Prophet of the Dumpsterfire
Yes it seems in kingmaker most the fights are trash.
Trash mob - something that takes very little thinking power to get through, might be included for pacing and/or resource management reasonsnever understood this codex meme of "Trash mobs".
if the combat is good, there is no such thing as a trash mob.
never understood this codex meme of "Trash mobs".
if the combat is good, there is no such thing as a trash mob.
"Trash encounter" is an encounter that takes no effort or tactics, it is something you just mop up that isn't actually an unique encounter. A lot of rtwp is full of these as "padding".
"Trash encounter" is an encounter that takes no effort or tactics, it is something you just mop up that isn't actually an unique encounter. A lot of rtwp is full of these as "padding".
but if the combat is good, then what does it matter? you enjoy the combat, therefore no encounter is bad. An encounter that "takes no effort or tactics" is indicative of a bad combat system, I think.
Josh Sawyer has spoken in the past about how being an acquired studio is the worst of both worlds. Fairfax can provide the direct quote, I don't care enough about it anymore.Unfortunately we were unable to get NVidia to provide us support for this issue.
Tsk tsk, what's the point of being a Microsoft studio if you still get treated like a bum
Josh Sawyer said:i had a lot of problems with the design and gameplay choices bioware made, but EA really just shot the company in the head with a bolt gun.
publisher buyouts: not even once.
being a publisher-owned dev and away from the publisher HQ combines the worst elements of being independent and publisher-owned. the publisher has no trust in what you're doing and hurls mid-level managers and supervisors at you while they main complete authority over resources and the existence of the studio/project as a whole. because publisher-owned dev studios are also part of a larger pool of employees, the publisher has more incentive to treat those studios and their devs like fungible goods. that's how they treat independent devs as well, but independent devs can at least attempt to use competition to their advantage (usually failing in the process).
the mobile market and emerging mid-core market hopefully mean that devs who are chewed up in the grinder of QUADRUPLE A publisher-driven game dev can flip everyone off and start small companiesquoted for posterity you'll never work in this industry again after Bethesda buys out obsidian for failing to meet fallout: new Miami benchmarks
Redmond Washington, close to Seattle.Where is MS HQ?They have that new Initiative studio and Inxile rather close to each other, they shouldn't be too far away from attention I guess.
never understood this codex meme of "Trash mobs".
if the combat is good, there is no such thing as a trash mob.
Though given the money he's making, I doubt we'll be seeing the Real Sawyersidian off-shoot.
Nobody has got any idea about this?Question about Sissak in Forgotten Sanctum:
Apparently I should be able to resolve this peacefully if I give him the Warden Contract. I do have this contract, but I can't give it to him, only say that I might look for it, which leads to fighting him
Is this a bug, or am I missing something?
The Final Megaboss
That would be particularly cruel since the honorable and smart way of actually completing this is to have an "all the boxes ticked except iron man" save file where you do everything perfectly first, then you do it on the real save.Imagine some poor soul actually getting all the way to Ukaizo only to find out that you have to beat the secret Eothas bossfight to complete The Ultimate :D
Sawyer's text on gamer bushido discourages backing up your iron man save, he said nothing about having a practice run save. Can't succeed without practice you know.That doesn't strike me as particularly honourable
This is the dumbest assortment of words put together I have yet seen.Sawyer's text on gamer bushido