, but in practice melee feels horribad to play without major AS investment (hf standing still for 0,8s while your dude pretends he's a dark souls boss doing a slam attack). I did try changing to cyclone, which was better (got through a whole t1 map without dying!!1) but still felt bad. Not sure if I'm seeing things but it feels like the burst is not reliably triggering on the cyclone starting, might be deceptive aoe range on cyclone or something.

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