Brothers, how does Spirited Charge work? Or, does it work? I haven't played with mounted combat until now outside of giving Daeran a wolf to help with him being a lazy bastard, but now I'm trying a mounted build for Seelah. Thing is, I only saw it trigger once and I have no idea how. If I charge from outside of combat, it doesn't work, since Charge seems wonky, the horse attacks first, then Seelah waits to roll initiative then attacks and is no longer considered charging (still gets the AB bonus from charging, but no double damage). But if I charge while already in combat, it still doesn't trigger, from what I figure because of the way the rounds go, with Seelah generally getting her round after the horse. I'm trying to micromanage it so that she would get her attack before the mount, but not having much luck and, if that's the case, then it's a damn pain in the ass to get it right.