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Eternity Pillars of Eternity II Beta Thread [GAME RELEASED, GO TO NEW THREAD]


Apr 10, 2013
The resentment in his voice as he says "dwarf women growing beards is not a thing in this world" :lol:
That's kind of a shame, as it could give those characters a bit more visual character. Of course there weren't any dwarf women with beards in the first game, but it makes sense to me that in a multi-species environment, female dwarves might feel self-conscious about having facial hair around females of other species like humans and elves


Very impressed by the lighting system. That looks damn good.

Performance also looks a LOT better. There were a few moments, although they were not many, with a lot of spells being cast that I had the impression (although I'm not sure) that it dropped below 60fps.

According to information from the stream, they were running it on a relatively modest system with a GTX 970, an i7 3.40 GHz processor (maybe an i7-2600?) and 16 GB of RAM.
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Oct 31, 2017
Tikawara and poko kohara? Neketaka? What kind of game am I looking at here? Is my consternation just from being a Romance language bigot, or is our Baldur's Gate successor attempting to educate the culturally illiterate white masses about the exotic aspects of the people my ancestors conquered?

I'm still excited, of course.


Aug 23, 2005
smart camera is legit the best new feature out of EVERYTHING in PoE 2.

I used to use it a lot in NWN2.

And its something one of the programmers did on his lunch break without being asked :despair:

Prime Junta

Tikawara and poko kohara? Neketaka? What kind of game am I looking at here? Is my consternation just from being a Romance language bigot, or is our Baldur's Gate successor attempting to educate the culturally illiterate white masses about the exotic aspects of the people my ancestors conquered?

Dude, BG2 was set in a place called Athkatla.


Proud owner of BG 3: Day of Swen's Tentacle
Nov 23, 2014
At large
PC RPG Website of the Year, 2015 Make the Codex Great Again! Grab the Codex by the pussy Insert Title Here RPG Wokedex Divinity: Original Sin 2 A Beautifully Desolate Campaign Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag. Pathfinder: Wrath
They won't touch anything about the sounds sliders and music system in the remaining five weeks, even though Justin Bell was planning big changes for PoE2...

There is still no way to turn footsteps down without turning all effects down. I just hope the ambient audio isn't super-quiet again.

Adam had turned down the music so that it won't interfere with the people talking, but in a normal game the looping music will get repeptitive quick once again... FFS, Obsidian, is it that difficult to spot such things?

I also didn't understand from Josh's response if modding the main HUD buttons and background UI texture will be as easy as editing exported png files.
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Oct 31, 2017
Dude, BG2 was set in a place called Athkatla.
Athkatla is a fantasy Constantinople. Eastern influences mixed with a western foundation. And yes, I may be exaggerating about the exotic language insertions. I haven't played the beta. But to me, Hawaiian and Pacific Islander languages have always been extremely niche and irrelevant. I think when one sees them prominently in popular culture, it's natural to push back a bit.


Oct 31, 2017
Okay, I let my crusade against over-diversification spill over. I'm sure PoE2 will treat every race/species/ethnicity/sexual orientation/gender with the appropriate politically correct level of respect. Thank you for reading.

Prime Junta

whats bad about being diverse

It can cut two ways. It can serve as a corrective to blind spots, reminding you that most places have people who are different from you, and including them as fully-rounded characters rather than cannon fodder, wank material, background colour, or not at all can make your world and your story more interesting, lively, and real.

Or it can turn into tokenism or rainbow coalition idiocy (see: Dragon Age: Inquisition.)

To put it another way, if you're making, to pick an example completely at random, a historical RPG set in the late middle ages in some Eastern European backwoods country, it's kind of silly to expect that there are lots of dark-skinned people around, or lots of women as blacksmiths or militia, or lots of men as nursemaids. However, if there are no Jews anywhere, or if they're portrayed as one-dimensional caricatures, then it is worth suggesting that maybe the people who wrote the game could have thought a bit more about diversity.


I just finished VtM:B (again), and am having Thoughts about it. It represents both the best and the worst of the pre-GG era, when men were men, women had boob physics, and games were of, by, and for bright pasty teenagers dealing with nocturnal emissions.
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sunset tequila
Mar 27, 2016
Disco Elysium
Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
bioaware games really are a bad example of using diversity. aka tokenism like junta said.

it really is all depending on context and situation.

a port city / trade center even in early renaissance era or even medieval really, would make sense if they have quite a diverse group of ethnicity and races.
a backwater villages (like rattay in kcd, etc) and more rural area would mostly have really homogenic culture and DNA.

a cyberpunk urban future where old ideologies are mostly abandoned, it would make sense to have pink haired, nipple pierced gay couples , etc but not in a heavily christian village.

it works the same in fictions too. if there are different ethnicity in a world where travel was rare for common people what makes this particular place rife with diversity? is it trade? slave import? war immigrants? then portray it realistically at least with common sense. if a multiverse is real, then it would be slim to find a world where first generation war immigrant to live prosperous and hold a job that's more important than proletariats or peasants. social mobility can happen within severa; generations, depending on politics and open mindedness of the locales.

if there are homosexual couple in a medieval town, make the context of the world in sense with it. maybe an open minded religion is one of the dominant faith in that country/world town. or maybe they are genertically engineered humans to act less violent and hypersexual (like the anime shinsenkai yori, which some lewd scenes makes sense in the detailed and incredible worldbuilding). generally most bigot not even exclusive to this place probably hate any hint of "diversity" but i don't really mind if it is done within context and not too preachy.


Oct 12, 2008
I think I might love the new camera system. We'll see if it ends up being restrictive in any way, but I hate always nudging the camera in these games so much...
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Aug 23, 2005
"smart camera" was in NWN games (in 2 especially more so as it also worked in top-down view just like PoE 2) and its also been in other games

my only worry regarding poe2 smart camera is if it will automaticaly disable itself if you press WASD to move it somewhere, and then you have to reenable it by pressing a dedicated key or something.

my preference would be that it snaps back automatically once you stop pressing the WASD key ie like a Slingshot effect.

EDIT: actually a RUBBER BAND effect woud be more accurate.


Jul 8, 2017
Bosnia and Herzegovina
I must say that after watching this stream we are hitting new levels of incline that should not be possible. I dont get complaints about combat it looks good and plays good not counting clusterfuck opacity.


Jul 8, 2017
Bosnia and Herzegovina
This screenshot is hiding one of the most surprising features of PoE 2: People can finally sit!!! Even on chairs or crates!!!

No more empty tables in the Inns i hope

In POE you could sit in cad nue throne room...

Yeah but i wanna also NPCs to sit like normal people do.

Speaking of which, i noticed they added a lot of NPCs walking around in the beta village with last update. Now it feels more alive than ever. And despite that, better performance
People are sititng in black hound inn in first poe

Nope, they are not.

They are not drinking in standind position and i dont count BB npcs


Mar 8, 2015
Rome, IT
This screenshot is hiding one of the most surprising features of PoE 2: People can finally sit!!! Even on chairs or crates!!!

No more empty tables in the Inns i hope

In POE you could sit in cad nue throne room...

Yeah but i wanna also NPCs to sit like normal people do.

Speaking of which, i noticed they added a lot of NPCs walking around in the beta village with last update. Now it feels more alive than ever. And despite that, better performance
People are sititng in black hound inn in first poe

Nope, they are not.

They are not drinking in standind position and i dont count BB npcs

Man, go replay the game. In the black hound inn nobody is sitting. Nobody.

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