I disagree.
I think most people -- average people -- enjoy a story where the meek are successful against far greater powers than themselves through hard work and perseverance.
The primary hero of Lord of the Rings is not Steward Boromir -- surely one of the greatest warriors of Men, who manages to fell twenty orcs singlehandedly -- nor was it Aragorn, High King of both Arnor and Gondor. Neither was it Gandalf, an ancient Istari wizard.
It was Frodo and Samwise.
OK, but ask the average person if they want to
be Frodo and/or Sam, as in, live their lives, or if they want to be a genetically superior ubermench like Aragorn, a Númenórean that at age 87 looked like a human at age ~30 and was in his physical prime, or if they want to be a nearly 3000-year-old Elf with Spiderman-tier levels of agility and vitality like Legolas etc.
That's the point of playing a Role-Playing game, you don't want to be just another average boring fuck like you are in real life (which Frodo and Sam are, except they're somewhat shorter and much braver than the average person), you want to be
exceptional in some way that you are not.
That notion is what makes most of role-players tick, but the problem is that certain settings/rulesets take it way too far, to the point where you don't even need all that "hard work and perseverance" that you mentioned because you're just too Anime-tier to give two shits about any threats (unlike the LoTR example you mentioned).