My problem with Ember has to do with verisimilitude. On multiple levels. For the first level, there is the juxtaposition between Ember's conversions and Arueshalae (who I also have problems with, but for different reasons). Arueshalae took the intervention of a god to redeem and her redemption is a slow, difficult process. Ember's "redemptions" (when you follow that part of her quest) are by comparison much swifter and are not depicted as being anywhere near as personally daunting. Even if you are to account for the 6 month time wait between when you leave the Nocticula's city to go fight Hepzamirah and when you spoke to the citizens of the abyss, a redemption that swift with no further encouragement from Ember is, in my mind, immersion ruining. Added to that, demons are supposed to be a literal embodiment of evil. A demon choosing to change their nature should be an incredibly rare occurrence. Whilst true, relative to the total number of existing demons, the number redeemed is still "low," all of this redemption happening in such a short period of time does seem to be a bit implausible. Her redeeming Nocticula takes the breaking of immersion even further. In my opinion, a better outcome for Ember's quest, with the perspective of trying to maintain some degree of realism, would be for her to try to redeem them and ultimately fail, regardless of whether you encourage her or belittle her. The difference, between the two outcomes should come from personal character development for Ember, not from demons magically being redeemed. The evil outcome can remain as is, the good outcome however, should have you encourage her to keep trying, where she resolves to continue on with her hope in spite of her failures. Having her "learn" to persevere through failure would, in my opinion, be a much better quest outcome.