Not very Athletic, but when you get to put your finger on the scales doesn't much matter.
So schmoove. Seelah's my Booter. Gets to keep her Heavy Armor, Combat Style gives her the extra Feats she needs. Move Bane Standard Mythic Dazzling. All good. And Cam staying Shaman for Hampering Hex setting up Hard Hosilla.
Looking like Bard Regill may be a thing...
Speaking of which. Check that CON. Lets get it on!
Realized midway through that I had forgotten to rest. I realized this because I had no Channels available. We'll come back to that.
Was used to the Angelfire playthrough where the Leopard was unhittable (because Cam multiclassed right away), but here Lann took a second ZA level ( hard to pass up two feats) so Leopard is missing that all-important third level. This is potentially disastrous because Hosilla's weapon has a Fear trigger on hit and my whole strategy is built around preventing that. Cam's got it though and disaster temporarily averted. No one is coming close to tanking Hard Hosey though so need to get her down ASAP.
Seelah and Hosilla toe to toe, gotta love it. Whatta know - Seelah rolls an 11! Just enough to beat Hard Hosey's AC. Something, something, residue of design. Gonna need to fade one hit though. These are the great fights.
Got there on that one (bottom left above) and again once she rose again. This time pure skill from Lann.
Got there but not by much. Whew.
All rested up and looking forward to getting my Channels. Dammit Owlcat, time for bug report. Wait.
# of Channels a day = 3 + CHR modifier. Nailed it. We all have our flaws Infinitron. Look on the bright side - your saves will be spectacular.
And you do get WIS to Persuasion from your background.
Look how far your background and respect for the Law can take you even with no Charisma.
Found a use for Entangle. This is a tough encounter just after the Maze where there's two waves of bad guys and it's tough to avoid pulling the second. Ridiculously large size/range perfect for this.