What they got hammered for mostly was not the fact that there was a timer, but that it wasn't clearly communicated at all.Owlcat Games got hammered for timed quests in Kingmaker, and they went with the crowd in Wrath.
In the end, the timer really wasn't so bad, you could do everything unless you rested after every encounter or sth. like that.
But the timer existing, and you not being given any clear indication as to how much time is left, not even approximately, just makes you think you have to rush through everything, no time to explore, and that's not very enjoyable in a game where exploration is a huge part of the fun.
At least I don't enjoy exploration if I know I have to be quick about it.
They really improved this a lot in Wrath by clearly marking quests as "do it in this chapter or you won't be able to do it".
And there are still place (like the siege) in which you have a clearly limited time with only a set amount of resting possibilities - it does break the narrative a bit if your party can just chill for half a day in the middle of a siege, but that still beats the alternative of toning down the encounters to suit a no-rest scenario.