Bullying?! People pay actual money to get their names in games like this one.Do you think it's appropriate for a mod to encourage and take part in the bullying of a fellow codexer?Good stuff.
Bullying?! People pay actual money to get their names in games like this one.Do you think it's appropriate for a mod to encourage and take part in the bullying of a fellow codexer?Good stuff.
"Bullying"Do you think it's appropriate for a mod to encourage and take part in the bullying of a fellow codexer?Good stuff.
Because I can specialize my party for certain skills. The segments in which you are stuck with only your PC aren't such a commonality as to invalidate skill specialization by character. Do I increase my chances of missing something here and there due to a failed perception check or whatever? Sure, but it's not the end of the world.You still dumped INT. Why are you doing that?
Care to share where you got that portrait?For those who didn't see Codex quest NPC:![]()
More damage?What does that seven creation pts to get STR from 18 to 20 buy you?
Not the stats in particular, but all the feats & skills that one can pick and the ability to dip a few levels in a huge variety of (sub)classes.What’s hard about it? You know exactly how much it gives you. One stinking point (or 1.5 two handed multiplied on crit etc, never a ton). This isn’t close.
But in just 5 more months?can definitely confirm WOTR is going to be the best crowdfunding CRPG ever
Can confirm. Not from 4chan but beta is available on torrent trackers now. It's legit.Looks like somebody on 4chan has uploaded a torrent for beta, again don't ask me if it's safe or works alright, I'm not touching 4chan torrent links.
Her face looks like it's photoshopped. I know that's weird to say about a drawing, but it looks like someone tried to draw a person and then took that drawing and then smoothed it outOwlcat twitted it a long time ago:
bullying is wrong. No matter who it's aimed at. It's not about Lilura, it's about justice.Anti-bullying = anti-vaxxing for social skills. Imagine thinking Lilura is such a fragile, tender flower that she needs the brave Ontopoly to defend her.
How is she being bullied, you sperg?bullying is wrong. No matter who it's aimed at. It's not about Lilura, it's about justice.
I play on the default difficulty, but this game seems to overemphasize the role of spellcasting and special skills thus forcing me to take all that into account. Can't really bruteforce the game with only vanilla warriors & bowmen and a token spellcaster for a few healing and positive buffing spells, so yeah. If you don't plan your leveling up properly, seems to me that you'll end up either dying very fast or having every attack of your frontliners end up as a miss.Not the stats in particular, but all the feats & skills that one can pick and the ability to dip a few levels in a huge variety of (sub)classes.What’s hard about it? You know exactly how much it gives you. One stinking point (or 1.5 two handed multiplied on crit etc, never a ton). This isn’t close.
Seems to me that the only way to play optimally is to go through all of those and plan in advance for both your PC and your desired party up to max level.
Guess I'm just a filthy casual that can't be bothered with all that.
But why would you bother with playing "optimally"? I admit, I don't know how the highest difficulty works as I suck at this game so I won't touch it, but on Core with enemy number set to standard, I have no worries about anything regarding dips or planning everything for the next 150 hours of gameplay. I went through all 3 chapters in the Alpha without much difficulty and all I did was make Seelah a Dirge Bard at level 3 (because I never leave home without a Bard) and Lann a Freebooter and picked feats on just what seemed sensible. This approach serves me well and lets me actually enjoy the game compared to the first time I played Kingmaker and tried an "optimal" approach and ended up struggling through the entire game.
We only have datamines for Devil and the other advanced paths as they are for later in the game.Hey, does anyone know whether they implemented the Devil mythic path or not? Where can I find a list of the implemented mythic paths?
Whether you think bullying in this ase is wrong or somehow justified, how the fuk an you not see that it is plain bullying. You think putting a joke harater into a game to make fun of someone isn't bullying? You an't possibly omprehend how making fun of someone in a game ould be seen as bullying? If I'm a sperg, you're an illiterate dumbfuk.How is she being bullied, you sperg?
Whether you think bullying in this ase is wrong or somehow justified, how the fuk an you not see that it is plain bullying. You think putting a joke harater into a game to make fun of someone isn't bullying? You an't possibly omprehend how making fun of someone in a game ould be seen as bullying? If I'm a sperg, you're an illiterate dumbfuk.How is she being bullied, you sperg?