A friend of mine always thinks, he's acting accordingly to some imaginary honorable paladin codex. In and out of RPGs.
I keep telling him, clerics are more powerful. Paladins can't fight and they can certainly not heal. They have to follow their
orders and do insane unspeakable things to keep their puny privileges. Lose them and a paladin is the worst class.
Outperformed by every street tug who has access to sneak attacks and many other useful abilities. Lay on hands, an
neglectable aura and smite evil. A level 4 cleric is more valuable than a level 8 paladin.
Finally, it's about time someone speaks the truth and I say it now for all you paladin fags: No party wants to have paladins.
"No. We can't open the chest with the gold to save their own damn world."
"No. We can't take the reward for the super hard and long quest chain, we spent thousands of gold for information and rations on, because you and your hookers need the money so much more." They're bloody NPC. They don't even do a single thing with the money. They just keep it. It's the paladin who's stealing. From the party.
I'm no wimpy, self-righteous, bigoted paladin. I would rather be a crusader.
Bad thing is, from reading some posts, I get the impression, the crusader might be even wimpier than the accursed paladin. I mean, you get weapon specialization without requirements. How's that for a fighter exclusive feat ?
You can take heavy armor and weapon bonus feats, so you don't have to do any 1 fighter / x X multiclassing and fall behind spell progression.
You lose one domain and one spell per level. Bearable. What really hurts, is the crusaders attack progression (BAB?).
I'm not ready to let the idea to main a crusader die. He has persuasion as a class skill, gets weapon specialization and he can cast like crazy in heavy amour without any spell failure penalties. Sounds pretty good in my ears.
I'm undecided. Should I take animal domain for another flanking tool or do animal companions tend to be too much of a hassle and die too fast in the later stages of the game or should I go for the healing domain to make all cure spells heal 50% more ?
Is it feasible or just a bad idea to put some points into Int ? Because, if I'd take animal domain: arcana, world, nature, religion and persuasion are all class skills. Should the main character put points in perception too ? How much Int do I need if I want to invest at least in Religion, Persuasion and Perception. I can't have it all I guess. What skills should I cover with my main and what skills can I delegate to party members ?