Wow, really? I played the last one with a bomb-focused alchemist and had a blast teehee.
There is plenty of human enemies early that have no fire resistance and at mythic 1 you can pick that you ignore fire immunity and resistances. You are allowed to use a Heavy Crossbow vs demons until you get Mythic 1. Early you need same feats for both anyways.
Well, what can I say. Good for you. My playthrough with him was pretty drudging for many initial hours. Combat-wise an unsignificant archer, an off-caster, but his main - bombs - useless in 1/2 of encounters due to those all-energy-resists of most demons. Yes, until the Mythic or higher levels, good point, thank you. But that doesn't come really that early and I didn't know. After the battle, everyone is a general...
My thinking wasn't a good one, I agree. I mutliclassed early to make up for the bombs. One error upon another. Extensive respec later isn't always a fun prospect, and I suppose I am hardly the only one who found out something rather useless only too late. The bomber isn't that clear, pure, easy-fun damage-mayhem as it was in P:K unless given a quite considerate approach from the beginning. A paradox really. Hence my advice.