the mole

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- Aug 1, 2019
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the devs didn't take that into consideration so they will be the meatshields I needIn my kingdom I like to think they don't have equal rights.equal rights equal fights
the devs didn't take that into consideration so they will be the meatshields I needIn my kingdom I like to think they don't have equal rights.equal rights equal fights
Real time with pause is superior. I spent maybe about 30-60 min last night trying to push through the corridor in Pitax Royal Palace, and 30 more today, having cleared the palace in turn based. But the Skyrim meme 9 stealth archer up on the ledge just destroyed my casters in the first turn, plus the archers in the main group. Ridicules, playing on unfair. I tried using mass teleport through Linzis Escapist's crossbow to the archers, but turn based everybody gets to shoot at me and run up before I could get anything up.
On another try I accidentally hit the button to turn off turn based, imagine my fucking surprise when all my melee guys insta gibbs all the archers before the main enemy group even starts moving about, I manage to get Linzi to throw a Cacaphouns Call mass at the main group in the frenzy of it all and it got basically everybody, only the golems and troll left which was no problem for my guys, a wrap. Whole thing was over in less than a minute. Turn based really don't give any favours when you are fighting a large enemy mass won't use it anymore unless it is against some solo boss or anything where all the quick actions and stuff actually matters. It's just so ridicules to see your party wiped first turn while standing around holding their dick, reality is not turn based.
I prefer women in my party, so that I can see boobs and ass every single day. You should do the same, it would help youHaving any women in your frontline is disgusting.
Do you like it? I thought you would rather eat broken glass than play another Owlcat game.Tried this game in turn based and... is it supposed to be this broken, when your party members go in an opposite direction for a stroll in the woods instead of attacking or can't find proper pathing to go back and just loop around like retards? Some "Pathfinder".
It's still much more preffered than chaos of RTWP. I just don't want to experience the joy of controling multiple party members in real time again like i used to in BG games. Too old for this shit.
Do you like it? I thought you would rather eat broken glass than play another Owlcat game.Tried this game in turn based and... is it supposed to be this broken, when your party members go in an opposite direction for a stroll in the woods instead of attacking or can't find proper pathing to go back and just loop around like retards? Some "Pathfinder".
It's still much more preffered than chaos of RTWP. I just don't want to experience the joy of controling multiple party members in real time again like i used to in BG games. Too old for this shit.
They are all variations of "I am so oppressed because I am female/orc. Feel my angst! Romance my angst! I can out-angst a 14-year old goth at a thousand paces! Worship my angst!!!"Do you like it? I thought you would rather eat broken glass than play another Owlcat game.Tried this game in turn based and... is it supposed to be this broken, when your party members go in an opposite direction for a stroll in the woods instead of attacking or can't find proper pathing to go back and just loop around like retards? Some "Pathfinder".
It's still much more preffered than chaos of RTWP. I just don't want to experience the joy of controling multiple party members in real time again like i used to in BG games. Too old for this shit.
Friend convinced me. I had it in my library for years but never commited. It's alright so far and as i understand should be less faggy than unmodded Wrath. The characters can be pretty annoying though.
I'll worship her angusThey are all variations of "I am so oppressed because I am female/orc. Feel my angst! Romance my angst! I can out-angst a 14-year old goth at a thousand paces! Worship my angst!!!"Do you like it? I thought you would rather eat broken glass than play another Owlcat game.Tried this game in turn based and... is it supposed to be this broken, when your party members go in an opposite direction for a stroll in the woods instead of attacking or can't find proper pathing to go back and just loop around like retards? Some "Pathfinder".
It's still much more preffered than chaos of RTWP. I just don't want to experience the joy of controling multiple party members in real time again like i used to in BG games. Too old for this shit.
Friend convinced me. I had it in my library for years but never commited. It's alright so far and as i understand should be less faggy than unmodded Wrath. The characters can be pretty annoying though.
They are all variations of "I am so oppressed because I am female/orc. Feel my angst! Romance my angst! I can out-angst a 14-year old goth at a thousand paces! Worship my angst!!!"Do you like it? I thought you would rather eat broken glass than play another Owlcat game.Tried this game in turn based and... is it supposed to be this broken, when your party members go in an opposite direction for a stroll in the woods instead of attacking or can't find proper pathing to go back and just loop around like retards? Some "Pathfinder".
It's still much more preffered than chaos of RTWP. I just don't want to experience the joy of controling multiple party members in real time again like i used to in BG games. Too old for this shit.
Friend convinced me. I had it in my library for years but never commited. It's alright so far and as i understand should be less faggy than unmodded Wrath. The characters can be pretty annoying though.
For me, Harrim is best bro. Dorf companion, best companion. Simple as.Honestly Nok-Nok is the best character in this game.
If you get to Oleg's and defend him while being level 1, talk to the Pathfinder lady and the mercs will cost only 100 pesos. She will say 500 or more but they actually cost 100 a soul, so if you have 500 gold you get 5 pathfinders at the start of the game. I find it is enough to get 2 or 3 if you hate companions, but getting even one guy to even out your class is helpful.2k per merc a bit pricey. I only made 1 so far.
How could I have forgotten about this lovely bastard. Seems like in Kingmaker shorties are the best companions, plus they have no romance path.For me, Harrim is best bro. Dorf companion, best companion. Simple as.Honestly Nok-Nok is the best character in this game.
It is not only the females. Tristan, Harrim and Redogar are also emo as hell, too.Duh, i'm an idiot. Pathing wasn't a bug it was actually how "scare" works in this game and i just failed to see it. While the fear status removes control over party member, scare just makes them go opposite direction when close to enemy while not taking away control completely.
They are all variations of "I am so oppressed because I am female/orc. Feel my angst! Romance my angst! I can out-angst a 14-year old goth at a thousand paces! Worship my angst!!!"Do you like it? I thought you would rather eat broken glass than play another Owlcat game.Tried this game in turn based and... is it supposed to be this broken, when your party members go in an opposite direction for a stroll in the woods instead of attacking or can't find proper pathing to go back and just loop around like retards? Some "Pathfinder".
It's still much more preffered than chaos of RTWP. I just don't want to experience the joy of controling multiple party members in real time again like i used to in BG games. Too old for this shit.
Friend convinced me. I had it in my library for years but never commited. It's alright so far and as i understand should be less faggy than unmodded Wrath. The characters can be pretty annoying though.
Yeah, seems like a common theme. The writing is badly comical at times.
"Hi. I'm girlboss №1 Look at how beatiful i am. I'm too beautiful for you incel plebs and i wish all these suitors would just leave me alone and let me focus on being super stronk warrior. I even cut my hair Jeanne of Ark style but this didn't help. It's so hard being a wombyn and beatiful."
"Hi, i'm girlboss №2 I'm toughest bitch in my tribe stronker than any male, but the evil tribal misogynists don't respect me so i show them how much weak males they are bwahaha. Look at this quest boar, hold my beer i will go kill it, cuck *rushes monster and gets owned in a few turns*"
I got especially "lucky" and most of my available companions are women. So it feels like female dominated workspace serpentarium full of narcissistic, self absorbed cunts. Their camp banter is insufferable.
Otherwise the game is quite fun so far and looks good visually.
For me, Harrim is best bro. Dorf companion, best companion. Simple as.Honestly Nok-Nok is the best character in this game.
This dwarf cocksucker denied me twice. First he joined up with the jew gnome in prologue and then refused to join me again later. Now i found him caged in Sycamore dungeon where i probably leave him to rot.
Women in huge armor or with oversized swords (or shields in Valerie's case) have no basis in reality and are the definition of feminist propaganda. Don't be naive.That being said, you can actually tell them to shut the fuck up and don't bother talking with them again except for their quests. Everyone else if fine and saying that they serve some kind of feminist agenda is a gross exaggeration.
Women in huge armor or with oversized swords (or shields in Valerie's case) have no basis in reality and are the definition of feminist propaganda. Don't be naive.That being said, you can actually tell them to shut the fuck up and don't bother talking with them again except for their quests. Everyone else if fine and saying that they serve some kind of feminist agenda is a gross exaggeration.
Who gives a shit about any of that. Amiri is a shit character because her writing is trash, not because of politics. In ASOIAF Brienne of Tarth wrecks multiple dudes and hardly anybody complains about 'muh realism' with that character. (Even in the show where they botched her character quite a bit, luckily the actress is very talented and more or less pulled it off) I wonder why? It's because she's a great character, well-written and the things that happen to her are interesting and believable. She's also flawed and isn't portrayed as invincible.
Liches have no basis in reality either but I don't believe they're undead propaganda.
I don't really care for this specific "gender wars! I cannot be a man anymore goddammit!" reality tunnel, as it doesn't really enhances my life in any meaningful way, so I don't really see what the fuss is all about for having women warriors in my fantasy world.
The oversized weapons thing is more like comic book silly than "har-har we will turn male teenagers to pussies".
Anything that empowers women takes power away from men.Women in huge armor or with oversized swords (or shields in Valerie's case) have no basis in reality and are the definition of feminist propaganda. Don't be naive.That being said, you can actually tell them to shut the fuck up and don't bother talking with them again except for their quests. Everyone else if fine and saying that they serve some kind of feminist agenda is a gross exaggeration.
Liches have no basis in reality either but I don't believe they're undead propaganda.
I don't really care for this specific "gender wars! I cannot be a man anymore goddammit!" reality tunnel, as it doesn't really enhances my life in any meaningful way, so I don't really see what the fuss is all about for having women warriors in my fantasy world.
The oversized weapons thing is more like comic book silly than "har-har we will turn male teenagers to pussies".