Holy shit, was the Nyrissa fight fucking pathetic. In RTwP, I just rushed her and she died almost instantly. This is also one of the few fights that's harder in Turn-Based mode, although everything depends on your save against her first Wail of the Banshee.
Still, it's fucking disappointing. Once again, the actual boss is substantially easier than the mooks in the rest of the dungeon. This is even worse than Vordakai.
Okay, I apparently finished the game by accident. I decided to let Nyrissa go and be forgiven which ended the game prematurely and the Lantern King got what he wanted. I suppose that's the downside of playing a merciful Neutral Good character and always choosing the nice option. Apparently my romance score is also not high enough to begin with so I can't give her the Briar, not that I'm really interested in romancing her anyhow, even though I generally chose dialogue options with her that weren't overly hostile and I even got the special storybook sequence in her dream. Is there any way to check the romance score? Like through a save game editor or console or some shit?
I feel like allying with her as she is is kind of an evil aligned thing to do so I guess killing her is the best option now, although I guess that's also depriving myself of an ally against the Lantern King. Although with how pathetic she was I think she won't be of much use anyway.
Actually all the story tries to tell you that she act "evily" but she wasn't that bad before she get involved in Lantern King games. That's why you can try to "redeem" her.Yeah, but failing that, allying with her would be kind of evil, no? If she stays as she is, that is.
The whole point is that you ally with her BECAUSE you succeed to redeem her and she is no longer that evil fay you know.