We have discussed a few ideas for Health/Stamina. The major ones are:
* Call Stamina Endurance. This is a minor/feelsy one, but a lot of people still associate Stamina with something like "mana" or other power-based resources.
* Change the color of the Health bar as it depletes. It's green or blue (colorblind mode) when Health is in the top third, yellow in the middle third, and flashing red in the bottom third.
* Multiply all Health values by 4 (or 6 in the case of barbarians) and make all damage 1:1 for both Health and Stamina. Currently you take Health damage at 1/4 the rate (or 1/6 the rate, for barbs) as Stamina damage. The high Health values would seem non-D&Dish, but would make clear that whatever damage you take is directly done to both stats equally -- you just have a LOT more Health.
* When survival is effectively limited by Health, not Stamina (meaning the character will die/get maimed when Health drops before Stamina drops), the Stamina overlay will be visually limited/capped to make it clear that you are in the danger zone. Characters won't heal Stamina over that limit, the bottom of the red fill will have a suitably terminal-looking line at the edge, and the red fill itself will flash.