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- Jul 22, 2019
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9 years old suckaz
Magic Vestment has been bugged since forever (unless you are one of the tinfoil-hats like LannTheStupid who believe that they implemented it this way due to "balance reasons"). Basically its bonus is applied to your character without taking into consideration your armor (and its already existing enhancement bonus).Also in one of your screens a pet has magic vestments? what does it work off, mage armor?
just in case that if something rolls a crit, it has to reroll?
Touch of Chaos said:anytime the target rolls a d20
Also, isn't touch of chaos a standard action that's limited to just one round? So basically you'd waste your rounds casting that, just in case that if something rolls a crit, it has to reroll? I can see it working against one big opponent fights, but I am thinking there might be better things a clerics attention could be focused on.
just in case that if something rolls a crit, it has to reroll?Touch of Chaos said:anytime the target rolls a d20
The target rolls a d20 for:
- all attack rolls
- all save rolls
- all skill rolls (admittedly not that important in combat)
Woah, no need to get all worked up, master )) I understand you do like your cheese builds but no need to get all defensive when someone tries to argue that alternatives might exist. Sheesh. Thought we established that Hargulka doesnt need to be tanked? with your strategy you'd be in close proximity and he can wreck harrim just fine without crits.
Unless I understand something incorrectly, touch of chaos makes him to reroll his nat 20, not roll with disadvantage. Also it is affected by spell resistance, which, admittedly at lvl 8 not many enemies have, but still.
And vestments should be enchanting armor & shield piece, not a natural armor buff. Cheddar level cheese right there.
Wtf magical vestments is bugged?
Just wasted my time on checking what would be non-gimped doggo's AC at lvl 8 with barkskin 3, mage armor, shield of faith, cat's grace. 37. add in haste for another 1, 38. Good luck with 38 ac tanking against branded trolls with that doggo.So are pets laughably UP or cheesily OP?
Should probably settle on one of the other while you’re wasting your time pretending your head isn’t up your ass.
Don’t get passive aggressive with me, faggot.
You're not fooling anyone but yourself. Sooner you submit the sooner the pain stops. You’re understanding everything incorrectly because you’re too proud to stand under anything or anyone.
Don’t get passive aggressive with me, faggot.
You're not fooling anyone but yourself. Sooner you submit the sooner the pain stops. You’re understanding everything incorrectly because you’re too proud to stand under anything or anyone.
Have you thought about seeking medical help? Everything alright at home? Good lord.
Enchantment / Greater focus enchantment, Hold person. Didn't even need spell specialization, his will is mediocre.Not at all. Sounds fun. What spell did your specialized wiz use to “Hold” Harg BTW?
Then why are you here?Not a kindergarten.
That's rich, coming from a man with that nickname. Go back to Gulag, please, Товарищ.Then why are you here?Not a kindergarten.