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Path of Exile is a MAJESTIC incline


Nov 23, 2015
Insert Title Here
I can't speak for their quality but this guy makes videos on game mechanics if you are interested in that.
I've watched a couple of his videos. He isn't spreading wrong info, but he's also not really trying to educate. He's just like other content farming youtubers ala KobeBlackMamba, who will try to make a video out of any possible topic by stretching the video out as much as possible. In other words: trying to understand PoE mechanics by watching this guy is like a child trying to educate itself about life by talking to a pedo - yes, the pedo might have some real info for the child, but he has a very different agenda on his priority list.

Where do you even find these obscure no-names?

KIss My Ass

Real name: SDG
Dumbfuck Shitposter
Feb 3, 2023
Aya Cash's vagina I hope
Codex+ Now Streaming!
I can't speak for their quality but this guy makes videos on game mechanics if you are interested in that.
I've watched a couple of his videos. He isn't spreading wrong info, but he's also not really trying to educate. He's just like other content farming youtubers ala KobeBlackMamba, who will try to make a video out of any possible topic by stretching the video out as much as possible. In other words: trying to understand PoE mechanics by watching this guy is like a child trying to educate itself about life by talking to a pedo - yes, the pedo might have some real info for the child, but he has a very different agenda on his priority list.

Where do you even find these obscure no-names?
Nobody cares ya fuckin homo. Your taste in games is shit and your mom should have aborted you. Btw did I mention how terrible this game is? It's like banging a mutant with swamp ass, LOL


Oct 12, 2010
Codex 2016 - The Age of Grimoire Grab the Codex by the pussy RPG Wokedex Strap Yourselves In Codex Year of the Donut Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag. Pathfinder: Wrath I helped put crap in Monomyth
I can't speak for their quality but this guy makes videos on game mechanics if you are interested in that.
I've watched a couple of his videos. He isn't spreading wrong info, but he's also not really trying to educate. He's just like other content farming youtubers ala KobeBlackMamba, who will try to make a video out of any possible topic by stretching the video out as much as possible. In other words: trying to understand PoE mechanics by watching this guy is like a child trying to educate itself about life by talking to a pedo - yes, the pedo might have some real info for the child, but he has a very different agenda on his priority list.

Where do you even find these obscure no-names?
Nobody cares ya fuckin homo. Your taste in games is shit and your mom should have aborted you. Btw did I mention how terrible this game is? It's like banging a mutant with swamp ass, LOL

As much as Kjaska annoys me at times, do you really need to bring your shitposting into a game discussion thread?

Lyric Suite

Converting to Islam
Mar 23, 2006
PoE 2 campaing shorter and more randomized
still waste of time if you play more than 1 character in league

This idea of integrating the new game with the old is interesting to be honest.

I always disliked how certain companies always feel like they have to start from scratch instead of building on what they did before. Strategy games do this a lot. Some series have a lot of sequels that are pretty much the same thing except reworked from the ground up, sometimes with improvements or new systems, sometimes with lesser features or inferior ones. Rather than improving on what was done before so that the experience becomes ever more refined and complex over time, you are forced to basically replay the same thing with some changes that may or may not be for the better. Should i play Civilization 2 or 3? X3 or X4? And even if the new version is better, it may lack content compared to the previous iteration which may have seen expansions over the years, in which case what is one to do, stick to the old game until the new one has had more content added to it?

If i understand what they are doing with PoE2 it seems GGG is trying to avoid this problem.


Nov 5, 2007
I don't know how the game will feel after you finish the new campaign that takes place years after the events of PoE1, but then at the end game everything is back as it was. Are all the league NPCs still going to be around like nothing happened? Especially weird in cases like Jun and the Immortal Syndicate. Doubt Delve is ever going away either. Bestiary and Incursion might be gone, but Alva is definitely involved in the overall story in some way. Zana (definitely not Atziri btw) just went out to buy cigarettes.

GGG (...) trying to balance shit
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Jun 14, 2007
São Paulo - Brasil
So i'm a trying a Witch now, using freezing pulse, teh zombies, frost bomb and some chaos debuff thing forgot what its called. No synergies whatsoever, but then no support gems means who cares, just stacking shit for the sake of it lmao.

Also, an Orb of Regret just dropped. Wonder if the next time i'll see one will be at the end of the league lul.

Last league, I had two divinity orbs drop on the same map and never saw one spawn again ever since.

Lyric Suite

Converting to Islam
Mar 23, 2006
I hope to God your character only says a few lines like in regular PoE and they don't talk constantly like in that trailer lol.


Nov 23, 2015
Insert Title Here

for all you niggas who can't handle the talking of your char


Mar 16, 2015
I can't speak for their quality but this guy makes videos on game mechanics if you are interested in that.
I've watched a couple of his videos. He isn't spreading wrong info, but he's also not really trying to educate. He's just like other content farming youtubers ala KobeBlackMamba, who will try to make a video out of any possible topic by stretching the video out as much as possible. In other words: trying to understand PoE mechanics by watching this guy is like a child trying to educate itself about life by talking to a pedo - yes, the pedo might have some real info for the child, but he has a very different agenda on his priority list.

Where do you even find these obscure no-names?
Nobody cares ya fuckin homo. Your taste in games is shit and your mom should have aborted you. Btw did I mention how terrible this game is? It's like banging a mutant with swamp ass, LOL
Damn, it is battle of the retards! Let the better retard win!
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Oct 12, 2010
Codex 2016 - The Age of Grimoire Grab the Codex by the pussy RPG Wokedex Strap Yourselves In Codex Year of the Donut Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag. Pathfinder: Wrath I helped put crap in Monomyth
Teaser looks great. Death to one button "gameplay" enjoyers.
Trailers and showcases for these games have nothing to do with actual gameplay.

Yep, the way GGG employees seem to play is very different to the way the community plays.

Still, it will be interesting to see if PoE2 meaningfully slows the gameplay in the long term. The current attempts to slow the game just seem to provoke a further autism fuelled arms race between GGG and the community and the community inevitably seems to find a way to recoup the lost power.


Mar 16, 2015
Teaser looks great. Death to one button "gameplay" enjoyers.
Trailers and showcases for these games have nothing to do with actual gameplay.

Yep, the way GGG employees seem to play is very different to the way the community plays.

Still, it will be interesting to see if PoE2 meaningfully slows the gameplay in the long term. The current attempts to slow the game just seem to provoke a further autism fuelled arms race between GGG and the community and the community inevitably seems to find a way to recoup the lost power.
Current attempts only make enemies stronger while grinding longer. Nothing fun about it.


Oct 12, 2010
Codex 2016 - The Age of Grimoire Grab the Codex by the pussy RPG Wokedex Strap Yourselves In Codex Year of the Donut Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag. Pathfinder: Wrath I helped put crap in Monomyth
Teaser looks great. Death to one button "gameplay" enjoyers.
Trailers and showcases for these games have nothing to do with actual gameplay.

Yep, the way GGG employees seem to play is very different to the way the community plays.

Still, it will be interesting to see if PoE2 meaningfully slows the gameplay in the long term. The current attempts to slow the game just seem to provoke a further autism fuelled arms race between GGG and the community and the community inevitably seems to find a way to recoup the lost power.
Current attempts only make enemies stronger while grinding longer. Nothing fun about it.

Yep, mostly hit the normal players way harder than the 1%.

Lyric Suite

Converting to Islam
Mar 23, 2006

for all you niggas who can't handle the talking of your char

That's hardly the fucking point.

I'm 100% sure all that chatter is just for the teaser only, but in the age of zoomer bait shit you can never know, and an option to disable ALL voices is hardly a solution. I like my character talking every now and then, i just don't want to listen to that shit constantly, especially since how much voicing do you think they are going to record? Ready to listen to your character say shit like "die foul beast!" for five thousand consecutive hours?

Lyric Suite

Converting to Islam
Mar 23, 2006
So i just cleared act 1.

Ruthless so far barely feels any different from regular but then i figured normal difficulty was going to be a cakewalk no matter what.

I got some skill gems drop but no support gems yet and links so far appear to be an irrelevant mechanic. I'm also poor as the vast majority of drops are white items but for the moment it doesn't matter as there's nothing much to buy.

Crucible mechanic is pretty powerful and i got some decent bonuses (got 30% cold resistance off on my twig shield which was helpful). It's also easy as the AI doesn't chase you. This means you can charge those nodes or whatever they are to the full and then just use hit and run tactics to clear the monsters.

BTW, i kinda forgot how much euphoric and cuck shit there was in the writing in this game lmao.
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Mar 16, 2015

for all you niggas who can't handle the talking of your char

That's hardly the fucking point.

I'm 100% sure all that chatter is just for the teaser only, but in the age of zoomer bait shit you can never know, and an option to disable ALL voices is hardly a solution. I like my character talking every now and then, i just don't want to listen to that shit constantly, especially since how much voicing do you think they are going to record? Ready to listen to your character say shit like "die foul beast!" for five thousand consecutive hours?
We had settings that control how often voices come out since BG1, I think they will be fine.


Mar 16, 2015
So i just cleared act 1.

Ruthless so far barely feels any different from regular but then i figured normal difficulty was going to be a cakewalk no matter what.

I got some skill gems drop but no support gems yet and links so far appear to be an irrelevant mechanic. I'm also poor as the vast majority of drops are white items but for the moment it doesn't matter as there's nothing much to buy.

Crucible mechanic is pretty powerful and i got some decent bonuses (got 30% cold resistance off on my twig shield which was helpful). It's also easy as the AI doesn't chase you. This means you can charge those nodes or whatever they are to the full and then just use hit and run tactics to clear the monsters.

BTW, i kinda forgot how much euphoric and cuck shit there was in the writing in this game lmao.
Build porn is only thing PoE is good at, Ruthless goes directly against it.

Lyric Suite

Converting to Islam
Mar 23, 2006
Right now i'm just breezing through the game with freezing pulse without support of any kind. I picked every damage increasing node and skipped health completely for now. Whenever i find something that doesn't get vaporized in a nanosecond i just drop a frost bomb and maybe a flame wall if they are that durable. I used to open with a front bomb but it's pointless now as they die before it goes off so i just reserve that for harder mobs. Zombies are still tough enough to serve as decent meat shields, but if i go past lethal on those Crucible nodes they generally don't last long enough to be worth it. They can still tank some bosses though.

For gear i have a sceptre with elemental damage and cold damage modifer and a twig shield with spell damage modifier and the rest is whatever, which is fine because i have zero orbs to buy anything.

[EDIT] Forgot about creeping frost i got that too.
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