(sigh)Come on, guys...Sorc 9, Monk 1, Eldritch Knight 10.
You could put in 4 levels of dragon disciple in there.
Then invest into Initiative. Without it, your le dex tanks will collapse on turn 1. Yes, even in RTwP.I am a little fed up with the abuse of the flat footed status.
given how strong it would otherwise be with someone like Cam
Since Desi is no longer here, clearly we should suggest awful, sacrilegious ideas like taking a level dip in oracle to grab a curse and then burn a mythic feat on a 2nd curse, so you can get Powerless Prophecy without the downside. (Don't actually do this, its a terrible idea.)Then invest into Initiative. Without it, your le dex tanks will collapse on turn 1. Yes, even in RTwP.
Or classes that can get immun to being surprised.
Regardless, with high INI you will attax enemy on T1 into flat footed, killing em. And 1 turn is often what you need in d20. And if ur are archer, you also do full attax because you don't need to move.
I think that's what CohhCarnage did in his recommended builds or something. But maybe without epic prophecy?Since Desi is no longer here, clearly we should suggest awful, sacrilegious ideas like taking a level dip in oracle to grab a curse and then burn a mythic feat on a 2nd curse, so you can get Powerless Prophecy without the downside. (Don't actually do this, its a terrible idea.)
Yeah, I watched some of the content creators for the game for a bit and saw them doing things like this. I think 1 of the funniest things I saw was someone taking a level dip on kineticist into Sohei for the horse and then kiting enemies around on the horse, while they blast from its back :DI think that's what CohhCarnage did in his recommended builds or something. But maybe without epic prophecy?Since Desi is no longer here, clearly we should suggest awful, sacrilegious ideas like taking a level dip in oracle to grab a curse and then burn a mythic feat on a 2nd curse, so you can get Powerless Prophecy without the downside. (Don't actually do this, its a terrible idea.)
Basically, he turned Seelah into Oracle, and Lann into Hunter, and he is a bow Slayer. And he plays Hard.
What happened in the end is Seelah has no weapon enchants and his party has no mass smite evil; Lann, while has monk things, loses bab, and uses bow (no flanking), Cohh is slayer with bow (no flanking). And their pet (leopard) works without anything to help with flanking either. And he has Cam (just dies all the time) and Neni (due to game showering fox with special items, actually works, hilariously).
So, he gets Regill (just straight fighter) into party, and suddenly sees Regill hitting enemies with every attack and soloing Vroks.
And is very surprised, because that never happened before.
I've seen "pro gamer" kite Hosilla on Unfair for 2 hours.Yeah, I watched some of the content creators for the game for a bit and saw them doing things like this. I think 1 of the funniest things I saw was someone taking a level dip on kineticist into Sohei for the horse and then kiting enemies around on the horse, while they blast from its back :D
People really think they are good at RPGs if they rotated their abilities in WoW for 20 years.
Respeccing can cause ton of issues and last patch it was even possible to corrupt saves, maybe its fixed , maybe not.
It's safe to say you shouldn't respect after Drezen.
Final boss in Shield Maze.People really think they are good at RPGs if they rotated their abilities in WoW for 20 years.
Yep. Sadly many people now see RPG's are gear farming, cooldown managing games. But who is Hosilla?
AFAIK, cleaning the map too fast might make it harder later on due to not having that extra morale boost for destroying enemy armies and capturing forts.Skipping days in KM was a big mistake that was going to bite your ass later in the game, here as far as I understand, it shouldn't be a big deal.
Yeah, I watched some of the content creators for the game for a bit and saw them doing things like this. I think 1 of the funniest things I saw was someone taking a level dip on kineticist into Sohei for the horse and then kiting enemies around on the horse, while they blast from its back :D
You would need to waste a couple of levels to do that, yep. The raptor doesn't start large enough to mount it.Yeah, I watched some of the content creators for the game for a bit and saw them doing things like this. I think 1 of the funniest things I saw was someone taking a level dip on kineticist into Sohei for the horse and then kiting enemies around on the horse, while they blast from its back :D
I reeeally wanted to make a kineticist riding a velociraptor, but I think you can't make one without wasting more than 1 level (you would need to waste at least 3, right?), even if you make a halfling and take boon companion, am I wrong?
The difference between core and unfair is substantial, too.I read people saying here that the game is much easier if you start as a melee tank or a damage delaer, instead of caster, but I never realized how dramatic the difference is. My Wizard MC was useless compared to the cavalier.
Indeed, stuffing a game with magic resistant and damage-reducing enemies right from the tutorial tends to diminish the already low utility of vancian casters or at least limit them to buffers and ground-casters of reflex-attacking spells which circumvent magic resistance.
People meming that "oh you play on TB, so you play the game two difficulty levels lower hurr durr" while they are fucking up things left and right with their gay-ified versions of barbarians and rangers should try the game with a vancian caster - up to level 5 it felt like having one less party member.
Core is actually not a big deal at all. Maybe only Fedora should stick to Normal.
See ga♥ , you little cuck , i was right game is overtuned, i can already hear your autistic screeching over here ! And you know what they will look at end game and do exactly the same soon. See you dont matter at all for owlcat, you are nothing to them ! They are listening to me !