On the surface, I'd be inclined to agree, but if you consider the results of such an option in actual play, the smart thing was to leave it out. People would just rest a lot more if this was an option, which would exacerbate a lot of the issues people are already bitching about.They should have added spells such as these for people that want to give up spell slots for lower rest times.
That said, I think that the hunting mechanic should be revised and it should be less dependable.
Hitler may have been a powergamer, but I think we can let it slide since the GM was clearly abusing his position and setting the party up against mismatched CR. I'm still not convinced he was even reading the stats correctly, it feels like he was just making shit up on the spot.hitler was a min/maxer.This is even worse. I can see why Lawful states would benefit but Evil? Really? Are the developers telling us that it is better to be Evil than Good? That a state that is a benevolent dictatorship is worse than the worst excesses of Imperial Japan circa WW2? Really?(admittedly evil/lawful baronies can construct buildings that boost these rolls)