I like how something started with women in plate and then elevated to furries. Kitsune FTW!
I like how something started with women in plate and then elevated to furries. Kitsune FTW!
The story is more than serviceable, it's very damn solid and that's mainly because it does something that not a lot of cRPG plots do, at least not to the same extent - it recurringly calls back to a central motif, here a clash of kings on the strings of the unseen puppet master, the kingmaker. The beauty of this feature is that it only becomes apparent in hindsight, as the pieces of the puzzle are laid down and the pattern emerges. Off the top of my head, only Planescape: Torment and NWN2 Mask of the Betrayer are as deliberate and reliable in circling back to their core motifs. The reason why Kingmaker doesn't get its dues in this respect is merely that its presentation is more subdued, absent the bombastic supporting cast, quotable moments and interpersonal drama that have become so common in the genre.No Desiderius and Lann the Autist, the story isn't that great. It's serviceable, the writing does a decent job of getting you from point A to B, but there sure as hell isn't even close to what some of the great stories exists in other games (e.g. Fallout 2, Planescape Torment or Chrono Trigger for that matter). Half the companions are straight up stereotypes. And it's just mega cringe to try interpret these stories into something far more than what is actually presented. No there is no subversion or hidden meaning, there is no parallels to be made to some greek philosophy or whatever the fuck you are blabbering about now.
I followed a completely different line of argument than plausibility, as explicitly stated multiple times, learn to read faggotJesus christ the autism.
BING XI INCEL - Women in plate armor in a fucking fantasy game with magic, talking trees and midgets that turn into kobolds is plausible.
So when the SJWs get around to writing in male pregnancy, and I get triggered by that, does it mean I hjave never had a male friend irl???To be fair it's difficult to not draw the conclusion that someone has never touched a woman in their life if they get this triggered that a pixel woman appears in plate armor
focus on gameplay and make it good enough so your storytelling skills, however good or shit they are, would't be that relevant.anyone have any proposed solutions for these problems?
I don't think I'm ever going to finish this game.
Everything is better than Hitler, after all he was one of the greatest scum bags in human history.
Yeah I should stick with my playthroughs but I'm like this with every RPG. I put hundreds of hours in KOTOR and never finished it. I wrote a fucking modding guide for Daggerfall and never beat it. It's a sickness. Building characters. I'm getting tempted to try last Azlanti mode so I'm forced to just stick with my experience and stop trying to optimize. I'd need a pretty solid, survivable build for that though, maybe a tower shield tank paladin (hospitaler for immunity to death effects)... it will never end. I must have killed the stag lord 50 times already.Bloodeyes yeah you'll probably like Wrath of the Righteous then. Same system but with more races, more subclasses, and a path to choose for your main character that basically works like an additional entire class with its own privileges that can improve or complete your build.
Try to stick more to your campaigns. Even if the last dungeon (rightfully) gets a lot of shit, seeing the entire story wrap up at least once is very nice. Once you've seen the entire game, you can form a better idea of where you want to stop on your playthroughs. If you get the itch to try a new build, you can always jump on the Roguelike Mode of the Beneath the Stolen Lands DLC.
For me. It's a strong monk woman!Nah. I love my armored babes. Hot as fuck!The age of plate armor is over.
Thank you Monk anon! Bestest friend forever anon! I do love blow air Valerie Monk anon! I do! She is cute spin Valerie Monk anon! She is! You are my bestest friend forever anon!Anonymous Wife Scholar Do you think Valerie deserves all the air being blown in her direction? Enlighten us, brother.
Nah not reallyFrom what I've seen, pets can be pretty strong and they really make the intro and the first Act much easier. But when you're fighting in narrow spaces, their size can make it difficult for them to reach the enemies (and they get bigger when reaching level 4 or 7).