will you people still playing this please stop posting and upload your save files so owlcat can get this game up to standards the rest of us have?
It's working for no one, which confirms that this game has never been tested.
will you people still playing this please stop posting and upload your save files so owlcat can get this game up to standards the rest of us have?
Destruction domain has Disintegrate and 95% of druid crowd control spells are Transmutation, so there's that. Although you won't be able to spam it I guess.
Good effects, but the DC seems too low to trigger reliably. At level 10 the dc is likely to be 20, so you'll probably have what 50% chance of affecting enemy 1 round, 25% two rounds and so on?
Game supposedly does it itself, there is an option to send your saves hourly.will you people still playing this please stop posting and upload your save files so owlcat can get this game up to standards the rest of us have?
Lawful Evil will get you access to the Stocks and the Bulletin Board, both of which are pretty solid, +1 to solving problems in that region, and +2 respectively.Good effects, but the DC seems too low to trigger reliably. At level 10 the dc is likely to be 20, so you'll probably have what 50% chance of affecting enemy 1 round, 25% two rounds and so on?What do Blight Druids even get? When looking at it, it seems like they trade in their animal and some other shit in order to be able to pick two rather bad domains (sadly, most domains are pretty shit, it seems).
It just seems like a terrible trade-off, really, since a regular Druid already can trade in their animal for Domains.
Miasma (Ex)
Starting at 5th level, if a blight druid is adjacent to a creature at the beginning of its turn, the creature must succeed at a Fortitude save with a DC of 10 + 1/2 the druid’s level + the druid’s Wisdom modifier or become sickened for 1 round. A creature of the animal, fey, or plant type that fails its save is nauseated for 1 round and sickened for 1 minute thereafter. If the creature makes its save, it is immune to this effect for 24 hours, as are creatures immune to disease.
Plaguebearer (Su)
Starting at 13th level, any creature that strikes a blight druid with a touch attack, unarmed strike, or natural weapon must succeed at a Fortitude save with a DC of 10 + 1/2 the druid’s level + the druid’s Wisdom modifier or contract a disease, as the contagion spell. If the creature makes its save, it is immune to this effect for 24 hours.
these are the main two things. pretty good, but just nowhere near as good as an animal companion
Choices = larp, which is the opposite of munchkin (also even as lawful even you can pick plenty of other options and not have issues holding your alignment as long as you pick correct flavor text once in a while)I would say neutral evil, you get all the benefits of both neutral and evil options, both of which are great, and you can balance chaotic and lawful choices fairly easily, as opposed to being dragged one way by 2/3rds of all choices you can make.
It says something that my first thought on seeing that was not 'I'll stop playing and wait for that to be brought in' but rather 'I'll keep playing and can restart to see it later'.https://steamcommunity.com/app/640820/discussions/0/1730963192544371622/
Yes, it is intended to visually change from town to city.
If doesn't happen in your game, can you, please, send us the logs and save game with a short description in the subject to this e-mail address
Giving it a 6/10 for bugginess is fair enough, but giving it a 6/10 because "lol what, I'm supposed to READ to be able to play this?" is unforgivable, and frankly an indictment of the American educational system.
I would love to, but their SOVIET-NAZI GOEBBELS-LOVING DUNNING-KRUGER ANARCHO-FEMINIST LOW-T BRONY community managers banned me for being too helpful and productive.will you people still playing this please stop posting and upload your save files so owlcat can get this game up to standards the rest of us have?
but owlcat is asking people to send in save files
and how do you know that the in-game sending of data isn't bugged?
Combat can be unforgiving
How do we know that their e mails when I send my saves is not bugged
How do we know Mishulin is not a big walking bug
we dontknow
so we play and have fun killing kobolds in mines.
liek 1998.
It is probably whip quest bug. I have no clue what all this whip business about because i never took the quest i think.I just finished the troll's lair, so I am reloading and trying to see if I can trigger it correctly.
In reality, every save is just an elaborately encrypted dump of your personal information. This is why they banned me; they already had my information since I was one of the few people that fell for the scam early and uploaded saves when reporting bugs. I was no longer necessary. I was kicked to the curb by the slavic slumdogs like last week's thai prostitute.How do we know that their e mails when I send my saves is not bugged
How do we know Mishulin is not a big walking bug
we dontknow
so we play and have fun killing kobolds in mines.
liek 1998.
In before Pathfinder: Kingmaker is just an advanced phishing scam.
Weird, for me it went like this:It is probably whip quest bug. I have no clue what all this whip business about because i never took the quest i think.I just finished the troll's lair, so I am reloading and trying to see if I can trigger it correctly.
Only completed "Nature of the Beast".
For me it was like that:
- Chapter 2 starts
- Go to Lonely House, kill bandits, trade
- Troll invasion starts
- Go to Lonely House, kill trolls
- Go to Lab
- Talk about his work, say "good job, dude"
- Go to Troll fortress, kill everyone
- Return to Lonely House, recruit.
It is probably whip quest bug. I have no clue what all this whip business about because i never took the quest i think.
Only completed "Nature of the Beast".
For me it was like that:
- Chapter 2 starts
- Go to Lonely House, kill bandits, trade
- Troll invasion starts
- Go to Lonely House, kill trolls
- Go to Lab
- Talk about his work, say "good job, dude"
- Go to Troll fortress, kill everyone
- Return to Lonely House, recruit.
In reality, every save is just an elaborately encrypted dump of your personal information. This is why they banned me; they already had my information since I was one of the few people that fell for the scam early and uploaded saves when reporting bugs. I was no longer necessary. I was kicked to the curb by the slavic slumdogs like last week's thai prostitute.
Yes.Weird, for me it went like this:It is probably whip quest bug. I have no clue what all this whip business about because i never took the quest i think.I just finished the troll's lair, so I am reloading and trying to see if I can trigger it correctly.
Only completed "Nature of the Beast".
For me it was like that:
- Chapter 2 starts
- Go to Lonely House, kill bandits, trade
- Troll invasion starts
- Go to Lonely House, kill trolls
- Go to Lab
- Talk about his work, say "good job, dude"
- Go to Troll fortress, kill everyone
- Return to Lonely House, recruit.
Are you guys telling me there's meant to be more than this?
- Troll invasion starts
- Go to lonely house for the first time, kill bandits and kill that one troll that was caught on a trap
- Compliment him on his job
- Go to Troll Fortress, kill Troll king
- Come back to Lonely House a while later, recruit
There where no such thing for me. We killed all shit around house, that's it. Only to return when fortress business was resolved and recruit him.and Bartholomew will be attacked in his basement (this may change depending on...).
It could be the wholeThere where no such thing for me. We killed all shit around house, that's it. Only to return when fortress business was resolved and recruit him.and Bartholomew will be attacked in his basement (this may change depending on...).
Surely, seems like whip quest is the problem.
Yes.It is possible to get to The Lonely House just like you did, and then you fuck around for a bit or advance time while in the keep, and you'll get an messenger to your keep saying that troll attacks have intensified, and you'll be given another lead on where the trolls are coming from - The Lonely House which you've already been to. At that point, you can go back to The Lonely House, and the entire map will be under attack from Trolls, and Bartholomew will be attacked in his basement (this may change depending on how you handled the troll he was experimenting on - I let him keep it, at Valeries input, after voicing some criticism). He will be wounded, but inform you that the trolls stole a whip of his.
You will also be informed where the trolls are coming from, specifically, if you didn't already know that.
The whip is in the troll fort, and Octavia will want to take it for her own, strangely with no possible input along the lines of "[Lawful] No, we fucking promised Bartholomew we were bringing it to him, you fucking idiot".
Upon returning to The Lonely House, Bartholomew is just fucking gone.
Yeah, it's fucking insane how so many people have trouble with being overwhelmed by the troll events. I honestly and genuinely do not understand how they do that, because they should be finishing the chapter - even with ample exploration and skipping ahead 14 days or so - long before the troll events and attacks have reached the point where you get raped for ignoring the troll threat. You get like one initial troll attack and then you get one more a little bit later, and I have no idea how you can fuck that up and fuck around enough to get more.Yes.It is possible to get to The Lonely House just like you did, and then you fuck around for a bit or advance time while in the keep, and you'll get an messenger to your keep saying that troll attacks have intensified, and you'll be given another lead on where the trolls are coming from - The Lonely House which you've already been to. At that point, you can go back to The Lonely House, and the entire map will be under attack from Trolls, and Bartholomew will be attacked in his basement (this may change depending on how you handled the troll he was experimenting on - I let him keep it, at Valeries input, after voicing some criticism). He will be wounded, but inform you that the trolls stole a whip of his.
You will also be informed where the trolls are coming from, specifically, if you didn't already know that.
The whip is in the troll fort, and Octavia will want to take it for her own, strangely with no possible input along the lines of "[Lawful] No, we fucking promised Bartholomew we were bringing it to him, you fucking idiot".
Upon returning to The Lonely House, Bartholomew is just fucking gone.
Both times I finished that Chapter 2 I got my leads from Jubilost (to the dwarven outpost) and then Ekun (to the dwarven ruins). I didn't even know troll attacks could intensify and shit
The original module (or at least what I've read while flipping through them) doesn't really have alignment-based options like in the game at all. Parts of the narrative have also been heavily modified, especially involving Tartuccio/Tartuk.Anyone familiar with the original modules know what evil options have been added? MCA said he was adding them and I want to know what kind of stuff he added.
He deserved it. I have no idea how you fuck up that bad. It's a limited geographic area and there's only so much to do, and the game doesn't allow you to skip ahead aside from sleeping 8 hours at a time.There is dude on steam who adventured with his ranger until he had 1 hour 40 minutes left to kill Stag Lord and had to re-start