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Path of Exile is a MAJESTIC incline


Nov 23, 2015
Insert Title Here
All speculation on POE2 don't make sense
The way you approach PoE is so alien to everybody else I have ever spoken to, that if you say shit like that, then it is more of an endorsement. Speculation is F U N. A concept that has proven elusive to your autistic nigga azz.

There was little info on PoE2, because building up hype is one of GGG's strong suits. The community loves it and GGG loves giving it to them. GGG is also pretty good at not leaking shit. Unlike many western studios. This is what the gaming world used to be like.

Maybe you forgot, but PoE2 was designed to compete with D4. If you think that they have nothing to show for this friday, then you're a blackpill retard edgelord spouting blackpill shit, because it's your identity, not because you arrived at the conclusion via logic and facts.


Mar 28, 2014
I'm accusing him of being a killjoy party pooper.

Hard to have hope when GGG proves every expansion that their vision is not shared by "community" and they do 180 on everything they try to redo or rebalance game as they see shit state it is in.

Already you can see hordes of people who complain that they do not want POE2 presented 4 years ago. Recent trailers too. Ton of people arguing they don't want to play game, they want to zoom screens.

In the end GGG is not indie dev anymore and chinese aren't investing in shit if it doesn't bring money.


Nov 23, 2015
Insert Title Here
Hard to have hope when GGG proves every expansion that their vision is not shared by "community"
Why the fuck do you care about the community? Didn't you "enjoy" Ruthless? You're advocating for a position which you have zero stake in yourself. What you want the game to be only 20 other people would like as well.

You've been bitching and moaning about packsize being way too high for years in this thread and NOW you lose hope? After these trailers? Nigga, stfu.


Mar 28, 2014
Why the fuck do you care about the community? Didn't you "enjoy" Ruthless? You're advocating for a position which you have zero stake in yourself. What you want the game to be only 20 other people would like as well.

I did enjoy ruthless. It is clearly step into right direction to salvage game.

Thing is that GGG doesn't have backbone. They have their numbers and they grow themselves whiny community that wants to play different game than GGG wants to make.

The moment they see 30-40% going away from season all red alarms fire away at GGG and they are pulling level called "180" and "oh and by the way here is crucible to give you best power ever ! Come back"


Nov 23, 2015
Insert Title Here
Crucible literally slows your clear speed down because it makes you hold down a button for 12 seconds. You lose all of your momentum every map you engage with it. And then you have to fight difficult monsters that take 90-99% less damage for a minute.

See, if you'd actually play the game, you'd know these things, but all you do is sit on a forum and blather on about your theories.

Lyric Suite

Converting to Islam
Mar 23, 2006
Meh, sadly, it seems i finally got burned out. Couldn't launch the game this past several days which is a sure sign i'm essentially done. I think the amount of grind that was placed in front me after having burned through so much content in such a short span of time just wore me down.

I think i'm just going to shelf this toon for now (the fact it is ssf means i can always resume it at my leasure, no need to worry about the economy in standard) and possibly start fresh on normal/ssf on the next league just so i can at least experience the full, non-ruthless game at least once.

Baron Dupek

Jul 23, 2013
some poe2 leaks

boat league confirmed


Mar 28, 2014
Meh, sadly, it seems i finally got burned out. Couldn't launch the game this past several days which is a sure sign i'm essentially done. I think the amount of grind that was placed in front me after having burned through so much content in such a short span of time just wore me down.

I think i'm just going to shelf this toon for now (the fact it is ssf means i can always resume it at my leasure, no need to worry about the economy in standard) and possibly start fresh on normal/ssf on the next league just so i can at least experience the full, non-ruthless game at least once.

Yeah late game is pretty shit.

The main issue is with loot. Unlike D2 you have 6 types of gear (3 defenses and mix of each) which essentially divides loot into 6 piles, So even if you find something good you have 1/6 chance it being for you. Add to that other stuff and suddenly to find upgrade yourself you have to play literally hours upon hours. Add to that crafting and there is almost no point looking at gear loot.

Hard mode improves that a lot by virtue of not giving you lolipops so fast but fundamentally hits the same problem at late game.

Only way to fix that imho is getting back to D2 armor system. This way all loot on ground would be interesting to player and you could still get something like shield/evasion in other ways. On other hand it would give some meaning to stats like STR much like in D2 where wizard type armors had low STR while full plates etc. high STR. naturally dividing gear for classes.


Resident Zoomer
Jul 1, 2018
Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
Another problem is telling when you have found an item that's good, just not for you, so you should keep it and sell. I have no fucking clue what's good and end up just vendoring most rares while PCing uniques. The game really does have so much complexity that it's just exhausting to learn. Can't believe I'm giving such a decline take, but the game would do well with some dumbing down. I also feel like they added too many mechanics. Do we really need Delve, Expedition, Syndicate, Rogue's Den, Essences, Harvest, Legion, etc, etc. Like Jesus man, I understand different parts of the community like different things and while it is admirable in a sense that they want to cast a wide net that can appeal to everyone so everyone can have something to do that they enjoy, can we get some more cohesion? I feel like there's also a difference between in-map activities and out of map activities. I don't really mind shit that you do in the map, but all the stuff that requires you to teleport and talk to different vendors is too much and needlessly complicates the game.


Nov 23, 2015
Insert Title Here
Another problem is telling when you have found an item that's good, just not for you, so you should keep it and sell. I have no fucking clue what's good and end up just vendoring most rares while PCing uniques. The game really does have so much complexity that it's just exhausting to learn. Can't believe I'm giving such a decline take, but the game would do well with some dumbing down. I also feel like they added too many mechanics. Do we really need Delve, Expedition, Syndicate, Rogue's Den, Essences, Harvest, Legion, etc, etc. Like Jesus man, I understand different parts of the community like different things and while it is admirable in a sense that they want to cast a wide net that can appeal to everyone so everyone can have something to do that they enjoy, can we get some more cohesion? I feel like there's also a difference between in-map activities and out of map activities. I don't really mind shit that you do in the map, but all the stuff that requires you to teleport and talk to different vendors is too much and needlessly complicates the game.
tl;dr: The amount of content is literally one of PoE's greatest strengths when compared to the rest // you don't have to engage with all of the content, you can just focus on a couple each League and learn them.

The game is designed around you learning the ropes over multiple Leagues. It took me over a year to challenge Shaper, because I was busy (and happy) just learning the ropes, trying to make my own shitty builds and pushing into high tier maps. Seeing your progress increase League on League felt fucking great. Just give it some time and if you don't understand something -> there are a ton of guides for every mechanic every new league release. You can also just ask here or in a streamer chat or even in the global chat. Community is much more helpful compared to other games.

Besides, you don't have to do all of the content in every map 100% optimally. You can just go at it one mechanic at a time. Things like Delve and Heist are out of the way anyway. And if it really bothers you, you can always take the Atlas Passives that block content and you'll get a small bonus as compensation.

The sheer amount of content PoE already has is one of the great advantages it has over every other aRPG. It would be retarded to give it up. Chris has been talking about the possibility of rotating availability for different Leagues, the way Magic the Gathering has their Standard rotation with different sets being legal. Not sure if want. I'm already pissed that we didn't get to keep many of the recent Leagues.


Aug 5, 2009
Project: Eternity Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 Pathfinder: Kingmaker
tl;dr: The amount of content is literally one of PoE's greatest strengths when compared to the rest // you don't have to engage with all of the content, you can just focus on a couple each League and learn them.
I'm inclined to agree on the amount of gameplay content and variety, but the complexity really has gotten out of hand. Item crafting requires a phd to use and given how expensive the ingredients are you also can't realistically learn it by doing. Then you have stuff like timeless jewels and cluster jewels which make the already massive passive skill tree totally ridiculous.

It really could do with some dumbing down, or at least ground up redesign to make it more viable to learn as you go along.

Chris has been talking about the possibility of rotating availability for different Leagues, the way Magic the Gathering has their Standard rotation with different sets being legal. Not sure if want. I'm already pissed that we didn't get to keep many of the recent Leagues.
I think this could be good actually (although arguably the map device mods are kinda like this already), if leagues when rotated in were very available and had big increase to unique drop rates and so on. If it was just like now except some leagues syndicate didn't exist I would not like it.

It's a shame poe2 stream starts at midnight in europe. No way am I gonna stay up for it. Otoh being able to skip ahead, rewatch, etc is the superior experience.


Nov 23, 2015
Insert Title Here
Item crafting requires a phd to use and given how expensive the ingredients are you also can't realistically learn it by doing.
Use https://www.craftofexile.com/ and then click on the Emulator. Craft and learn as much as you want, completely free.

Then you have stuff like timeless jewels and cluster jewels which make the already massive passive skill tree totally ridiculous.
Cluster jewels are very endgame and not required for 99% of the content. The base tree has become very difficult to beat. Timeless Jewels can be auto-searched with only a couple of clicks through Path of Building now. The complexity is what makes creating good builds so sought after. If everybody could do it from scratch, it would be a worthless endeavor.

It really could do with some dumbing down, or at least ground up redesign to make it more viable to learn as you go along.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think what you're advocating for is that you come into the game and you just figure everything out over time without consulting outside guides. This isn't how anything is learned by humans anywhere. You always have a master teach a student. You don't make the student figure out physics on their own. If you have some aversion to learning from guides or from watching others, that's on you.

No way am I gonna stay up for it.
Just do it. The keynote is only 90 minutes. Watching it live is going to be a blast. People are already in the channel and getting hyped:



Aug 5, 2009
Project: Eternity Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 Pathfinder: Kingmaker
Use https://www.craftofexile.com/ and then click on the Emulator. Craft and learn as much as you want, completely free.
There is some truth to this, but "someone else made a free tool that's still more complex than some enterprise software to help teach you what the game won't" is never a great look.
The complexity is what makes creating good builds so sought after. If everybody could do it from scratch, it would be a worthless endeavor.
It's also why most people seem to use builds someone else made. When the standard community advice for new players is "find a build someone else made" (at least if you want to get serious and progress far), there is something off with character building.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think what you're advocating for is that you come into the game and you just figure everything out over time without consulting outside guides. This isn't how anything is learned by humans anywhere. You always have a master teach a student. You don't make the student figure out physics on their own. If you have some aversion to learning from guides or from watching others, that's on you.
It's really funny to read this, because "figure everything out on your own" is how almost every game ever made works and was intended to work. And you do realize that physics is a thing people get actual phds and spend years learning in university? I could almost believe you're agreeing with me that the game is too complex.

And yes, I do want to mostly figure stuff out on my own. Being taught an actual mechanic or discussing something on the codex to learn some cool tricks and techniques is one thing, getting a 300 step guide planning everything to the last detail is something else. Not that every guide is like this, but also, have you seen https://www.pohx.net/?


Aug 23, 2015
Pathfinder: Wrath
"figure everything out on your own" is how almost every game ever made works and was intended to work.

No longer true for ARPG and some other genre (CCG in general, MMO). The only way this applies is the first 1 - 3 months a game is released and every major expansion patch.

It's netdeck/netbuild or bust and most of the dev are balancing around the fact you can google all build in 60 seconds.

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