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KickStarter Peripeteia - Deus Ex-inspired FPS/RPG set in anime cyberpunk Poland


Poland Stronk
Staff Member
Aug 6, 2014
Strap Yourselves In Codex Year of the Donut
Great art direction. But conspicuously no dev updates on the state of town hubs. Does this mean that the game takes place entirely inside mission or always-hostile zones?


Nov 27, 2018
Been a little bit since I checked in on this, but I'm kind of disappointed to see Kickstarter updates talking about "listening to the community". The customer is not always right; the customer is an absolute retard. That said, the new enemy models look fine, good even, but I personally prefer the boxy low-polygon-count Deus Ex vibe of the original models. I just hope they don't "listen to the community" too closely or else this game is going to be overflowing with decline. I'm already shaking my head at the shit-brained reward tier they had on offer which grants the backers who bought it the right to design one of the areas. Other games have tried similar things in the past and the backer-designed levels/areas/characters/quests/ect. always end up being complete and total fucking garbage, especially if they get to write dialog the cringe is overwhelming. I just hope they have enough sense if it turns out like shit, which it likely will, to put an option in the main menu to play the game with backer content disabled.
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Codex Staff
Staff Member
May 29, 2010
Great art direction. But conspicuously no dev updates on the state of town hubs. Does this mean that the game takes place entirely inside mission or always-hostile zones?
It's Polish Deus Ex so that's a given.


Mar 28, 2020
Been a little bit since I checked in on this, but I'm kind of disappointed to see Kickstarter updates talking about "listening to the community". The customer is not always right; the customer is an absolute retard. That said, the new enemy models look fine, good even, but I personally prefer the boxy low-polygon-count Deus Ex vibe of the original models. I just hope they don't "listen to the community" too closely or else this game is going to be overflowing with decline. I'm already shaking my head at the shit-brained reward tier they had on offer which grants the backers who bought it the right to design one of the areas. Other games have tried similar things in the past and the backer-designed levels/areas/characters/quests/ect. always end up being complete and total fucking garbage, especially if they get to write dialog the cringe is overwhelming. I just hope they have enough sense if it turns out like shit, which it likely will, to put an option in the main menu to play the game with backer content disabled.
Ahh this is worrisome. I'm interested in this game exactly because it seems do things differently than usual, for example the levels. Listening to criticism is good but you have to have the lucidity to keep your vision together.
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Ninth Exodus
Nov 8, 2021
Been a little bit since I checked in on this, but I'm kind of disappointed to see Kickstarter updates talking about "listening to the community". The customer is not always right; the customer is an absolute retard. That said, the new enemy models look fine, good even, but I personally prefer the boxy low-polygon-count Deus Ex vibe of the original models. I just hope they don't "listen to the community" too closely or else this game is going to be overflowing with decline. I'm already shaking my head at the shit-brained reward tier they had on offer which grants the backers who bought it the right to design one of the areas. Other games have tried similar things in the past and the backer-designed levels/areas/characters/quests/ect. always end up being complete and total fucking garbage, especially if they get to write dialog the cringe is overwhelming. I just hope they have enough sense if it turns out like shit, which it likely will, to put an option in the main menu to play the game with backer content disabled.

Trust me when I say, we don't plan on redditifying the game if that's what you're worried about. We have absolutely no desire to "listen to the community" in any ways that change the game in any significant way. That is what makes bland, uninteresting, "guide the player" stuff. Though frankly, I actually can't find the post where we said we'd do that. https://twitter.com/90sGraphics/status/1425985236056231936 Is this what you're referring to? If so, what we meant was bugfixes lmao.

As for the backer level? I think most will be pleased to know we don't intend to have them design the flow and style of it directly. Rather, they helped us brainstorm a concept for where the level would take place, its kind of unique look, etc. Search up Norilsk if you want a teaser.

Great art direction. But conspicuously no dev updates on the state of town hubs. Does this mean that the game takes place entirely inside mission or always-hostile zones?
There are non-hostile zones within levels, but in general the size of the levels makes town hubs kinda irrelevant.


Nov 27, 2018
Trust me when I say, we don't plan on redditifying the game if that's what you're worried about. We have absolutely no desire to "listen to the community" in any ways that change the game in any significant way. That is what makes bland, uninteresting, "guide the player" stuff. Though frankly, I actually can't find the post where we said we'd do that. https://twitter.com/90sGraphics/status/1425985236056231936 Is this what you're referring to? If so, what we meant was bugfixes lmao.

Nah, I paraphrased, but specifically the quote, "By popular demand, character models are getting an overhaul...", in update 14. Regardless, I have confidence in the product so long as the game doesn't get needlessly dumbed down, which is what tends to happen when devs take the popular demand too seriously. My argument is that when devs hear from people, it is almost never based on actual consensus, it's just the loudest people being loud. People without complaints don't have any reason to complain about something so they are silent, but when someone is unhappy about something they will make a lot of noise, sometimes an overwhelming amount of noise compared to the respectively small number of them which can warp perspective and make it look like what they want is what everyone wants, when in reality it's only those few people. I believe developers should stick by their vision. Fix bugs that crop up, yes, but otherwise take little input from outside influence.


I post news
Staff Member
Jan 28, 2011
Codex Year of the Donut Serpent in the Staglands Dead State Divinity: Original Sin Project: Eternity Torment: Tides of Numenera Wasteland 2 Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 A Beautifully Desolate Campaign Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire Pathfinder: Kingmaker Pathfinder: Wrath I'm very into cock and ball torture I helped put crap in Monomyth
No more anime, you won Codex:

We hear you loud and clear. We made some changes to our protagonist.
Say goodbye to Marie. Meet Marty Marine; a generic, brown-eyed, mean looking guy holding a gun. Expect him to look broodingly into the distance on the box art.


News Cyborg
Aug 24, 2019
Hopefully the partial timezone overlap between April Fools and Screen Saturday didn't fool you! Our protagonist did in fact get a makeover, but not that extreme. The used background music is an intro to llwll's NUE Tomie, check it out!


yes plz

Jul 14, 2008
Pathfinder: Wrath
i don't remember seeing that character in Nightmare Before Christmas, what scene is that from?

Lyre Mors

Nov 8, 2007
It's certainly better. I'd say it makes a good compromise.

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