Thanks again Rincewind . I'll grab these exact collections when I'm at my PC and on the server. Appreciate u being patient with me. I also heard Amiga emulation can be difficult or something? What emulator is recommended there?
I use WinUAE, and that is quite hard to configure for people who never owned an Amiga as you need to have some knowledge about the hardware and the OS. To use WHDLoad, you need to set up a hardfile and the OS itself for a virtual Amiga 1200. If you only want to use Amiga 500 emulation with floppies, that's a lot easier, but then you cannot use the WHDLoad games, just the floppy versions... that's not the way to go.
I heard that FS-UAE is a lot user friendlier, but I never used it myself. Maybe give that a go first. There must be lots of youtube guides on FS-UAE with WHDLoad games. Then if you're really stuck, I might just zip up my whole properly configured WinUAE setup and upload it somewhere and give you some instructions on how to add new games.