4 hours left and there's 30k left to go for that goblin companion... will it make it? Will the paypal funds after the close of KS (like codex's pledge) count towards the stretch goals?
You were right, the two extra classes were alchemist and inquisitors which are base classes.They are doing prestige classes? I thought we only got base classes
They're putting out these meaty updates until the last second: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/owlcatgames/pathfinder-kingmaker/posts/1934368
The Pathfinder P&P artwork? Of course you did. The other stuff (i.e. sketches and models)? You most definitely did not. So no point in bringing it up.I'm pretty sure I saw some of those pictures in Obsidian's survey.
Goblin companion joins the party!
OMG! It is almost unbelievable - you made it!
You helped Nok-Nok find new friends and make his first and very important step in becoming the Fifth Goblin Hero!
We are so...so...filled... with emotions that it almost impossible to express our thanks by mere words:
Hail to the Kings!!!!
The Happiest Owlcats in the World!
Being part of the team that did Silent Storm, Rage of Mages etc. is the opposite of dubious, I'd say.dubious ruskies
There are prestige classes, at least a few. One of the companions is an Arcane Trickster.You were right, the two extra classes were alchemist and inquisitors which are base classes.They are doing prestige classes? I thought we only got base classes
It will be our pleasure to work on the companion from the race that Pathfinder made so unique and so delightfully twisted. Their imagery became somewhat iconic to the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game and Golarion. But there is another outstanding image, or should we say, the order in the Inner Sea that also became synonymous with the Pathfinder. Yes, we are speaking of they who are the weapons of desperate times and soldiers with the force of will to do whatever must be done. They are intimidation, relentlessness, and unwavering conviction. They are the black-gauntleted fist of absolute order. They are the Hellknights!
For far too long the Stolen Lands were the den of thieves and murderers, sanctuary for those who ran from the Law, home of the chaotic and capricious fey, the embodiment of everything Hellknights abhor. They arrive in this lawless land with the important mission, and it will be up to you to decide whether they are friend or foe. Befriend them, prove that you are worthy, that your rule is the lawful one, that your country is the beacon of stability in the region and you will be welcomed into their ranks. Help them complete their mission in the Stolen Lands, and you will be taught secrets and mysteries only a few are privileged to know. Antagonize them, and you will find them to be a powerful and extremely well-organized adversary, vanquish them to seize their relics and discover the truth behind their appearance in the Stolen Lands.
This stretch goal will provide your character with even more options to choose, with unique abilities for Hellknights and Hellknight Signifers and specific items thematic to the Hellknights, as well as new quest line dedicated to the Hellknight presence in the Stolen Lands. Face them on the field of battle or fight side-by-side, it is your choice to make.
Hellknights is our next stretch goal, they will be unlocked when funding reaches $1.1M
Hail to the Kings!!!!
The Happiest Owlcats in the World!
Then campaign ended it was like 05:00 in the morning, they probably fell asleep by that time.Weird that they posted this an hour before the campaign ended but no post about the campaign end itself. Maybe they didn't have one ready?
You didn't post the entire thing - another stretch goal!
Once again the "first three days times three equals final tally" rule of thumb proved true. I have a feeling Nok-Nok will be a mainstay in my parties. Kind of wish it had gone above 1 M$ simply for the psychological effect, but I'm fine with the core races and hellknights sound kind of interesting but not like anything I'd like to play for a whole game, so shruggity-shrug-shrug.Anyway, looks like it will easily meet its base goal but most likely stay below a million dollars.
We did it together!
Posted by Oleg
After 35 days of the most intensive ride in our life, 18,508 backers (157 from backer portal), over 4,000 comments, and a final total of $918,313 (plus $9,256 from PayPal), the Kickstarter campaign for Pathfinder: Kingmaker has come to an end!
Simply saying that we are grateful would me a massive understatement. We're not gonna lie - of course preparing for our campaign felt exciting, but the very idea can also be rather scary! You can never be completely sure whether or not people will like your idea. Will people be as passionate about a Pathfinder cRPG as we are? Will we have enough time and reach to gain credibility? All these concerns made us very nervous. When we clicked the "Publish" button on Kickstarter it was a leap of faith.
You filled us with a new level of motivation. Every single day of the Kickstarter campaign your enthusiasm and support has reassured us and given us hope. You have eradicated all doubt - we know for sure that our ideas are appreciated. It's like learning that you are not alone in the universe.
And all your comments and feedback - we feel extremely excited to read and collaborate on what you share with us. That was one of the main dreams of the entire campaign - to bring the future community of fans into the heart of the development process.
By any measure, you helped us exceed our expectations and we are grateful beyond limits to you for you present us with chance to spend a magic year developing the game we dreamed of!
Everybody loves statistics!
And we've got some!
New social rewards
During the last day rush you were absolutely awesome in spreading the word about our campaign. Special thanks to:
- praguepride - your ability to knock the door is really amazing!
- Morris - for your great help constantly compiling all the information from reddit, our stream, the FAQ - absolutely everything - and keeping it up to date for all our users to see!
But our thanks also go out to each and everyone of you. Over the course of this campaign we have met so many wonderful, helpful, enthusiastic people and we are truly blessed to be supported by you all!
We have reached new social achievements!
We gained 12 social achievements so far:
which means you unlocked the following rewards:
- New soundtrack in the city tavern
- Extra portrait for the main character
- Small faerie dragon as a non-combat pet
Let us know what you would like to hear and see as a portrait in the game related to these rewards. We can't guarantee that we will use something as direct reference - there might be legal issues or collisions with the Pathfinder world consistency. But we will definitely use your ideas for inspiration.
What's Next?
Now comes the best part - we have to complete the game! We had a strong vision, an experienced team and great support from Paizo. Now with your endorsement, the last part of the puzzle is put in place. We feel a lot of responsibility to both deliver on our vision and satisfy your expectations. That won't be easy but with your help we believe nothing can stop us.
Some of you asked if there will be any delays to our planned release, now that we've knocked out all those stretch goals. Fear not! We are going to involve some new people in the coming months to be able to implement new features and content and and do the best to keep the deadline intact.
Alpha tests
We will strive to start alpha tests as soon as possible. As inevitably as Fall comes, those of you who have access to the alpha test stage will receive an invitation to share your thoughts with us about our early version. If you're a Mac or Linux player, please understand what there won't be enough time to release an alpha client for your version.
Backer portal
For those of you how wanted to support us, but didn't have a chance, we will also continue to raise money on our own portal. Right now not all tiers are represented - we are going to complete our tier list and add limited tiers on the portal in several days after the Kickstarter campaign will be over. Our preorder page accepts PayPal and other means of payment. We will continue to add new stretch goals as we can. Please be aware that reward prices will be changed after the Kickstarter campaign ends.
Pretty soon all backers will be able to manage their pledges on our portal. You will get an e-mail with a link to the Pathfinder: Kingmaker backer portal and all required instructions. On the site, you will be able to confirm your pledge and customize your options, like shirt sizes, for any reward you have chosen.
Of course, we will continue to openly post about development, as we do during the campaign. And if you want to stay informed, please follow our: Facebook page, Twitter and YouTube channel.
In closing
Owlcats gang thanks you again for your incredible support!
Hail to the Kings,
They're Russians. They had to "zachlej mordę", but don't worry, they would update even when on hangover.Still no update? Maybe they decided to take a day off after the campaign.
There’s a few reasons. Most important, everyone deserves to love and be loved in return. Also, if that’s how a player wants to role-play, then a good gamemaster is accommodating to player’s intentions. Lastly and (maybe this is a more pragmatic reason, and another reason I like Pathfinder) it’s a part of the Pathfinder franchise itself – it’s in the very first module of the Kingmaker Adventure Path, in fact
No. The developers and I are aware of those laws, and we’re not letting it affect our decisions with romances and who you can romance in Kingmaker. We’re including same-sex relationships, open relationships, and gender-specific romances depending on the personality of the characters involved, and we’re not even limiting it to the companions – we’re expanding it further in what I feel is an interesting way (I’d say more, but I don’t want to give any spoilers)
For me, it’s just drawing from experiences in real life and listening to friends who have gone through similar relationships (and are still in them). When possible, finding someone to ask and discuss the spectrum with if you’re not familiar with it (or preferably, hire them to write the element), is also important, otherwise your character’s voice can come across as false or forced.
I’ve written homosexual and bisexual characters before (Gann in NX1, Sharon Cassidy in FNV, various NPCs), and I feel the best way to approach it isn’t by defining them solely by their sexuality, it’s starting with the individual first and let their personality shine through, and their sexuality is part of the whole of the individual.
It’s also important not to neglect the RPG setting the relationship takes place in and the nature of the individual (for example, Gann in NX1’s view of the world is defined by his ancestry, so he sees people differently than you or I would see them, since their physicality isn’t as important as what they dream, because that’s what beauty is to him) or the politics of a certain faction of the world (in Fallout New Vegas, homosexuality is accepted in Caesar’s Legion but not as much in NCR). I think this grounds the character in the world and makes both the character and world more interesting.
Lastly, I tend to treat sexuality as Iain M. Banks does in his Culture novels. If you haven’t read them, check them out.
Yes, but IIRC you need a perk for it.Does she flirt with female couriers too?