Now we see the reason the Ukrainian paladin is hurting about Pathfinder: Kingmaker so much. He just prefers Action RPG's.
It's OK, I like them, too.
It's OK, I like them, too.
There's plenty of valid criticism against Kingmaker. Kingdom management, trash mobs sure, encounter and dungeon design could have been better, no doubt about it.
But overall as a package, it's fucking incredible and it vastly outshines its rough edges. Pure combatfag heaven.
So I always just assume people who don't like it are either storyfags or they got filtered by the difficulty.
Cause whatever complaints you do have, I don't think it trumps the character building, combat and the fact that it doesn't give a single fuck to hold your hand in any way.
The Ninagauth's Shadowflame spell is something else. Fun for the first few casts, then you realize it's so ridiculously OP that it sucks the fun out of the game. There's no reason to use any other spells.
I found Kingmaker's story perfectly serviceable, one of the better ones I've seen in an RPG, though definitely far from the best (That honour will always remain with PS:T). I am legitimately struggling to think more than a handful of comparable games with similar breadth of exploration. And I am pretty happy with the CnC in the game, which I suppose is what you mean by "freedom". I could understand if you said it's not the best in those categories, but to say it has no balance of them along with combat is absurd. I am very, very curious on which games you think did better in all categories.However if you want a balance of that along with story, exploration, freedom, etc.
So you didn't have the tieflings in your party. A serious mistake, though I suppose you can be forgiven for not enjoying the game as much without them.with zero polyamory.
You are doing something very, very wrong if you think you need "retarded min-maxed powerbuilds" or savescumming to get through encounters on hard. Unless you consider competently built single-class characters "retarded min-maxed powerbuilds", in which case the error is behind your eyes.
- Respec my characters to go with retarded min-maxed powerbuilds (so that I can reliably hit things). But those kind of builds drains the fun out of the game IMHO (muh immersion...
- Savescum to the extreme in any tough encounter, in order to get those juicy 17+ rolls.
One man's incline is another man's decline I suppose.However I wouldn't put it in my top 20 or anything because it was all combatfag, with zero polyamory.
Can we get a boring button?So 2 retards were arguing about which is better: Poncefinder: Cuckmaker OR Pooplar of Patternity 2: Assfire.
Meanwhile the wise man went to play Breath of the Wild.
My working theory is that a lot of them are autistic and get overwhelmed with visual information so they forget to pause.Judging from the RT vs TB debate it looks like a shockingly high percentage of people don’t know how to play RTwP as designed (configuring autopause and/or the v button slow time advance). It’s supposed to be akin to TB with simultaneous turns to enhance realism but something gets lost in translation. Add to that the PnPers and MMO tank, spank, and healer tards getting rightfully pwned and it’s a wonder it’s as popular as it is.
But it is, and Wrath is looking spectacular.
so how is the turn-based mode?
Still a lot of bugs. Expect 6 months+ to get fully how is the turn-based mode?
tbh just play chapter 1 and 2 on core rules and bump it up on chapter 3
- Respec my characters to go with retarded min-maxed powerbuilds (so that I can reliably hit things). But those kind of builds drains the fun out of the game IMHO (muh immersion...
I found Kingmaker's story perfectly serviceable, one of the better ones I've seen in an RPG, though definitely far from the best (That honour will always remain with PS:T). I am legitimately struggling to think more than a handful of comparable games with similar breadth of exploration. And I am pretty happy with the CnC in the game, which I suppose is what you mean by "freedom". I could understand if you said it's not the best in those categories, but to say it has no balance of them along with combat is absurd. I am very, very curious on which games you think did better in all categories.
Nevermind.In the prologue you get a choice of Valerie/Harrim (lawful/chaotic) and Linzi/Jaethal (good/evil) dependant on your alignment choices. You have a chance at the Ancient tomb to recruit one of the ones you didn't get via skill check(s). The ones you didn't get will be caged at sycamore, but will not be recruitable until the next chapter whereupon they are automatically recruited.
So these days storyfags are people who cannot read.
Yeah, I think the books have never been properly translated and published in English.I blame The Witcher.
She gets raped by a pack of kobolds and gives birth to a half-halfling half-kobold baby.What happens if you leave Linzi in the kobold cage?
Thanks for ruining my erotic Pathfinder fanfic.She never ends up in the cage in the first place. Regardless of any choices you make in the prologue, Linzi and Amiri join you.
She never ends up in the cage in the first place. Regardless of any choices you make in the prologue, Linzi and Amiri join you.What happens if you leave Linzi in the kobold cage? I assume she'll still find a way to infest your barony... does she just show up in chapter 2?
There's a speech check with the swordlord, if you chose the evil response when tartuccio spergs out over you saving or not saving the guards in the fire Jaethal joins you.I'm not sure if that's correct. I got Harrim, Jaethal, and Amiri after the prologue. Linzi wound up in the Kobold cage on my playthrough. I don't recall how though.
Yeah, I think the books have never been properly translated and published in English.I blame The Witcher.
Learn Polish. It will help you to understand Russian when Putin conquers you all.
Yep. Amiri is the only one who always joins you in the prologue. Based on your dialogue responses to Jamandi, you get Valerie/Harrim or Linzi/JaethalShe can leave you if you pick the evil dialogue options in the prologue. To make things worse, she doesn't admit this in her book, further proving that she's a narcissist.