[Intellect 19] Logically, whatever natural system was in place previously was co-opted by the Wheel to the extent that it now requires the Wheel to function.No joke. I just replayed Deadfire and I had forgotten just how bad it was. I mean the whole central conceit of the plot is just so fucking massively retarded I have no idea how it passed even one quick review. Eothas is going to destroy the wheel which the gods claim is bad because it will supposedly lead to Eora running out of souls... Only the wheel was man made in the first place so how could things have survived for the thousands of years before that?
If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it probably is a duckPillars of Eternity Plot Twist: The Gods were fake all along!
Who cares, though. They continue with this god nonsense and it's just cringey and boring. Stop it.
Nothing about Woedica challenge, nothing about new subclasses... priorities.
Leaked text in the game files suggests that the gods used to all be physical, and Magran and Wael covered it up.
There's also a line that indicates the gods may have existed before the Engwithans created the wheel, but it's less clear.
The point is to undercut the very nature of authority by revealing the artifice behind all leadership. If the gods are products created by people to fulfill a function, then what entitles them to dominion over and the worship of mortals?If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it probably is a duck
The "not real gods!" thing was incredibly dumb. If they wanted to argue that they're not the equivalent of an omnipotent deity(e.g., Abrahamic God), then, sure. But for all intents and purposes, they are gods. To the best of my knowledge, there is no rule that says a god may not have once been a mortal.
As for the new God if I'm reading it correctly it's
Concelhaut. That asshole gets a new body and becomes a God? Are you shitting me?
If the gods are products created by people to fulfill a function, then what entitles them to dominion over and the worship of mortals?
The point is to undercut the very nature of authority by revealing the artifice behind all leadership. If the gods are products created by people to fulfill a function, then what entitles them to dominion over and the worship of mortals?
As for the new God if I'm reading it correctly it's
Concelhaut. That asshole gets a new body and becomes a God? Are you shitting me?
Where did you see this? I'm pretty sure you're mistaken.
How big are the changes to the ending slides? Just isolated new ones like the White March's or changes to original ending slides, too?
The base game and PoE for that matter already confirmed this at multiple points, nothing new to report. At no point was ever explained why such a retarded solution was conceived. Perhaps they will explain that with...Leaked text in the game files suggests that the gods used to all be physical, and Magran and Wael covered it up.
That's moderately amusing, but as someone else has said - this shit with the gods is just embarrassing in just how silly the way they are handling it is. Let them just stop.There's also a line that indicates the gods may have existed before the Engwithans created the wheel, but it's less clear.
Is using Unity_Console mod still the only way to enable PathOfTheDamned?
If I wanted to make the weapon proficiency abilities to be passives, all I need to change is the "IsPassive: false" to true, right?
I want to "balance" the bonus/penalty from each weapon proficiency and turn it into a Passive ability, basically similarly to how Proficiencies were in PoE1 in a way. As things are right now they're all completely useless.
2nd question: Did a recent patch lock up the gamedatabundle files in the game dir? I just now did a few minor changes that aren't showing up inside the game, however if I make a seperate file with the new values and put it in Override folder then the changes stick.
EDIT: Alternatively what would be the steps required to take the bonus Devoted gives your proficient weapons and apply it to the weapon proficiencies and then turn them passives? Rather, what I'm really asking is:
how do I simply add a new "bonus" or "penalty" to an ability, say adding an Accuracy bonus to the estoc's vulnerable thrust? Simply tweaking the proficiency's bonus/penalties wouldn't fix them as a lot of them have very bad/useless bonuses to begin with that no amount of tuning would make worth having as a passive.
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"HealthPercentage": 0,
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3rd question: what do I need to change to make the Assassin_Passive triger a AFF_Flanked?
I want to make it so that when the Rogue-Assassin hits an enemy from stealth the assassinated blow will land with the normal buffs the sub-class gives it but also leave the enemy with flanked affliction, so that the following normal attack will be a sneak attack.
(Obviously I would then lower the Assassin_Passive bonuses to compensate for it now leaving the enemy afflicted, but that is as simple as changing numbers so it goes without saying).
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"Icon": "gui/icons/abilities/talents/class_rogue.png",
"UsageType": "None",
"UsageValue": 0,
"AbilityClassID": "8efd7667-8bc9-4020-b7f6-5a91b9d04e48",
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"ActivationPrerequisites": {
"Conditional": {
"Operator": 0,
"Components": [{
"$type": "OEIFormats.FlowCharts.ConditionalCall, OEIFormats",
"Data": {
"FullName": "Boolean IsCharacterStealthed(Guid)",
"Parameters": ["011111e9-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"],
"Flags": "",
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"FunctionHash": 1739009647,
"ParameterHash": 643611138
"Not": false,
"Operator": 1
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"$type": "OEIFormats.FlowCharts.ConditionalCall, OEIFormats",
"Data": {
"FullName": "Boolean HasStatusEffectWithKeyword(Guid, Guid)",
"Parameters": ["011111e9-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "fe80a668-dcb3-4cea-ae2e-70d47dc91348"],
"Flags": "",
"UnrealCall": "",
"FunctionHash": -1392641717,
"ParameterHash": 1237200400
"Not": false,
"Operator": 1
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"Conditional": {
"Operator": 0,
"Components": []
"DeactivationPrerequisites": {
"Conditional": {
"Operator": 0,
"Components": [{
"$type": "OEIFormats.FlowCharts.ConditionalCall, OEIFormats",
"Data": {
"FullName": "Boolean IsCharacterStealthed(Guid)",
"Parameters": ["011111e9-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"],
"Flags": "",
"UnrealCall": "",
"FunctionHash": 1739009647,
"ParameterHash": 643611138
"Not": true,
"Operator": 0
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"$type": "OEIFormats.FlowCharts.ConditionalCall, OEIFormats",
"Data": {
"FullName": "Boolean HasStatusEffectWithKeyword(Guid, Guid)",
"Parameters": ["011111e9-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "fe80a668-dcb3-4cea-ae2e-70d47dc91348"],
"Flags": "",
"UnrealCall": "",
"FunctionHash": -1392641717,
"ParameterHash": 1237200400
"Not": true,
"Operator": 0
"PowerLevelScaling": {
"ScalingType": "Default",
"BaseLevel": 0,
"LevelIncrement": 1,
"MaxLevel": 0,
"DamageAdjustment": 1,
"DurationAdjustment": 1,
"BounceCountAdjustment": 0,
"ProjectileCountAdjustment": 0,
"AccuracyAdjustment": 0,
"PenetrationAdjustment": 0
"StatusEffectKeywordsIDs": [],
"StatusEffectsIDs": ["f85cc495-3fd0-41ba-8138-5b77da673050", "2a615612-6c4f-4199-91f2-f9f91e038c2b", "b0948282-067f-4e4d-87af-cf6d1b07b63e"],
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"SelfMaterialReplacementID": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
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"StatusEffectsIDs": ["f85cc495-3fd0-41ba-8138-5b77da673050", "2a615612-6c4f-4199-91f2-f9f91e038c2b", "b0948282-067f-4e4d-87af-cf6d1b07b63e","fe62d3e8-663b-4a56-afa6-ad39f3807880"],
oh, another question (to anyone):
Is using Unity_Console mod still the only way to enable PathOfTheDamned?
Is it possible to change it using just the console? I'd rather not install unity_console if I can avoid it as it makes the game lag/crash randomly (it's out of date I believe, it works but prone to random shit happening cos author hasn't kept up with patches).
Difficulty 3