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Path of Exile is a MAJESTIC incline


RPG Codex Ghost
Oct 19, 2009
That maximum resistances are completely nuts in PoE and we get two of them completely free
Explain it to me though. Obviously max res is really good, but for sources of +max fire res

Just look at Pohx' guide ;) I think I had 84 or 85% max fire res at Crucible endgame. Most sources aren't from the tree, they're from gear, Eldritch currency etc. And again - don't underestimate the impact of one or two points of max res. Max res is the opposite of diminishing returns.

Of course some of that max res came from Jugg directly, meaning Chieftain will have a harder time bumping it up. But let's say 80% is a realistic goal - that's 10% free max res. That's nuts.

Hinekora is probably going to be really good QoL for rares though

Saying this with such callous disregard suggests you haven't tried Legacy of Fury or a similar approach to RF. It's like playing two different builds. RF w/o explode melts monsters in its vicinity, RF with explode screen clears just by running through the map. It feels sooooooooo good. In some ways this is even better than Legacy because the damage is instant (though of course no ash etc. so the two still synergize).

That's good, but is it good for an ascendancy notable that's behind another kinda mediocre notable?

The other notable is hardly mediocre, it's a good "waypoint node." It literally fixes your Chaos res i.e. you can squeeze in more damage (which, trust me, is the no. 1 thing you always hurt for especially on Jugg).

How is Tasalio helping with chaos res? Just by reducing gear pressure in general since it'll be +70 light and cold res in the end?

Main puzzle on RF is finding room for Chaos res while having enough damage and maintaining your very high max resistances which get into the 80s easily. Tasalio completely fixes this issue allowing for tons of gear to solely have damage stats and chaos res

Ramako is going to mean you don't need flammability,

A bit of a stretch I think, though we'll see how it works in practice. Though if this is what you think, how can you say the ascendancy lacks damage nodes. Not needing flammability would be insane.

It's a question of how the node actually works - i.e., if you throw your flame trap and it explodes and ignites, and you then move, does the mob count as having no fire res against the entirety of that Fire Trap burn? If so, you don't need pen, basically.

EDIT: Reminder that most of RF's mid-endgame gearing is adding Exposure and Chaos Res to gear.

If the mob has fire res the instant you move, the node is way worse. Either way, it's a bit of an annoying design.

Jugg will probably still be tankier but I'm finding it difficult to say no to all the QoL and general usability of the Chieftain RF here.
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RPG Codex Ghost
Oct 19, 2009
The long and short it is that Jugg will probably continue to reign supreme on Hardcore while Chieftain will take over Softcore RF - *unless* there's a decent way to tank phys with elemental resistances beyond Divine Flesh in which case Chieftain might make a run for HC as well.


Jul 4, 2018
the Ramako, Sun's Light node is just absolute off its rocker in terms of damage. To a point where I can't even believe it's real.
Maybe I'm reading it wrong but Ramako feels like a trap since it sets enemy res to 0. If that's true than you're going to lose a ton of damage from curses or scorch/legacy of fury.


RPG Codex Ghost
Oct 19, 2009
the Ramako, Sun's Light node is just absolute off its rocker in terms of damage. To a point where I can't even believe it's real.
Maybe I'm reading it wrong but Ramako feels like a trap since it sets enemy res to 0. If that's true than you're going to lose a ton of damage from curses or scorch/legacy of fury.

That's why I'm having trouble believing it. Imagine if it sets it to 0 and you can manipulate it from there. But I guess we'll have to see. If it literally sets it to 0 regardless of other manipulation it's a fucking weird node.


RPG Codex Ghost
Oct 19, 2009
Saying this with such callous disregard
What part of really good qol is callous disregard?

I was just stressing the fact that it is the QoL-feature for RF because it makes your maps twice, three times, four times as fast and they feel way better. There's QoL and there's QoL

Why? There's no other damage curse, and the defensive curses are mediocre. And not having to curse at all is minor qol, at least when the alternative is needing to stand still.

Let me rephrase: IF you "don't need" flammability but can still run it, you can send enemy resistances into the absolute gutter which is potentially the biggest Fire Trap + RF damage buff since forever.

If it sets the mob's resist to 0, I agree with Reever that it might be a literally useless node.

We shall see. As usual, Pohx' judgment will be gospel. The main issue any ascendancy is going to have when competing with Jugg is the sheer amount of damage reduction that ascendancy provides.


Sep 21, 2012
Explain it to me though. Obviously max res is really good, but for sources of +max fire res I count exactly two +1% on the tree, and one of them is right next to +2% all (which means you could pick up +1 light and cold for 2 points if you really wanted), so you're really getting +2% cold/lightning max res.
There is also mastery that gives 1% or 2% max res with the right conditions, Purity of Fire also gives 5% (or more if you have increased effect nodes / rolls on gear). That Chieftain node is essentially Melding of Flesh without the downsides, which is huge, considering that MoF is one of the staple items that is currently used for RF


RPG Codex Ghost
Oct 19, 2009
Explain it to me though. Obviously max res is really good, but for sources of +max fire res I count exactly two +1% on the tree, and one of them is right next to +2% all (which means you could pick up +1 light and cold for 2 points if you really wanted), so you're really getting +2% cold/lightning max res.
There is also mastery that gives 1% or 2% max res with the right conditions, Purity of Fire also gives 5% (or more if you have increased effect nodes / rolls on gear). That Chieftain node is essentially Melding of Flesh without the downsides, which is huge, considering that MoF is one of the staple items that is currently used for RF

Problem with this, though, is that getting ailment immunities without Jugg is hard (you're not running Purity of Ele if you run Purity of Fire). Not impossible at all, just tricky


Sep 21, 2012
If it sets the mob's resist to 0, I agree with Reever that it might be a literally useless node.
Unless you roll dual juiced curses (with +quality gem/gear rolls), I don't think you can realistically get to 0% with pinnacle bosses. For example, I get minus (37(curse)+18 (exposure) + 19 (LoF)) = 74% which is less than 90% resists pinnacle bosses have.


RPG Codex Ghost
Oct 19, 2009
If it sets the mob's resist to 0, I agree with Reever that it might be a literally useless node.
Unless you roll dual juiced curses (with +quality gem/gear rolls), I don't think you can realistically get to 0% with pinnacle bosses. For example, I get minus (37(curse)+18 (exposure) + 19 (LoF)) = 74% which is less than 90% resists pinnacle bosses have.



Sep 21, 2012
Problem with this, though, is that getting ailment immunities without Jugg is hard (you're not running Purity of Ele if you run Purity of Fire). Not impossible at all, just tricky
I was thinking about Chieftain in this case. You can go with leftmost panteon to get immunity to freeze and chill resistance anyway, and storm shield the shocked effect.


RPG Codex Ghost
Oct 19, 2009
Problem with this, though, is that getting ailment immunities without Jugg is hard (you're not running Purity of Ele if you run Purity of Fire). Not impossible at all, just tricky
I was thinking about Chieftain in this case.

I know, that was my point :) If you're Chieftain, fixing ailment immunity when you ditch Purity of Ele is harder


RPG Codex Ghost
Oct 19, 2009
Problem with this, though, is that getting ailment immunities without Jugg is hard (you're not running Purity of Ele if you run Purity of Fire). Not impossible at all, just tricky
I was thinking about Chieftain in this case. You can go with leftmost panteon to get immunity to freeze and chill resistance anyway, and storm shield the shocked effect.

You don't have to Storm Shield for shock immune, actually.


RPG Codex Ghost
Oct 19, 2009
Problem with this, though, is that getting ailment immunities without Jugg is hard (you're not running Purity of Ele if you run Purity of Fire). Not impossible at all, just tricky
I was thinking about Chieftain in this case. You can go with leftmost panteon to get immunity to freeze and chill resistance anyway, and storm shield the shocked effect.

You don't have to Storm Shield for shock immune, actually.

To elaborate:


Pick up that, stack Chance to Avoid being shocked and you fix ailment resistance. It's just a more lategame option than what Jugg provides.


Sep 21, 2012
If it sets the mob's resist to 0, I agree with Reever that it might be a literally useless node.
Unless you roll dual juiced curses (with +quality gem/gear rolls), I don't think you can realistically get to 0% with pinnacle bosses. For example, I get minus (37(curse)+18 (exposure) + 19 (LoF)) = 74% which is less than 90% resists pinnacle bosses have.
Akshually, it seems pinnacle bosses have 50% resist, so it'd probably go to minus if you have exposure on hit and / or LoF


RPG Codex Ghost
Oct 19, 2009
If it sets the mob's resist to 0, I agree with Reever that it might be a literally useless node.
Unless you roll dual juiced curses (with +quality gem/gear rolls), I don't think you can realistically get to 0% with pinnacle bosses. For example, I get minus (37(curse)+18 (exposure) + 19 (LoF)) = 74% which is less than 90% resists pinnacle bosses have.
Akshually, it seems pinnacle bosses have 50% resist, so it'd probably go to minus if you have exposure on hit and / or LoF

I thought so, I seem to recall this being the goal on my recent softcore run which is easily the deepest I've went with the build, killing all pinnacle bosses etc.

So Reever is absolutely right if this is the case - UNLESS it stacks, which would be nuts.


Aug 5, 2009
Project: Eternity Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 Pathfinder: Kingmaker
Let me rephrase: IF you "don't need" flammability but can still run it, you can send enemy resistances into the absolute gutter which is potentially the biggest Fire Trap + RF damage buff since forever.

If it sets the mob's resist to 0, I agree with Reever that it might be a literally useless node.
Oh ok, now I get you. I interpret it as setting to 0, making it function like inq node. If it lets you get enemy resists to -36 (or whatever) with just flammability it's crazy good and basically justifies the ascendency all its own.


Mar 16, 2015
Why are you guys still talking about RF when we got lots of PoE2 goodies.
Like how during skills panel they shit on D4 in such sweet ways by saying they considered using cooldowns or skills that fill other skills to force multiskill use but decided against it as it would be unfun :D :D


Nov 23, 2015
Insert Title Here
Some random thoughts on the announcements:

- Navali is back <3
- new auto-battler League is right up my alley, but zoomers will hate it
- Sanctum is back <3
- poe2 being 1+ years away makes me less interested in the hype
- poe2 being standalone is also making me less interested in the hype
- I wanted the poe2 systems in poe1, I don't want two separate entities
- going back to poe1 for a new league will feel bad after playing poe2 right before
- not concerned with the "slow" gameplay of poe2 because all the character were wearing trash tier gear
- a lot of dunking on d4 during the entire stream
- all poe2 systems look amazing, the weapon swap, the weapon types, the combo skills, the gem cutting, mini-boss rewards etc
- we Elden Ring now for real, except you'll be able to actually brute force the game with gear
- new dodge roll will make combat and especially melee feel soooooo much more betterer
- visual presentation is A+, but I didn't really care that much. If you have played Vampire Survivors, you know
- the 8 people working on poe1 leagues for the past 1,5 years rumour is impressive

Splitting the two games makes a lot of sense business wise. You get double the revenue, you ensure poe1 gets proper support, you can remove a lot of zoom from poe2 and let it live on in poe1 etc. But from a consooomer perspective I'm not sure if want. PoE already takes up a significant chunk of my free time. Essentially doubling that might feel like too much of a good thing. Overall I'm not too concerned though, since it's too removed in the future atm and I have been gifted Baldur's Gate 3, so I'll focus on that and the new League hype instead.


Nov 23, 2015
Insert Title Here
There is some truth to this, but "someone else made a free tool that's still more complex than some enterprise software to help teach you what the game won't" is never a great look.
Sure, but for my part I don't want a great look. I want the game to filter out as many normies as possible.

It's also why most people seem to use builds someone else made. When the standard community advice for new players is "find a build someone else made" (at least if you want to get serious and progress far), there is something off with character building.
IF you want to progress. Character building is fine IF you want to tinker. Just don't expect to defeat Ubers with your own janky creation on your first attempt.

And you do realize that physics is a thing people get actual phds and spend years learning in university?
AFTER they have been taught the existing knowledge via literature by other people. They start working on their own progress into the field, which is what also happens in PoE as well. You just haven't reached the point yet.
It's really funny to read this, because "figure everything out on your own" is how almost every game ever made works and was intended to work.
Yes and they also stop being fun the moment you have figured it out. PoE has a lot of shit to figure out already and gives you even more every 3-4 months = more fun.

but also, have you seen https://www.pohx.net/?
That's a great resource made by the community. What is not to love about it? I think somebody devoting so much work towards just 1 (one) singular build and getting this level of pay-off in a game that has a gazillion more builds is an impressive and positive thing. It's also a separate resource, meaning it doesn't interfere with your gameplay if you dislike hand holding. Win-win.


Aug 5, 2009
Project: Eternity Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 Pathfinder: Kingmaker
- not concerned with the "slow" gameplay of poe2 because all the character were wearing trash tier gear
Since when is a staff with +2 all gem skill level and 50% inc damage trash ?
But yeah, the actual game is going to be faster than shown.

Splitting the two games makes a lot of sense business wise. You get double the revenue, you ensure poe1 gets proper support, you can remove a lot of zoom from poe2 and let it live on in poe1 etc. But from a consooomer perspective I'm not sure if want.
I think it's pretty dubious. You're essentially competing with yourself. The fact that purchases are shared between games makes it less so, but you're still maintaining 2 games instead of one (have to develop twice as much league content for example). GGG probably know better than I do, might be some weird quirk of the f2p model.
behead those who criticize pohx.net
I don't criticize the sites existance, I criticize its necessity.
Sure, but for my part I don't want a great look. I want the game to filter out as many normies as possible.
Fair enough. It seems we basically agree on all relevant facts, we just have different opinions about what is good and bad.


Nov 23, 2015
Insert Title Here
Since when is a staff with +2 all gem skill level and 50% inc damage trash ?
They were running spells essentially unlinked, whereas in poe1 by that time you would have 2 wands with flat damage that is at least comparable if not greater damage to +2 AND 2-3 support gems that multiply your damage, plus a curse, plus a damage aura.
I don't criticize the sites existance, I criticize its necessity.
There is no "necessity". It's just for one build anyway. People have been playing PoE for years without it. You get a friend into the game and just teach him stuff. When have you last done this with an AAA title? If you dumb down PoE, you remove the possibility of the community helping itself.

Path of Building, Craft of Exile, Awakened PoE Trade, pohx's website are all gems that show how passionate the community is and how rich and complex PoE is. Would you rather have a normie linear story in Elden Ring and for vaati vidya to not exist? This is stuff is what makes games great, not a "smooth gaming experience" approved by some nigga in a suit.


Nov 5, 2007
Why? There's no other damage curse, and the defensive curses are mediocre. And not having to curse at all is minor qol, at least when the alternative is needing to stand still.

Let me rephrase: IF you "don't need" flammability but can still run it, you can send enemy resistances into the absolute gutter which is potentially the biggest Fire Trap + RF damage buff since forever.
If the enemy has no fire resistance then you can't modify it. It's the same wording as "You have no Armour" on Gluttony, it removes Armour from your character sheet. Punishment would be the only damage curse you can use.
This "rework" is shit, the max res node is really the only good one. Just play Jugg and spend 200 Divs on forbidden jewels to get that. Or play Inquisitor and get the new Guardian node that gives recovery rate.

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