I played this character as a supportive cleric with a heavy emphasis on buffing party saves and attack rolls, as well as reducing the same things on enemies. Guarded Hearth is a great ability to use when you encounter a boss, but unless you intend to rest spam I wouldn't bother using it outside of that. At level 9 I took 1 level in Zen Archer as well as weapon focus: shortbow. This was to take advantage of the following weapon on this character, with the monk's perfect strike ability in addition to the extra AC.
Looking back, I should have just stuck it on Lann at the time and then moved it onto Arueshalae, but I had already decided I wanted Lann to use a longbow and I was determined to stick with my decision. When it came down to Mythic feats, I did strongly consider taking additional domains. The Knowledge domain provides an aura which allows allies to reroll their attack rolls and take the better result. The Luck domain also had a nice bonus (I forgot what) and the Nobility domain had an aura which granted +2 insight to attack rolls to everyone within it. The repose domain early on is also exceedingly good for lazyness (and I do like being lazy), with an aura that provides immunity to death effects. In the end I decided not to go those routes, but they are definitely a good option. Guide to the Faithful is a really nice penalty to inflict on enemies, reducing their AC by 4. Definitely my favorite option out of the available ones.