I haven't tested the official P:K one yet either. Yet I've played the modded one and absolutely loved every piece of it. For me its the only way to play P:K now.
Everything I know about the official mode points at it actually being an improvement, so...
I mean if you feel that playing a game with lobotomized enemy is fun then its fun. But please don't pretend it is the "muh tactical experience" because it is not. It is like saying "I am strong because I can take candy from 3 years old"
Aren't they just as lobotomized in the original mode, though? The AI is the same, it's just less noticeable because everything is faster and more hectic. Sure, in RTwP you have more constraints on how efficient you can be with your spells, but that's basically a "difficulty" adjustment, the AI is just as dumb.
I've done this post several times, this is the last time.
Because the AI still thinks they are playing RtwP. They still come to you one by one walking right into CC spells you set up in front of them just to die one by one.
Any melee enemies that require Sneak Attack are literally useless because they will come to you first due to high initiatives to die while the "tank" walks last and slowly to you. This is no issue in RtwP as positioning and real-time makes it that they arrive mostly at the same time.
The AI can't use 5-foot step to use full attack as the player does. They can't use Delay (which is available for the player for tactical reason, at least in the mod).
The AI doesn't understand the concept of action economy, movement range, attack range which is crucial in TB, less so in RtwP because, well every movement happens at the same time. Even if they see that they will stop 20 feet from you and they can't attack.. they will still move there regardless like an idiot.
While the player can use TB to navigate CC and plan movement, the Ai can't.
And yes, RtwP which requires some dexterity on the player part is
a handicap for the player. Getting caught in CC because you suck at micro, having your attention divided into several parts of the map, etc works against the player but actually makes the game more challenging. In TB the bad AI of Kingmaker becomes outright lobotomized because
they can't use the feature that should come with the game being TB, they are still dumbfucks that think they play an RtwP game.