Bah.Can't argue with someone who doesn't understand monopoly.
You don't get it, do you?When people care more about the launcher than the game. And shitheads are so triggered that they're okay with pirating the game. Get over yourself. Don't want, don't buy, but pirating because you cannot play it on Uncle Gaben's launcher is dumb.
I'd like to see you in Epic's shoes. What'd you do? You'd end up just like GOG with only 1% of gamers buying there, cuz no steam, no buy.
Kinda funny except if you are from ChinaQuestion: Backers who backed the game from China can't even install the Epic Launcher, since Epic Games actively blocks the Launcher there. Why do they have to wait 1 year now because you decided that?
How could I, as a backer, even play the game in China? I could easily do it via GOG or Steam.
Answer:We're looking into our options for China right now, and hope to have something to share on that topic soon.
That'd still be 300 people in one day. Quite a few for a fairly small shitstarter.They claim that only 3% have requested refunds, and at the same time I see people mentioning some kind of form they have to fill out after requesting refunds... I haven't gotten anything?
So I don't really believe that claim, something is fudged up.
That depends on what exactly you look at.Is it really monopoly when there's comparable products available or coming into markets?
Xenonauts 2 is coming and there's lots of other tactical games that are sold on other stores.
Julian Gollop said:Phoenix Point will be DRM free, and will run without the Epic Launcher. You can uninstall it after downloading or updating, and the game will run fine. You can even add it to your Steam library manually.
All backers will get at least 3 major DLC packs throughout the year. If you only want to play on Steam/, you will get a Steam/gog key after the exclusive year has ended which will include all the DLC up to that point.
Yes, we did expect some people to be upset by the Epic deal, and we did not make this decision lightly. We have enough resources to release the game, but the Epic deal will help the game enormously in terms of quality and post-release content. It helps give our employees security and gives them the confidence they can get the job done, despite the stress and high expectations.
Julian Gollop said:Good question. There were certainly big problems with the original X-COM - lack of tutorials, poor interface, lack fo feedback, fiddly inventory management. We are taking a few lessons from modern XCOMs, while keeping and improving on some stuff in the old ones. Phoenix Point also takes some ideas from X-COM Apocalypse, with multiple human factions and agendas. I want it to have more of a simulation / sandbox feel, but with some strong story lines from each faction.
Julian Gollop said:We will be supporting some limited modding post-release, but it will not come before the first major DLC. We don't know yet what modding support Epic will be providing in the future, but we will provide a custom solution if necessary.
Julian Gollop said:Yes - all the proposed DLC from the Fig campaign will be implemented, plus more. We plan at least 3 major DLC packs which include new missions, storylines, aliens, equipment etc. Backers who ordered the living weapons/armour sets will get those as an exclusive DLC pack in addition. We will be supporting the game with extra content as soon as possible after release and throughout the following year. We are definitely in it for the long haul.
some Reddit dude said:
- If we redeem our backer keys on Epic, can we redeem it again on Steam/GoG when the game becomes available on those platforms.? Sorry you may already have answered this put it’s lost in all the other posts.
- What sort of DLC can we expect in the first year? Will this be content that didn’t make the stretch goals? Will it be mostly cosmetic or substantial gameplay/content additions?
- Did you have the funds & resources necessary to complete the game, with the promised content for release in September prior to making the deal with Epic?
- Did you evaluate the impact of switching to Epic and the exclusivity deal on fig investor returns (not backers) during the negotiating period?
- Did you approach Epic, or did Epic approach you?
- Have you had any indication from Valve or CD Projekt red that they will not host your game on their platforms, because of your deal with Epic?
Julian Gollop said:
- Yes, you will get a Steam or gog key after the first year in addition to your Epic key. It will include all DLC released up to that date.
- There will be at least 3 major DLC packs. The first will be the sea-base/missions pack. Other content will include new storylines, factions, alien threats and game mechanics.
- Yes we did, but the Epic deal will help the game in several ways. It allows to commit more to the launch withouth risk, and more to supporting the game immediately post launch.
- Our fig investors will definitely get the best return possible. If you are a fig investor, please contact fig directly because we can't share confidential information here.
- We approached Epic.
- No.
some Reddit dude said:Epic games hate blah blah all that, but besides the hate, I still have genuine questions.
- Will there be an action cam similar to Xcom2s? I loved seeing a close of up of my soldier or an alien getting blown away, I would at least like the option.
- How many voice lines will you be adding, mostly for aliens, because if I hear that alien say that damn line one more time while he shoots me i'm gonna flip.
- Would it be possible to add some old time war weaponry and such? I know its all futuristic and stuff but if there are rag tag teams in cities I would imagine they don't get the top of the line gear.
- Ragdoll physics, this is small thing to me but I think they go a long way in making the game just have that feel, will you be improving them? For example reactions to multiple shots, even after death etc. This is also another reason why I loved the action cam in Xcom2, even though it didn't have the best physics.
Julian Gollop said:
- Yes absolutely - there will be plenty (you will also be able to turn them off if you wish).
- The aliens will have quite a few more barks in BR4, with more yet to come. Soldiers will also get them.
- The independent havens have soldiers that look like bandits with rough looking weapons. Still from the future though.
- Yes, we will be improving them, during our polish phase. The environment destruction will also be getting a major overhaul.
David Kaye said:I'm not sure if this is the answer you're looking for, but in doing this deal we felt that we were putting the interests of our backers first. We think that most of the people that backed the game want us to deliver the best game possible, and support it for a long time. This deal helps us do that.
Yep, because obviously X-com was such a perfect game, you cannot criticise it. It has no fault, it is the pinnacle of human technology. And if you dare to respectfully point out some weaker points, it is considered shitting on the game. Jesus this place.Shitting on the original X-com, always good.
I thought about that too. Its often I don't even touch games for almost a year after release now, especially complicated ones like there going to be dedicated modding like in NU-XCOM? If so, another reason to wait. I did not touch XCOM 2 Until Long War had been out and patched for about a year anyway..So in the end, we gonna get the game a year later in Steam? Probably patched up and with less bugs? With the current trend of releasing games filled with bugs this might actually be good
at the risk of embarrassing myself, what the fuck discord?I certainly hope that the Epic Store is a success.
Mostly because I also hope that this will lead to Valve being broken from their lethargy and actually improving their client, and not only by improving the algorithm that determines which games you see in the store...
Fabulously optimistic, I know, but who knows, in four years, we might have a better Steam plus other client/community/launcher packages that are good as well.
Or this changes the landscape so now exclusives becomes the norm and any major title will be exclusive to something.
In that case, I can only hope software like Playnite and Lutris really take off.
Imho i hope that soon there will be so many launchers that whole point of launchers will go away and everything will be tied to frontends in similar fashion to Discord.
Already discord is killing those launchers because all social aspects are taken out of those launchers killing their idea of "ecosystem". Your gaming friends list is on discord not in steam or other launchers.