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Path of Exile is a MAJESTIC incline


May 13, 2013
Hey guys, I'm been thinking whether it's possible now, but can I have a build in POE1 like a type of zippy electrical guy?
Something like blink strike with electricity cosmetic?

And also, is there a skill that acts as a type of "charge up", like you stand there for a some seconds, charging up, and every second it gives you something like +10% damage and/or attack speed, and it has 5 charge levels, each charge level lasts 10 seconds, and is increased by 10 seconds per charge, so at charge level 5 it'd last for like 50 seconds.
Is there something like this? Or possible?
PoE basically culminates into you running maps as fast as possible. So the whole charging up thing isn't something you'd want to build around. Especially if there's 50 powered enemies on screen, standing still is very bad news. As for dashing around yeah, I can think of a couple skills like that.
The idea I was thinking was that the charging would give you +attack speed and +movement speed, and maybe damage too, which "should" compensate for the standing still part.

Baron Dupek

Jul 23, 2013
Welcome to the Bone Zone



Apr 11, 2023
The fuck's the point of that? The entire profit off Delirium runs is to get orbs and then reroll them to diviner/fine and trade.

Baron Dupek

Jul 23, 2013
The fuck's the point of that? The entire profit off Delirium runs is to get orbs and then reroll them to diviner/fine and trade.
more like an addon for other farming strategies not focused on delirium farming - another layer of random rewards with not time pressure or limiting map layout


Apr 11, 2023
The fuck's the point of that? The entire profit off Delirium runs is to get orbs and then reroll them to diviner/fine and trade.
more like an addon for other farming strategies not focused on delirium farming - another layer of random rewards with not time pressure or limiting map layout
That still doesn't make sense, not-focused delirium farming is doing 3/5 rewards ASAP and pressing end timer button, not extending it forever. Moreover for this purpose there's already the % delirious modifier on maps.


Mar 16, 2015
Welcome to the Bone Zone

Probably an almost 100% indication that boneshatter would be nerfed or heavily 'reworked' (uber-nerfed in GGG parliance)

Which is shame, it is only "melee" skill that let me run low level red maps in SSF with a 5L...
And this upcoming league I was thinking of going Boneshatter again, this time with a Slayer. I guess GGG will not be happy until we all play RF, totems, mines or minions only..


Jan 3, 2020
(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻


Jan 3, 2020
(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

Jason Liang

Oct 26, 2014
What don't you guys like about trade?

I'm starting to get used to trading on console. It is less efficient but I've come to appreciate the streamlined process and anonymity.


Apr 11, 2023
I don't have a problem with trade either, I get absolutely everything I want just fine even on mega popular builds like RF. Duh, maybe don't send offers for the underpriced first result that a thousand chinese bots and a hundred guys will ping, pay 5-10c more and there you have it instantly.


Jun 26, 2016
The trading system in early Pokemon games, where you needed a physical cable to connect two game consoles, is better designed than whatever the fuck PoE's trading system is.

I don't even know how you're supposed to trade without a premium stash tab. To find an item you're looking for you have to go to a third party site (?), copy and paste the 'buy text' into the game's chat (??), then the buyer and seller have to meet in the same instance (if the seller is afk then lmao), the seller must manually find the item the buyer is looking for (???) and then finally both can engage with the trade screen, where even though the item and price were determined beforehand, scamming can still happen. So apparently you can set a price for an item in the stash and a third party site can track it, but your own fucking client cannot? The third party site know exactly which item you're buying, but there's just no way for the trade screen to detect if the correct item is in the trade?

Chris Volcel said that all this is intentional so I guess garbage design is part of his vision. I play SSF because I can't stand trading, though for some builds it's just not viable to target farm the items you need and I really wish you could.


Apr 11, 2023
I don't even know how you're supposed to trade without a premium stash tab.
By buying stuff from other people. If you really need to sell something worthwhile, use trade chat, TFT and other means if somehow by finishing your first league or a few of them you still haven't dropped like five bucks.
To find an item you're looking for you have to go to a third party site
It's an official first party website on the pathofexile.com domain with an API that works directly with the game, you don't know what you're talking about.
copy and paste the 'buy text' into the game's chat
No, you just literally click the button that says SEND TRADE next to the item you want, and that's it.
the seller must manually find the item the buyer is looking for
It's directly highlighted in your stash for convenience and even tells you exactly where it is, you don't need to "find" anything.
even though the item and price were determined beforehand, scamming can still happen. So apparently you can set a price for an item in the stash and a third party site can track it, but your own fucking client cannot?
You have to mouse over and examine each item that you're sending and receiving just to prevent scams. If you traded even once in the game, you'd know this. Also the ones where the correct item isn't locked in automatically is because the offer says ASKING price, which means you can work something out in the process if you want.
For the same instance you just press one button to teleport to the guy's hideout and that's it. It's more hands-on with directly interacting with players instead of it being an auction listing, and I personally don't see a problem with that. If the dev wants people to directly trade with each other instead of having a one-click FFXIV auction that's their decision. The website's already there to make your life easier with this instead of shouting on trade chat all day. I never had a problem or an inconvenience with buying or selling regardless of builds and farming strats, even if you're selling like 500 maps in bulk just make an offer on TFT which takes a minute and someone will hit you up. All in all, try playing the game. Going all in to play SSF, which is a very specific experience, just because you can't bother to find a minute to buy an item that you want sounds like a miserable experience, and I doubt you got very far. People usually play SSF because they like the in-depth crafting system and having the experience of making it completely from drops, it's a league of its own with unique gameplay, but if it's just from trading system butthurt, that's called clownmode. Basically the "look ma, no hands!" moment.
The reason why I don't mind it being direct interaction with players is because I've met many people during trade that I just made friends with, who helped me out, and we played the game together and did bosses and map runs together and are in contact during leagues. It's very useful for example for crafting shit that you don't have for your items by giving it to the dudes in the guild who have it. So yes, the whole direct-interaction thing does in fact work for getting involved in the game community.
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